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Jim Pivarski edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision
  1. summary Home page for all documentation
  2. labels Featured,Version1

_(The following applies only to the 1.x branch of SVGFig. For version 2.x, see [Version2Announcement].)_


  • [Introduction Introduction]: how SVGFig basically works
  • [PlottingTutorial Plotting Tutorial]: tutorial for plotting mathematical functions
  • [ExampleGallery Example Gallery]: shows what SVG can do

Alphabetized Index

[ Click here] for an alphabetized list of all SVGFig reference pages. (Note that you can search their contents.)


Reference Table of Contents


  • [ClassSVG SVG]: class representing an SVG image
  • [DefCanvas canvas and canvas_outline]: functions for explicitly laying out the SVG canvas; good for changing the aspect ratio
  • [Defload load and load_stream]: functions for loading SVG files from files or XML streams
  • [DefTemplate template]: loads an SVG template, replacing all instances of "<REPLACEME />" with an SVG object
  • SVG graphics helpers
  • [DefRgb rgb]: expresses an rgb triple as a hex string
  • [DefMake_symbol make_symbol]: makes a <symbol /> element from a template of standard shapes
  • [DefMake_marker make_marker]: makes a <marker /> element from a template
  • [ClassFig Fig]: holds a set of transformable primitives and globally-positioned SVG objects, composes transformations when nested
  • [ClassPlot Plot]: a Fig with coordinate axes
  • [ClassFrame Frame]: a Fig in a coordinate frame
  • for making transformation functions
  • [DefTotrans totrans]: turns a string expression or complex function into an R^2^-to-R^2^ function
  • [DefWindow window]: creates a transformation by mapping a rectangle of "inner" coordinates to a rectangle of "outer" coordinates
  • [DefRotate rotate]: creates a simple rotation of the plane

Fig Primitives

  • [GeneralPrimitive General features of all primitives]
  • [ClassPath Path]: a transformable representation of an SVG path
  • [DefPathtoPath pathtoPath]: converts SVG <path /> objects into transformable Paths
  • [ClassCurve Curve]: draws a parametric function; implements the adaptive sampling algorithm
  • [DefFuncRtoR2 funcRtoR2]: turns a string expression into a parametric function suitable for drawing with Curve
  • [DefFuncRtoC funcRtoC]: turns a complex string expression into a parametric function
  • [DefFuncRtoR funcRtoR]: turns a one-dimensional function into a parametric function
  • [ClassPoly Poly]: draws a line through a sequence of points; may be piecewise linear, Bézier, a velocity curve, or smooth
  • [ClassDots Dots]: draws SVG symbols at a set of points
  • [ClassYErrorBars YErrorBars and XErrorBars]: draw error bars (usually used with Dots), including multiple bars (e.g. for correlated and uncorrelated errors)
  • [ClassLine Line]: draws a line between two points; if the coordinate transformation is non-linear, the line may be curved
  • [ClassLineGlobal LineGlobal]: draws a straight line between two points, one or both of which are in global coordinates
  • [ClassVLine VLine and HLine]: draws vertical and horizontal lines (provided as a convenience)
  • [ClassRect Rect]: draws a rectangle joining four points
  • [ClassEllipse Ellipse]: draws an ellipse with semimajor axis and a semiminor length (does not need to be aligned with the X-Y axis)
  • [ClassGrid Grid, HGrid, and VGrid]: draws a set of horizontal and vertical lines
  • [ClassText Text]: places text at a local coordinate
  • [ClassTextGlobal TextGlobal]: places text at a global coordinate

Coordinate Axes

  • [TickSpecification Standard tick specification methods]
  • [ClassAxes Axes]: draws an orthogonal coordinate axis in the local coordinate system
  • [ClassTicks Ticks]: superclass of everything with tick marks; implements the tick-guessing algorithm
  • [ClassCurveAxis CurveAxis]: draws ticks along a parametric function
  • [ClassLineAxis LineAxis]: draws ticks along a line; useful for measuring the distance between points
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