Key | Title | Description | Example |
hello |
Hello Message | Received upon connection before authentication | {"type": "hello", "serial": "<some_serial>", "hostname": "Wattpilot_<some_serial>", "friendly_name": "<some_name>", "manufacturer": "fronius", "devicetype": "wattpilot", "version": "36.3", "protocol": 2, "secured": true} |
authRequired |
Auth Required | Received after hello to ask for authentication | {"type": "authRequired", "token1": "<some_token>", "token2": "<some_token>"} |
auth |
Auth Message | This message is sent from the client to Wattpilot to perform an authentication. | {"type": "auth", "token3": "<some_token>", "hash": "<some_hash>"} |
authSuccess |
Auth Success | Received after sending a correct authentication message | {"type": "authSuccess", "token3": "<some_token>", "hash": "<some_hash>"} |
authError |
Auth Error | Received after sending an incorrect authentication message (e.g. wrong password) | {"type": "authError", "token3": "<some_token>", "hash": "<some_hash>", "message": "Wrong password"} |
fullStatus |
Full Status | Set of messages received after successful connection. These messages contain all properties of Wattpilot. partial:true means that more fullStatus messages will be sent with additional properties. |
{"type": "fullStatus", "partial": true, "status": {"mod": 1, "rfb": 1698, "stao": null, "alw": true, "acu": 6, "acui": 6, "adi": true, "dwo": null, "tpa": 0}} |
deltaStatus |
Delta Status | Whenever a property changes a Delta Status is sent | {"type": "deltaStatus", "status": {"rfb": 1699, "utc": "2022-04-22T10:44:08.865.407", "loc": "2022-04-22T12:44:08.866.280 +02:00", "rbt": 1560937433, "nrg": [236, 235, 235, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "fhz": 49.937, "rcd": 5, "lps": 61, "tpcm": [4, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 3, 0, 0, 47, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12]}} |
clearInverters |
Clear Inverters | Unknown | {"type": "clearInverters", "partial": true} |
updateInverter |
Update Inverter | Contains information of connected PV inverter / power meter | {"type": "updateInverter", "partial": false, "id": "<some_id>", "paired": true, "deviceFamily": "DataManager", "label": "<some_name>", "model": "PILOT", "commonName": "pilot-0.5e-<some_id>", "ip": "<some_ip>", "connected": true, "reachableMdns": true, "reachableUdp": true, "reachableHttp": true, "status": 0, "message": "ok"} |
securedMsg |
Secured Message | Is sent by the client to change a property value. | {"type": "securedMsg", "data": "{\"type\": \"setValue\", \"requestId\": 1, \"key\": \"nmo\", \"value\": true}", "requestId": "1sm", "hmac": "<some_hmac>"} |
response |
Update Response Message | Received after sending an update and contains the result of the update | {"type": "response", "requestId": "1", "success": true, "status": {"nmo": true}} |
Key/Alias | Title | R/W | JSON/API Type | Category | HA Enabled | Description | Example |
abm - |
string - |
⬜ | "<SOME_MAC>" |
acs accessState |
Access State | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | access_control user setting (Open=0, Wait=1) | 0 |
acu allowedCurrent |
Allowed Current | R | integer int |
Status | ⬜ | How many ampere is the car allowed to charge now? | 6 |
acui - |
integer - |
⬜ | 6 |
adi adapterLimit |
Adapter (16A) Limit | R | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | Is the 16A adapter used? Limits the current to 16A | true |
al1 adapterLimit1 |
Adapter Limit 1 | integer - |
⬜ | 6 |
al2 adapterLimit2 |
Adapter Limit 2 | integer - |
⬜ | 10 |
al3 adapterLimit3 |
Adapter Limit 3 | integer - |
⬜ | 12 |
al4 adapterLimit4 |
Adapter Limit 4 | integer - |
⬜ | 14 |
al5 adapterLimit5 |
Adapter Limit 5 | integer - |
⬜ | 16 |
alw allowCharging |
Allow Charging | R | boolean bool |
Status | ✔️ | Is the car allowed to charge at all now? | true |
ama maxCurrentLimit |
Max Current Limit | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | ampere_max limit | 16 |
amp chargingCurrent |
Charging Current | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | requestedCurrent in Ampere, used for display on LED ring and logic calculations | 6 |
amt temperatureCurrentLimit |
Temperature Current Limit | R | integer int |
Status | ⬜ | temperatureCurrentLimit | 32 |
apd firmwareDescription |
Firmware Description | R | object object |
Constant | ⬜ | firmware description | {"project_name": "wattpilot_hw4+", "version": "36.3", "secure_version": 0, "timestamp": "Jan 31 2022 22:51:39", "idf_ver": "v5.0-dev-1103-ga9ef558d", "sha256": "<some_sha256>"} |
arv appRecommendedVersion |
App Recommended Version | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | app recommended version (used to show in the app that the app is outdated) | "1.2.1" |
asc - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
aup - |
integer - |
⬜ | 6 |
awc awattarCountry |
Awattar Country | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | awattar country (Austria=0, Germany=1) | 0 |
awcp awattarCurrentPrice |
Awattar Current Price | R | object optional<object> |
Status | ⬜ | awattar current price | {"start": 1650567600, "end": 1650571200, "marketprice": 22.044} |
awp awattarMaxPrice |
Awattar Max Price | R/W | float float |
Config | ✔️ | awattarMaxPrice in ct | 3 |
