
# 3D Game Shaders For Beginners

## Film Grain

<p align="center">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/ct7mTv5.gif" alt="Film Grain" title="Film Grain">

Film grain (when applied in subtle doses, unlike here)
can add a bit of realism you don't notice until it's removed.
Typically, it's the imperfections that make a digitally generated image more believable.
In terms of the shader graph, film grain is usually the last effect applied before the game is put on screen.

### Amount

  // ...

  float amount = 0.1;

  // ...

The `amount` controls how noticeable the film grain is.
Crank it up for a snowy picture.

### Random Intensity

// ...

uniform float osg_FrameTime;


  float toRadians = 3.14 / 180;


    float randomIntensity =
        ( 10000
        * sin
              ( gl_FragCoord.x
              + gl_FragCoord.y
              * osg_FrameTime
            * toRadians

    // ...

This snippet calculates the random intensity needed to adjust the amount.

Time Since F1 = 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Frame Number  = F1    F3    F4       F5 F6
osg_FrameTime = 00    02    04       07 08

`osg_FrameTime` is
by Panda3D.
The frame time is a timestamp of how many seconds have passed since the first frame.
The example code uses this to animate the film grain as `osg_FrameTime` will always be different each frame.


              // ...

              ( gl_FragCoord.x
              + gl_FragCoord.y
              * 8009 // Large number here.

              // ...

For static film grain, replace `osg_FrameTime` with a large number.
You may have to try different numbers to avoid seeing any patterns.

<p align="center">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/xqSIMCb.gif" alt="Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines." title="Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines.">

        // ...

        * sin
              ( gl_FragCoord.x
              + gl_FragCoord.y
              * someNumber

              // ...

Both the x and y coordinate are used to create points or specs of film grain.
If only x was used, there would only be vertical lines.
Similarly, if only y was used, there would be only horizontal lines.

The reason the snippet multiplies one coordinate by some number is to break up the diagonal symmetry.

<p align="center">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/4UXllmS.gif" alt="Rain" title="Rain">

You can of course remove the coordinate multiplier for a somewhat decent looking rain effect.
To animate the rain effect, multiply the output of `sin` by `osg_FrameTime`.

              // ...

              ( gl_FragCoord.x
              + gl_FragCoord.y

              // ...

Play around with the x and y coordinate to try and get the rain to change directions.
Keep only the x coordinate for a straight downpour.

input = (gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y * osg_FrameTime) * toRadians
  frame(10000 * sin(input)) =
    fract(10000 * sin(6.977777777777778)) =
      fract(10000 * 0.6400723818964882) =

`sin` is used as a hashing function.
The fragment's coordinates are hashed to some output of `sin`.
This has the nice property that no matter the input (big or small), the output range is negative one to one.

fract(10000 * sin(6.977777777777778)) =
  fract(10000 * 0.6400723818964882) =
    fract(6400.723818964882) =

`sin` is also used as a pseudo random number generator when combined with `fract`.

>>> [floor(fract(4     * sin(x * toRadians)) * 10) for x in range(0, 10)]
[0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6]

>>> [floor(fract(10000 * sin(x * toRadians)) * 10) for x in range(0, 10)]
[0, 4, 8, 0, 2, 1, 7, 0, 0, 5]

Take a look at the first sequence of numbers and then the second.
Each sequence is deterministic but the second sequence has less of a pattern than the first.
So while the output of `fract(10000 * sin(...))` is deterministic, it doesn't have much of a discernible pattern.

<p align="center">
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Mtt8BNg.gif" alt="Increasing the pseudo randomness." title="Increasing the pseudo randomness.">

Here you see the `sin` multiplier going from 1, to 10, to 100, and then to 1000.

As you increase the `sin` output multiplier, you get less and less of a pattern.
This is the reason the snippet multiplies `sin` by 10,000.

### Fragment Color

  // ...

  vec2 texSize  = textureSize(colorTexture, 0).xy;
  vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / texSize;

  vec4 color = texture(colorTexture, texCoord);

  // ...

Convert the fragment's coordinates to UV coordinates.
Using these UV coordinates, look up the texture color for this fragment.

    // ...

    amount *= randomIntensity;

    color.rgb += amount;

    // ...

Adjust the amount by the random intensity and add this to the color.

  // ...

  fragColor = color;

  // ...

Set the fragment color and you're done.

### Source

- [main.cxx](../demonstration/src/main.cxx)
- [basic.vert](../demonstration/shaders/vertex/basic.vert)
- [film-grain.frag](../demonstration/shaders/fragment/film-grain.frag)

## Copyright

(C) 2019 David Lettier
