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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary One-sentence summary of this page.

_(The following applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig. For version 2.x, see [Version2Announcement].)_


Table of Contents

  1. *[#Graphics_Primitives Graphics Primitives]* ([GeneralPrimitive general features])
  2. *[#Curves Curves]*
  • [ClassCurve Curve], [DefFuncRtoR2 funcRtoR2()], [DefFuncRtoC funcRtoC()], [DefFuncRtoR funcRtoR()], [ClassLine Line], [ClassVLine HLine and VLine], [ClassRect Rect], [ClassEllipse Ellipse]
  1. *[ Ticks, Axes, and Gridlines]*
  • [TickSpecification tick specification], [ClassTicks Ticks], [ClassCurveAxis CurveAxis], [ClassLineAxis LineAxis], [ClassAxes XAxis, YAxis, and Axes], [ClassGrid Grid, HGrid, and VGrid]
  1. *[#Miscellaneous_Graphics_Primitives Miscellaneous Graphics Primitives]*
  • [ClassPath Path], [DefPathtoPath pathtoPath()], [ClassPoly Poly], [ClassDots Dots], [ClassYErrorBars YErrorBars and XErrorBars], [ClassLine LineGlobal], [ClassText Text], [ClassTextGlobal TextGlobal]
  1. *[#Figures Figures]*
  • [ClassFig class Fig], [ClassPlot class Plot], [ClassFrame class Frame]
  1. *[#Transformations Transformations]*
  • [DefTotrans totrans()], [DefWindow window()], [DefRotate rotate()]
  1. *[#SVG_Objects SVG Objects]*
  • [ClassSVG SVG], [DefCanvas canvas() and canvas_outline()], [Defload load() and load_stream()], [DefTemplate template()], [DefMake_symbol make_symbol()], [DefMake_marker make_marker()]
  1. *[#Other_Functions Other Functions]*
  • [DefRgb rgb()]

Graphics Primitives

A _graphics primitive_ is any one graphics object, such as a line, curve, or polygon. You can apply coordinate transformations to graphics primitives, group them together into figures, and then convert them to SVG objects.

  • [GeneralPrimitive General features] of all graphics primitives


A _curve_ is a graphics primitive representing a parametric curve. Curves map correctly under coordinate transformations -- SVGFig uses an adaptive sampling algorithm to convert the end result to SVG.

  • [ClassCurve class Curve]: a parametric curve defined by a function; svgfig uses an adaptive sampling algorithm to convert Curves to SVG path elements. You can use the functions [DefFuncRtoR2 funcRtoR2()], [DefFuncRtoC funcRtoC()], and [DefFuncRtoR funcRtoR()] to assist in the creation of parametric equations.

Curve has the following child classes:

  • [ClassLine class Line]: a straight line connecting two points, may become curved after a nonlinear coordinate transformation
  • [ClassVLine class HLine and class VLine] (children of Line): a horizontal or vertical line
  • [ClassRect class Rect]: a horizontal or vertical rectangle
  • [ClassEllipse class Ellipse]: an arbitrary ellipse or circle

Ticks, Axes, and Gridlines

Ticks are graphics primitive representing sequences of tickmarks. These may be drawn using any of the [TickSpecification standard tick specification methods].

  • [ClassTicks class Ticks]: a collection of tick marks drawn along a parametric curve (draws the ticks, but not the curve)
  • [ClassCurveAxis class CurveAxis] (child of Curve and Ticks): a Curve with Ticks
  • [ClassLineAxis class LineAxis] (child of Line and Ticks): a Line with Ticks
  • [ClassAxes class XAxis and class YAxis] (children of !LineAxis): a horizontal or vertical axis with ticks
  • [ClassAxes class Axes]: Both an XAxis and a YAxis
  • [ClassGrid class Grid, class HGrid, and class VGrid] (children of Ticks): a sequence of horizontal and/or vertical gridlines

Miscellaneous Graphics Primitives

  • [ClassPath class Path] any collection of straight or curved arcs, similar to an SVG path element
  • [DefPathtoPath pathtoPath()] A function to convert an SVG path element into an object of class Path
  • [ClassPoly class Poly]: a smooth or piecewise-linear curve defined by a sequence of points
  • [ClassDots class Dots]: a collection of SVG symbols drawn at specified coordinates
  • [ClassYErrorBars class YErrorBars and class XErrorBars]: a collection of error bars
  • [ClassLine class LineGlobal]: a straight line connecting two points, remains straight under coordinate transformations. One or both endpoints may be specified in global coordinates
  • [ClassText class Text]: text placed at specified local coordinates
  • [ClassTextGlobal class TextGlobal]: text placed at specified global coordinate


A _figure_ is any set of graphics primitive. A figure is itself a primitive, making it possible to create nested collections. Any transformation applied to a figure is applied separately to each of its members.

There are three classes for creating figures:

  • [ClassFig class Fig]: any collection of graphics primitives
  • [ClassPlot class Plot]: a figure with coordinate axes
  • [ClassFrame class Frame]: a figure with a coordinate frame


Each of the graphics primitives above is subject to _coordinate transformations_. The following functions can be helpful in creating these transformations:

  • [DefTotrans totrans()]: turns a string expression or complex function into an R^2^-to-R^2^ function
  • [DefWindow window()]: creates a transformation by mapping a rectangle of "inner" coordinates to a rectangle of "outer" coordinates
  • [DefRotate rotate()]: rotates the plane around a specified point

SVG Objects

An _SVG object_ is a python representation of an SVG element (or group of elements). Graphics primitives can be converted to SVG objects, which can then be assembled and written to SVG image files.

  • [ClassSVG class SVG]: any SVG element (e.g. an SVG canvas, an SVG path, an SVG group element, an SVG defs element, etc.) SVG elements can be created directly using the [ClassSVG SVG constructor], or from any graphics primitive by using the (graphics primitive object).SVG() member function. The following functions also create SVG elements:
  • [DefCanvas canvas() and canvas_outline()]: functions to create a top-level SVG element; good for changing the aspect ratio
  • [Defload load() and load_stream()]: functions to create an SVG element from an SVG file or XML stream
  • [DefTemplate template()]: function to create an SVG element from an SVG template file
  • [DefMake_symbol make_symbol()]: function to create a SVG symbol element from a template of standard shapes
  • [DefMake_marker make_marker()]: function to create a SVG marker element from a template of standard shapes

Other functions

The following helper functions may be useful when working with graphics primitives or SVGs:

  • [DefRgb rgb()]: expresses an rgb triple as a hex string
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