awpl awattarPriceList |
Awattar Price List | R/W | array array |
Status | ⬜ | awattar price list, timestamps are measured in unix-time, seconds since 1970 | [{"start": 1650567600, "end": 1650571200, "marketprice": 22.044}, {"start": 1650571200, "end": 1650574800, "marketprice": 19.971}] |
bac buttonAllowCurrentChange |
Button Allow Current Change | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ✔️ | Button allow Current change | true |
bam - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
cae cloudApiEnable |
Cloud API Enable | R/W | boolean bool |
⬜ | Set to true, if you want to use the go-eCharger API at | false |
cak cloudApiKey |
Cloud API Key | R/W | string string |
⬜ | Contains the access token (32 characters) for the cloud API. Whenever you write anything to cak a new token is generated automatically. | "Cjk4BWbH8EcTFtY6dsWvTYz6CjBxifeO" |
car carState |
Car State | R | integer optional<uint8> |
Status | ✔️ | carState, null if internal error (Unknown/Error=0, Idle=1, Charging=2, WaitCar=3, Complete=4, Error=5) | 1 |
cards registeredCards |
Registered Cards | R/W | array array |
⬜ | Registered RFID cards for different users | [{"name": "User 1", "energy": 0, "cardId": true}, {"name": "User 2", "energy": 0, "cardId": false}] |
cbl cableCurrentLimit |
Cable Current Limit | R | integer optional<int> |
Status | ✔️ | cable_current_limit in A | 20 |
cbm - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
cca cloudClientAuth |
Cloud Client Auth | R | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | cloud websocket use client auth (if key&cert are setup correctly) | true |
cch colorCharging |
Color Charging | R/W | string string |
Config | ✔️ | color_charging, format: #RRGGBB | "#00FFF" |
cci - |
object - |
⬜ | {"id": "<some_numeric_id>", "paired": true, "deviceFamily": "DataManager", "label": "<some_name>", "model": "PILOT", "commonName": "pilot-0.5e-<some_id>", "ip": "<some_ip>", "connected": true, "reachableMdns": true, "reachableUdp": true, "reachableHttp": true, "status": 0, "message": "ok"} |
cco carConsumption |
Car Consumption | R/W | float double |
Config | ✔️ | car consumption in kWh for 100km (only stored for app) | 24 |
ccrv chargeControllerRecommendedVersion |
Charge Controller Recommended Version | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | ||
ccu chargeControllerUpdateProgress |
Charge Controller Update Progress | R | object optional<object> |
Status | ⬜ | charge controller update progress (null if no update is in progress) | null |
ccw currentlyConnectedWifi |
Currently Connected Wifi | R | object optional<object> |
Status | ⬜ | Currently connected WiFi | {"ssid": "<SOME_SSID>", "encryptionType": 3, "pairwiseCipher": 4, "groupCipher": 4, "b": true, "g": true, "n": true, "lr": false, "wps": false, "ftmResponder": false, "ftmInitiator": false, "channel": 6, "bssid": "<SOME_BSSID>", "ip": "<some_ip4>", "netmask": "", "gw": "<some_ip4>", "ipv6": ["<some_ip6>", "<some_ip6>"], "dns0": "<some_ip4>", "dns1": "", "dns2": ""} |
cdi chargingDurationInfo |
Charging Duration Info | R | object object |
Status | ✔️ | charging duration info (null=no charging in progress, type=0 counter going up, type=1 duration in ms) | {"type": 1, "value": 11554770} |
cdv - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
cfi colorFinished |
Color Finished | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | color_finished, format: #RRGGBB | "#00FF00" |
chr - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
cid colorIdle |
Color Idle | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | color_idle, format: #RRGGBB | "#0000FF" |
clp currentLimitPresets |
Current Limit Presets | R/W | array array |
Config | ⬜ | current limit presets, max. 5 entries | [6, 10, 12, 14, 16] |
cpe cpEnable |
CP Enable | R | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | The charge ctrl requests the CP signal enabled or not immediately | true |
cpr cpEnableRequest |
CP Enable Request | R | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | CP enable request. cpd=0 triggers the charge ctrl to set cpe=0 once processed | true |
csca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
ct carType |
Car Type | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | car type, free text string (max. 64 characters, only stored for app) | "vwID3_4" |
cus cableUnlockStatus |
Cable Unlock Status | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | Cable unlock status (Unknown=0, Unlocked=1, UnlockFailed=2, Locked=3, LockFailed=4, LockUnlockPowerout=5) | 1 |
cwc colorWaitCar |
Color Wait Car | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | color_waitcar, format: #RRGGBB | "#FFFF00" |
cwe cloudWsEnabled |
Cloud WS Enabled | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | cloud websocket enabled | true |
cws cloudWsStarted |
Cloud WS Started | R | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | cloud websocket started | true |
cwsc cloudWsConnected |
Cloud WS Connected | R | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | cloud websocket connected | true |
cwsca cloudWsConnectedAge |
Cloud WS Connected Age | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | cloud websocket connected (age) | 46954034 |
data - |
string - |
⬜ | "{\"i\":120,\"url\":\"<some_token>\"}" |
