Simple RNN short sentence classifier for scandinavian languages: Danish, Norwegian and Swedish:
- Trained on a translated subtitles dataset downloaded from:
- Trained on sentences between 15 and 100 characters
- Best model saved when model achieved 90.5% accuracy on validation data after 5 training epochs.
- Implemented with exponential learning rate decay to prevent vanishing/exploding gradients, a common problem in the training of RNNs.
- Developed with PyTorch.
- Integrated on a REST API service through Flask.
- Dockerized using docker.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The data has to be downloaded and extracted from the following links:
- OpenSubtitles.da-en.da (danish) -
- (norwegian) -
- (swedish)-
Each .zip file contains multiple files, make sure to extract only the file ending in the respective language:
- From extract only the file: OpenSubtitles.da-en.da
- From extract only the file:
- From extract only the file:
These 3 files should be extracted to the folder: datasets/OpenSubs.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
- Create a python virtualenv
virtualenv venv
4.i (Windows) Activate virtual environment
cd venv\Scripts
cd ..\..
4.ii (Linux / Mac) Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
5 Install required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train using the same configuration as mine (default values)
To train on different configuration you can modify the following optional arguments:
- --nh (number of hidden units, default=256)
- --lr (learning rate, default=0.005)
- --lr_d (learning rate decay percentage to decrease every 10k iterations, default=0.97)
- --e (number of epochs, default=5)
- --pe (print every n iterations, default=100)
- --ds (dataset size of data to extract, default=100000 sentences)
- --dir (directory of OpenSubtitles data, default='datasets/OpenSubs')
- --ckp (bool, use if training from checkpoint, default=False)
- --ckp_dir (if --ckp, directory of saved model, default='save_hn_256_lr_0.005')
python --nh 128 --lr 0.001 --e 2 --ckp --ckp_dir 'save_hn_128_lr_0.001'
(running will automatically create a save checkpoint directory in /saves if --ckp is used then --ckp_dir will be used to load model. To train model from 0, it is recommended to backup the saved model and delete 'save_hn_XXX_lr_XXXX' file so that a new one can be generated.)
Example of the output during training (using --pe=10 and --ckp):
860 0% (4m 20s) | Nej, vet du vad? / sv ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.6% | Validation Accuracy: 88.4%
870 0% (4m 24s) | Mr. Townsend, du kan da være mer rundhåndet enn det. / no ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.7% | Validation Accuracy: 88.3%
880 0% (4m 25s) | Kommer hun her ikke? / da ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.6% | Validation Accuracy: 88.3%
890 0% (4m 28s) | - Jeg så jer sammen. / da ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.5% | Validation Accuracy: 88.2%
900 0% (4m 30s) | Eller vad sa Runeberg, vår nationalskald? / sv ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.7% | Validation Accuracy: 88.2%
910 0% (4m 33s) | Han må være slangemenneske. / no ✗ (da)
Train Accuracy: 87.7% | Validation Accuracy: 88.1%
920 0% (4m 36s) | -Det fins ingen miss Froy. / no ✓
Train Accuracy: 87.7% | Validation Accuracy: 88.2%
To see an example of the model predicting multiple random sentences.
python --example
Testing on dataset sentences:
> Hold nu op, hun har det skidt
The following sentence is: [da]
> Jeg har akkurat bakt en sukkerkake
The following sentence is: [no]
> Man känner igen den, den är bekväm.
The following sentence is: [sv]
Testing on random sentences from the internet:
> Hej, jeg hedder Pedro og jeg elsker at drikke øl!
The following sentence is: [da]
> Mit luftpudefartøj er fyldt med ål
The following sentence is: [da]
> Der er i øjeblikket ingen tekst på denne side. Du kan søge efter sidenavnet på andre sider, søge i relaterede logger eller oprette siden.
The following sentence is: [da]
> Jeg forstår det veldig godt.
The following sentence is: [no]
> Floreanaspottefugl er ein sterkt truga art av spottefuglar. Han er naturleg endemisk til øya Floreana, ei av Galápagosøyane.
The following sentence is: [no]
> När katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet
The following sentence is: [sv]
> Rosshavet (engelska: Ross Sea) är ett randhav av Antarktiska oceanen och ligger mellan Victoria Land och Marie Byrd Land
The following sentence is: [sv]
To predict a custom sentence string
python --string 'Der er i øjeblikket ingen tekst på denne side.'
> Der er i øjeblikket ingen tekst på denne side.
The following sentence is: [da]
Building the container
docker build -t stc .
After the build completes, run the container
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 stc
To serve a prediction using REST API do:
http://är katten är borta dansar råttorna på bordet
Output in json format:
- extract more scandivanian datasets and train on more sentences.
- implement maximum limit on number of tokens to allow higher datasets without increasing vocav dict and tensor size
- create a web app to integrate the REST API and host it (ex: heroku web app).
- build same model using transformers and compare
- Pedro Rodrigues (
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- This model is based from
- Useful Flask + Docker tutorial