dbm - |
string - |
dccu - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
dco - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
deltaa deltaCurrent |
deltaCurrent | R | float float |
Other | ⬜ | ||
deltap deltaPower |
Delta Power | R | float float |
Status | ⬜ | ||
dll - |
string - |
⬜ | "<some_token>" |
dns dnsServer |
DNS Server | R | object object |
Status | ⬜ | DNS server | {"dns": ""} |
dwo chargingEnergyLimit |
Charging Energy Limit | R/W | float optional<double> |
Config | ✔️ | charging energy limit, measured in Wh, null means disabled, not the next trip energy | null |
ecf espCpuFreq |
ESP CPU Frequency | R | object object |
Constant | ⬜ | ESP CPU freq (source: XTAL=0, PLL=1, 8M=2, APLL=3) | {"source": 1, "source_freq_mhz": 320, "div": 2, "freq_mhz": 160} |
eci espChipInfo |
ESP Chip Info | R | object object |
Constant | ⬜ | ESP chip info (model: ESP32=1, ESP32S2=2, ESP32S3=4, ESP32C3=5; features: EMB_FLASH=bit0, WIFI_BGN=bit1, BLE=bit4, BT=bit5) | {"model": 1, "features": 50, "cores": 2, "revision": 3} |
efh espFreeHeap |
ESP Free Heap | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP free heap | 125920 |
efh32 espFreeHeap32 |
ESP Free Heap 32 | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP free heap 32bit aligned | 125920 |
efh8 espFreeHeap8 |
ESP Free Heap 8 | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP free heap 8bit aligned | 86848 |
efi espFlashInfo |
ESP Flash Info | R | object object |
Constant | ⬜ | ESP Flash info (spi_mode: QIO=0, QOUT=1, DIO=2, DOUT=3, FAST_READ=4, SLOW_READ=5; spi_speed: 40M=0, 26M=1, 20M=2, 80M=15; spi_size: 1MB=0, 2MB=1, 4MB=2, 8MB=3, 16MB=4, MAX=5) | null |
ehs espHeapSize |
ESP Heap Size | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP heap size | 282800 |
emfh espMinFreeHeap |
ESP Min Free Heap | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP minimum free heap since boot | 78104 |
emhb espMaxHeap |
ESP Max Heap | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | ESP max size of allocated heap block since boot | 67572 |
ens - |
string - |
⬜ | "" |
err errorState |
Error State | R | integer optional<uint8> |
Status | ✔️ | error, null if internal error (None = 0, FiAc = 1, FiDc = 2, Phase = 3, Overvolt = 4, Overamp = 5, Diode = 6, PpInvalid = 7, GndInvalid = 8, ContactorStuck = 9, ContactorMiss = 10, FiUnknown = 11, Unknown = 12, Overtemp = 13, NoComm = 14, StatusLockStuckOpen = 15, StatusLockStuckLocked = 16, Reserved20 = 20, Reserved21 = 21, Reserved22 = 22, Reserved23 = 23, Reserved24 = 24) | 0 |
esk energySetKwh |
Energy Set kWh | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | energy set kwh (only stored for app) | true |
esr rtcResetReasons |
RTC Reset Reasons | R | array array |
eto energyCounterTotal |
Energy Counter Total | R | integer uint64 |
Status | ✔️ | energy_total, measured in Wh | 1076098 |
etop energyTotalPersisted |
Energy Total Persisted | R | integer uint64 |
Status | ✔️ | energy_total persisted, measured in Wh, without the extra magic to have live values | 1076098 |
facwak factoryWifiApKey |
Factory Wifi AP Key | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | WiFi AccessPoint Key RESET VALUE (factory) | true |
fam pvBatteryLimit |
PV Battery Limit | integer - |
⬜ | Battery limit for PV surplus charging | 20 |
fap froniusAllowPause |
Fronius Allow Pause | R/W | boolean bool |
⬜ | Normally true. Set to false if your car disconnects when a charging pause occurs. Only VW ID.3/ID.4 seem to require this. | false |
fbuf_age fbufAge |
Fronius Age | integer - |
⬜ | 93639347 |
fbuf_akkuMode akkuMode |
Battery Mode | integer - |
⬜ | 1 |
fbuf_akkuSOC akkuSoc |
Battery SoC | float - |
✔️ | State of charge of the PV battery | 72.5 |
fbuf_ohmpilotState ohmpilotState |
Ohmpilot State | unknown - |
⬜ | null |
fbuf_ohmpilotTemperature ohmpilotTemperature |
Ohmpilot Temperature | unknown - |
⬜ | null |
fbuf_pAcTotal powerAcTotal |
Power AC Total | unknown - |
⬜ | null |
fbuf_pAkku powerAkku |
Power Akku | float - |
✔️ | Power that is consumed from the PV battery (or delivered into the battery, if negative) | -3985.899 |
fbuf_pGrid powerGrid |
Power Grid | integer - |
✔️ | Power consumed from grid (or delivered to grid, if negative) | 11 |
fbuf_pPv powerPv |
Power PV | float - |
✔️ | PV power that is produced | 4701.407 |
fcc - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fck - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fem flashEncryptionMode |
Flash Encryption Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Constant | ⬜ | Flash Encryption Mode (Disabled=0, Development=1, Release=2) | 2 |
ferm effectiveRoundingMode |
Effective Rounding Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | effectiveRoundingMode | 1 |
ffb lockFeedback |
Lock Feedback | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | lock feedback (NoProblem=0, ProblemLock=1, ProblemUnlock=2) | 0 |
ffba lockFeedbackAge |
Lock Feedback Age | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lock feedback (age) | null |
ffna factoryFriendlyName |
Factory Friendly Name | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | factoryFriendlyName | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
fhi - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fhz frequency |
Frequency | R | float optional<float> |
Status | ✔️ | Power grid frequency (~50Hz) or 0 if unknown | 49.815 |
fi23 - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fio23 - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fit - |
integer - |
⬜ | 1 |
fml - |
string - |
⬜ | "grid" |
fmmp - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
fmt minChargeTime |
Min Charge Time | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | minChargeTime in milliseconds | 900000 |
fna friendlyName |
Friendly Name | R/W | string string |
Config | ✔️ | friendlyName | "<some_name>" |
fntp - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
fot ohmpilotTemperatureLimit |
Ohmpilot Temperature Limit | integer - |
✔️ | 20 |
frc forceState |
Force State | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | forceState (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2) | 0 |
frci - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
fre - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
frm roundingMode |
Rounding Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | roundingMode PreferPowerFromGrid=0, Default=1, PreferPowerToGrid=2 | 1 |
fsp forceSinglePhase |
Force Single Phase | R/W | boolean bool |
Status | ⬜ | force_single_phase (shows if currently single phase charge is enforced) | false |
fsptws forceSinglePhaseToggleWishedSince |
Force Single Phase Toggle Wished Since | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | force single phase toggle wished since | 28771782 |
fst startingPower |
Starting Power | R/W | float float |
Config | ✔️ | startingPower in watts. This is the minimum power at which charging can be started. | 1400 |
fte froniusTripEnergy |
Fronius Trip Energy | R/W | integer int |
⬜ | Minimum energy in Watthours to charge in next trip mode. | 50000 |
ftlf - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
ftls - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
ftt froniusTripTime |
Fronius Trip Time | R/W | integer int |
⬜ | Starting time of your next trip in seconds from midnight local time. 3600 = 01:00 am local time | 25200 |
ful useDynamic# |
useDynamic# | boolean - |
⬜ | Uses dynamic electricity # (Lumina, aWattar) | false |
fup usePvSurplus |
PV Surplus | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | Use PV surplus charging | true |
fwan factoryWifiApName |
Factory WiFi AP Name | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | factoryWifiApName | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
fwc firmwareCarControl |
Firmware Car Control | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | firmware from CarControl | 10 |
fwv firmwareVersion |
Firmware Version | R | string string |
Constant | ✔️ | Version of the Wattpilot firmware | 36.3 |
fzf zeroFeedin |
Zero Feedin | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | zeroFeedin | false |
gme - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
gmk - |
string - |
⬜ | "" |
host hostname |
Hostname | R | string optional<string> |
Status | ⬜ | hostname used on STA interface | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
hsa httpStaAuthentication |
HTTP STA Authentication | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | httpStaAuthentication | true |
hsta - |
string - |
⬜ | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
hsts - |
string - |
⬜ | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
hws httpStaReachable |
HTTP STA Reachable | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | httpStaReachable, defines if the local webserver should be reachable from the customers WiFi | true |
ido inverterDataOverride |
Inverter Data Override | R | object optional<object> |
Config | ⬜ | Inverter data override | null |
imd - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
imi - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
immr - |
integer - |
⬜ | 20 |
imp - |
string - |
⬜ | "_tcp" |
ims - |
string - |
⬜ | "_Fronius-SE-Inverter" |
imse - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
inva inverterDataAge |
Inverter Data Age | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | age of inverter data | |
irs - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
isml - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
iuse - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
las - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
lbh - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
lbp lastButtonPress |
Last Button Press | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | lastButtonPress in milliseconds | null |
lbr ledBrightness |
LED Brightness | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | led_bright, 0-255 | 255 |
lbs - |
integer - |
⬜ | 806 |
lccfc lastCarStateChangedFromCharging |
Last Car State Changed From Charging | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lastCarStateChangedFromCharging (in ms) | 7157569 |
lccfi lastCarStateChangedFromIdle |
Last Car State Changed From Idle | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lastCarStateChangedFromIdle (in ms) | 5369660 |
lcctc lastCarStateChangedToCharging |
Last Car State Changed To Charging | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lastCarStateChangedToCharging (in ms) | 5369660 |
lch - |
integer - |
⬜ | 5369660 |
lck effectiveLockSetting |
Effective Lock Setting | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | Effective lock setting, as sent to Charge Ctrl (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2, ForceUnlock=3) | 0 |
led ledInfo |
LED Info | R | object object |
Status | ⬜ | internal infos about currently running led animation | {"id": 5, "name": "Finished", "norwayOverlay": true, "modeOverlay": true, "subtype": "renderCmds", "ranges": [{"from": 0, "to": 31, "colors": ["#00FF00"]}]} |
ledo - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
lfspt lastForceSinglePhaseToggle |
Last Force Single Phase Toggle | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | last force single phase toggle | null |
llr - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
lmo logicMode |
Logic Mode | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | logic mode (Default=3, Awattar=4, AutomaticStop=5) | 3 |
lmsc lastModelStatusChange |
Last Model Status Change | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | last model status change | 28822622 |
loa loadBalancingAmpere |
Load Balancing Current | R | integer optional<uint8> |
Status | ⬜ | load balancing ampere | null |
loc localTime |
Local Time | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | local time | "2022-03-06T11:59:38.182.123 +01:00" |
loe loadBalancingEnabled |
Load Balancing Enabled | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | Load balancing enabled | false |
lof loadFallback |
Load Fallback | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | load_fallback | 0 |
log loadGroupId |
Load Group ID | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | load_group_id | "" |
loi - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
lom loadBalancingMembers |
Load Balancing Members | R | array array |
Status | ⬜ | load balancing members | null |
lop loadPriority |
Load Priority | R/W | integer uint16 |
Config | ⬜ | load_priority | 50 |
los loadBalancingStatus |
Load Balancing Status | R | string optional<string> |
Status | ⬜ | load balancing status | null |
lot loadBalancingTotalAmpere |
Load Balancing Current Total | R/W | integer uint32 |
Config | ⬜ | load balancing total amp | 32 |
loty loadBalancingType |
Load Balancing Type | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | load balancing type (Static=0, Dynamic=1) | 0 |
lps - |
integer - |
⬜ | 63 |
lpsc lastPvSurplusCalculation |
Last PV Surplus Calculation | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | last pv surplus calculation | 28771782 |
lrc - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
lri - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
lrr - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
lse ledSaveEnergy |
LED Save Energy | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | led_save_energy | false |
lssfc lastStaSwitchedFromConnected |
Last STA Switched From Connected | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lastStaSwitchedFromConnected (in milliseconds) | null |
lsstc lastStaSwitchedToConnected |
Last STA Switched To Connected | R | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | lastStaSwitchedToConnected (in milliseconds) | 7970 |
maca - |
string - |
⬜ | "<some_mac>" |
macs - |
string - |
⬜ | "<some_mac>" |
map loadMapping |
Load Mapping | R/W | array array |
Config | ⬜ | load_mapping (uint8_t[3]) | [1, 2, 3] |
mca minChargingCurrent |
Min Charging Current | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | minChargingCurrent | 6 |
mci minimumChargingInterval |
Minimum Charging Interval | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | minimumChargingInterval in milliseconds (0 means disabled) | 0 |
mcpd minChargePauseDuration |
Min Charge Pause Duration | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | minChargePauseDuration in milliseconds (0 means disabled) | 0 |
mcpea minChargePauseEndsAt |
Min Charge Pause End | R/W | integer optional<milliseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | minChargePauseEndsAt (set to null to abort current minChargePauseDuration) | null |
mod moduleHwPcbVersion |
Module HW PCB Version | R | integer uint8 |
Constant | ⬜ | Module hardware pcb version (0, 1, ...) | 1 |
modelStatus modelStatus |
Model Status | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | Reason why we allow charging or not right now (NotChargingBecauseNoChargeCtrlData=0, NotChargingBecauseOvertemperature=1, NotChargingBecauseAccessControlWait=2, ChargingBecauseForceStateOn=3, NotChargingBecauseForceStateOff=4, NotChargingBecauseScheduler=5, NotChargingBecauseEnergyLimit=6, ChargingBecauseAwattarPriceLow=7, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopTestLadung=8, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNotEnoughTime=9, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStop=10, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNoClock=11, ChargingBecausePvSurplus=12, ChargingBecauseFallbackGoEDefault=13, ChargingBecauseFallbackGoEScheduler=14, ChargingBecauseFallbackDefault=15, NotChargingBecauseFallbackGoEAwattar=16, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAwattar=17, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAutomaticStop=18, ChargingBecauseCarCompatibilityKeepAlive=19, ChargingBecauseChargePauseNotAllowed=20, NotChargingBecauseSimulateUnplugging=22, NotChargingBecausePhaseSwitch=23, NotChargingBecauseMinPauseDuration=24) | 15 |
mptwt minPhaseToggleWaitTime |
Min Phase Toggle Wait Time | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | min phase toggle wait time (in milliseconds) | 600000 |
mpwst minPhaseWishSwitchTime |
Min Phase Wish Switch Time | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | min phase wish switch time (in milliseconds) | 120000 |
msca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
mscs - |
integer - |
⬜ | 188 |
msi modelStatusInternal |
Model Status Internal | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | Reason why we allow charging or not right now INTERNAL without cpDisabledRequest | 15 |
mws - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
nif defaultRoute |
Default Route | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | Default route | "st" |
nmo norwayMode |
Norway Mode | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | norway_mode / ground check enabled when norway mode is disabled (inverted) | false |
nrg energy |
Charging Energy | R | array array |
Status | ✔️ | energy array, U (L1, L2, L3, N), I (L1, L2, L3), P (L1, L2, L3, N, Total), pf (L1, L2, L3, N) | [235, 234, 234, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] |
nvs - |
object - |
⬜ | {"used_entries": 120, "free_entries": 7944, "total_entries": 8064, "namespace_count": 2, "nvs_handle_user": 52} |
obm - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
oca otaCloudApp |
OTA Cloud App | R | object optional<object> |
Status | ⬜ | ota cloud app description | null |
occa - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
ocl otaCloudLength |
OTA Cloud Length | R | integer optional<int> |
Status | ⬜ | ota from cloud length (total size) | null |
ocm otaCloudMessage |
OTA Cloud Message | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | ota from cloud message | "" |
ocp otaCloudProgress |
OTA Cloud Progress | R | integer int |
Status | ⬜ | ota from cloud progress | 0 |
ocppc - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
ocppca - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
ocppe - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
ocpph - |
integer - |
⬜ | 3600 |
ocppi - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
ocppl - |
integer - |
⬜ | 1 |
ocpps - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
ocppu - |
string - |
⬜ | "ws://" |
ocs otaCloudStatus |
OTA Cloud Status | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | ota from cloud status (Idle=0, Updating=1, Failed=2, Succeeded=3) | 0 |
ocu otaCloudBranches |
OTA Cloud Branches | R | array array |
Status | ⬜ | list of available firmware branches | ["__default"] |
ocuca otaCloudUseClientAuth |
OTA Cloud Use Client Auth | R | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | ota cloud use client auth (if keys were setup correctly) | true |
oem oemManufacturer |
OEM Manufacturer | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | OEM manufacturer | "fronius" |
onv otaNewestVersion |
OTA Newest Version | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | OverTheAirUpdate newest version | 36.3 |
otap otaPartition |
OTA Partition | R | object optional<object> |
Constant | ⬜ | currently used OTA partition | {"type": 0, "subtype": 16, "address": 1441792, "size": 4194304, "label": "app_0", "encrypted": true} |
pakku pAkku |
Power Akku | R | float optional<float> |
Status | ⬜ | pAkku in W | |
part partitionTable |
Partition Table | R | array array |
Constant | ⬜ | partition table | [{"type": 1, "subtype": 2, "address": 65536, "size": 262144, "label": "nvs", "encrypted": false}, {"type": 1, "subtype": 1, "address": 327680, "size": 4096, "label": "phy_init", "encrypted": false}] |
pgrid pGrid |
Power Grid | R | float optional<float> |
Status | ⬜ | pGrid in W | |
pha phases |
Phases | R | array optional<array> |
Status | ⬜ | phases | "[false, false, false, true, true, true]" |
pnp numberOfPhases |
Number of Phases | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | numberOfPhases | 0 |
po prioOffset |
Prio Offset | R/W | float float |
Config | ⬜ | prioOffset in W | -300 |
ppv pPv |
Power PV | R | float optional<float> |
Status | ⬜ | pPv in W | |
psh phaseSwitchHysteresis |
Phase Switch Hysteresis | R/W | float float |
Config | ⬜ | phaseSwitchHysteresis in W | 500 |
psm phaseSwitchMode |
Phase Switch Mode | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | phaseSwitchMode (Auto=0, Force_1=1, Force_3=2) | 0 |
psmd forceSinglePhaseDuration |
Force Single Phase Duration | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | forceSinglePhaseDuration (in milliseconds) | 10000 |
pto partitionTableOffset |
Partition Table Offset | R | integer uint32 |
Constant | ⬜ | partition table offset in flash | 61440 |
pvopt_averagePAkku averagePAkku |
Average Power Akku | R | float float |
Status | ✔️ | averagePAkku | -5213.455 |
pvopt_averagePGrid averagePGrid |
Average Power Grid | R | float float |
Status | ✔️ | averagePGrid | 1.923335 |
pvopt_averagePOhmpilot avgPowerOhmpilot |
Average Power Ohmpilot | R | integer - |
✔️ | 0 |
pvopt_averagePPv averagePPv |
Average Power PV | R | float float |
Status | ✔️ | averagePPv | 6008.117 |
pvopt_deltaA deltaCurrent |
Delta Current | R | integer - |
✔️ | 0 |
pvopt_deltaP deltaPower |
Delta Power | R | float - |
✔️ | -1256.149 |
pvopt_specialCase pvOptSpecialCase |
PVOpt Special Case | R | integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
pwm phaseWishMode |
Phase Wish Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | phase wish mode for debugging / only for pv optimizing / used for timers later (Force_3=0, Wish_1=1, Wish_3=2) | 0 |
qsc queueSizeCloud |
Queue Size Cloud | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | queue size cloud | 0 |
qsw queueSizeWs |
Queue Size WS | R | integer size_t |
Status | ⬜ | queue size webserver/websocket | 5 |
rbc rebootCounter |
Reboot Counter | R | integer uint32 |
Status | ⬜ | Number of device reboots | 32 |
rbt timeSinceBoot |
Time Since Boot | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | time since boot in milliseconds | 93641458 |
rcd residualCurrentDetection |
Residual Current Detection | R | integer optional<microseconds> |
Status | ⬜ | residual current detection (in microseconds) WILL CHANGE IN FUTURE | null |
rcsl - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
rfb relayFeedback |
Relay Feedback | R | integer int |
Status | ⬜ | Relay Feedback | 1699 |
rfide - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
rial - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
riml - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
risl - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
riul - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
rmdns - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
rr espResetReason |
ESP Reset Reason | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | esp_reset_reason (UNKNOWN=0, POWERON=1, EXT=2, SW=3, PANIC=4, INT_WDT=5, TASK_WDT=6, WDT=7, DEEPSLEEP=8, BROWNOUT=9, SDIO=10) | 4 |
rrca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
rssi wifiRssi |
WIFI Signal Strength | R | integer optional<int8> |
Status | ✔️ | RSSI signal strength | -66 |
rst rebootCharger |
Reboot Charger | W | any any |
Other | ⬜ | Reboot charger | |
sau - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
sbe secureBootEnabled |
Secure Boot Enabled | R | boolean bool |
Constant | ⬜ | Secure boot enabled | true |
scaa wifiScanAge |
WiFi Scan Age | R | integer milliseconds |
Status | ⬜ | wifi scan age | 6429 |
scan wifiScanResult |
Scanned WIFI Hotspots | R | array array |
Status | ⬜ | wifi scan result (encryptionType: OPEN=0, WEP=1, WPA_PSK=2, WPA2_PSK=3, WPA_WPA2_PSK=4, WPA2_ENTERPRISE=5, WPA3_PSK=6, WPA2_WPA3_PSK=7) | [{"ssid": "<SOME_SSID>", "encryptionType": 3, "rssi": -65, "channel": 6, "bssid": "<SOME_BSSID>", "f": [4, 4, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, "DE"]}, {"ssid": "<SOME_SSID>", "encryptionType": 3, "rssi": -65, "channel": 6, "bssid": "<SOME_BSSID>", "f": [4, 4, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, "DE"]}] |
scas wifiScanStatus |
WIFI Scan Status | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | wifi scan status (None=0, Scanning=1, Finished=2, Failed=3) | 2 |
sch_satur schedulerSaturday |
Charging Schedule Saturday | R/W | object object |
Config | ⬜ | scheduler_saturday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2 | {"control": 0, "ranges": [{"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}, {"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}]} |
sch_sund schedulerSunday |
Charging Schedule Sunday | R/W | object object |
Config | ⬜ | scheduler_sunday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2 | {"control": 0, "ranges": [{"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}, {"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}]} |
sch_week schedulerWeekday |
Charging Schedule Weekday | R/W | object object |
Config | ⬜ | scheduler_weekday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2 | {"control": 0, "ranges": [{"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}, {"begin": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}, "end": {"hour": 0, "minute": 0}}]} |
sdca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
sh stopHysteresis |
Stop Hysteresis | R/W | float float |
Config | ⬜ | stopHysteresis in W | 200 |
smca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
smd - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
spl3 threePhaseSwitchLevel |
Three Phase Switch Level | R/W | float float |
Config | ⬜ | threePhaseSwitchLevel | 4200 |
sse serialNumber |
Serial Number | R | string string |
Constant | ✔️ | serial number | "<some_serialnr>" |
stao - |
unknown - |
⬜ | null |
su simulateUnplugging |
Simulate Unplugging | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | simulateUnplugging or simulateUnpluggingShort? (see v2) | false |
sua simulateUnpluggingAlways |
Simulate Unplugging Always | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | simulateUnpluggingAlways | false |
sumd simulateUnpluggingDuration |
Simulate Unplugging Duration | R/W | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | simulate unpluging duration (in milliseconds) | 5000 |
swc - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
tds timezoneDaylightSavingMode |
Timezone Daylight Saving Mode | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | timezone daylight saving mode, None=0, EuropeanSummerTime=1, UsDaylightTime=2 | 1 |
tma temperatureSensors |
Temperature Sensors | R | array array |
Status | ✔️ | temperature sensors | [11, 16.75] |
tof timezoneOffset |
Timezone Offset | R/W | integer minutes |
Config | ⬜ | timezone offset in minutes | 60 |
tou - |
integer - |
⬜ | 0 |
tpa totalPowerAverage |
Total Power Average | R | float float |
Status | ⬜ | 30 seconds total power average (used to get better next-trip predictions) | 0 |
tpck - |
array - |
⬜ | ["chargectrl", "i2c", "led", "wifi", "webserver", "mdns", "time", "cloud", "rfid", "temperature", "status", "froniusinverter", "button", "delta_http", "delta_cloud", "ota_cloud", "cmdhandler", "loadbalancing", "ocpp", "remotereq", "cloud_send"] |
tpcm - |
array - |
⬜ | [4, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 43, 2, 53, 0, 0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10] |
trx transaction |
Transaction | R/W | integer optional<uint8> |
Status | ⬜ | transaction, null when no transaction, 0 when without card, otherwise | |
cardIndex + 1 (1: 0. card, 2: 1. card, ...) | |||||||
null |
ts timeServer |
Time Server | R | string string |
Config | ⬜ | time server | "" |
tse timeServerEnabled |
Time Server Enabled | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ✔️ | time server enabled (NTP) | false |
tsom timeServerOperatingMode |
Time Server Operating Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | time server operating mode (POLL=0, LISTENONLY=1) | 0 |
tssi timeServerSyncInterval |
Time Server Sync Interval | R | integer milliseconds |
Config | ⬜ | time server sync interval (in ms, 15s minimum) | 3600000 |
tssm timeServerSyncMode |
Time Server Sync Mode | R | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | time server sync mode (IMMED=0, SMOOTH=1) | 0 |
tsss timeServerSyncStatus |
Time Server Sync Status | R | integer uint8 |
Config | ⬜ | time server sync status (RESET=0, COMPLETED=1, IN_PROGRESS=2) | 0 |
typ deviceType |
Device Type | R | string string |
Constant | ⬜ | Devicetype | "wattpilot" |
uaca - |
integer - |
⬜ | 2 |
upd - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
upo unlockPowerOutage |
Unlock Power Outage | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | unlock_power_outage | false |
ust cableLock |
Unlock Setting | R/W | integer uint8 |
Config | ✔️ | unlock_setting (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2) | 0 |
utc utcTime |
UTC Time | R/W | string string |
Status | ⬜ | utc time | "2022-03-06T10:59:38.181.250" |
var variant |
Variant | R | integer uint8 |
Constant | ✔️ | variant: max Ampere value of unit (11: 11kW/16A, 22: 22kW/32A) | 11 |
waap - |
integer - |
⬜ | 3 |
wae - |
boolean - |
⬜ | true |
wak wifiApKey |
WiFi AP Key | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | WiFi AccessPoint Key (read/write from http) | false |
wan wifiApName |
WiFi AP Name | R/W | string string |
Config | ⬜ | wifiApName | "Wattpilot_<some_serialnr>" |
wapc - |
integer - |
⬜ | 1 |
wcb wifiCurrentMac |
WiFi Current MAC Address | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | WiFi current mac address | "<some_mac>" |
wcch httpConnectedClients |
HTTP Connected Clients | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | webserver connected clients as HTTP | 0 |
wccw wsConnectedClients |
WS Connected Clients | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | webserver connected clients as WEBSOCKET | 2 |
wda - |
boolean - |
⬜ | false |
wen wifiEnabled |
WiFi Enabled | R/W | boolean bool |
Config | ⬜ | wifiEnabled (bool), turns off/on the WiFi (not the AccessPoint) | true |
wfb wifiFailedMac |
WiFi Failed MAC Address | R | array array |
Status | ⬜ | WiFi failed mac addresses | null |
wh energyCounterSinceStart |
Energy Counter Since Start | R | float double |
Status | ✔️ | energy in Wh since car connected | 2133.804 |
wifis wifiConfigs |
WiFi Configs | R/W | array array |
Config | ⬜ | wifi configurations with ssids and keys, if you only want to change the second entry, send an array with 1 empty and 1 filled wifi config object: [{}, {"ssid":"","key":""}] |
[{"ssid": "<SOME_SSID>", "key": true, "useStaticIp": false, "staticIp": "", "staticSubnet": "", "staticGateway": "", "useStaticDns": false, "staticDns0": "", "staticDns1": "", "staticDns2": ""}, {"ssid": "", "key": false, "useStaticIp": false, "staticIp": "", "staticSubnet": "", "staticGateway": "", "useStaticDns": false, "staticDns0": "", "staticDns1": "", "staticDns2": ""}] |
wpb wifiPlannedMac |
WiFi Planned MAC | R | array array |
Status | ⬜ | WiFi planned mac addresses | "<SOME_BSSID>" |
wsc wifiStaErrorCount |
WiFi STA Error Count | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ⬜ | WiFi STA error count | 0 |
wsm wifiStaErrorMessage |
Wifi STA Error Message | R | string string |
Status | ⬜ | WiFi STA error message | "" |
wsmr - |
integer - |
⬜ | -90 |
wsms wifiStateMachineState |
WIFI State Machine State | R | integer uint8 |
Status | ✔️ | WiFi state machine state (None=0, Scanning=1, Connecting=2, Connected=3) | 3 |
wss wifiSsid |
WIFI SSID | unknown - |
⬜ | ||||
wst wifiStaStatus |
WIFI STA Status | R | integer uint8 |
zfo zeroFeedinOffset |
Zero Feedin Offset | R/W | float float |
Config | ⬜ | zeroFeedinOffset in W | 200 |