Taken from OpenGL ES GLSL 3.00 Spec (29 Jan 2016)
GLSL | Scala | Meaning |
void | scala.Unit | for functions that do not return a value |
bool | scala.Boolean | a conditional type, taking on values of true or false |
int | scala.Int | a signed integer |
uint | TBD | an unsigned integer |
float | scala.Float | a single floating-point scalar |
vec2 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec2[Float] | a two-component floating-point vector |
vec3 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec3[Float] | a three-component floating-point vector |
vec4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec4[Float] | a four-component floating-point vector |
bvec2 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec2[Boolean] | a two-component Boolean vector |
bvec3 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec3[Boolean] | a three-component Boolean vector |
bvec4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec4[Boolean] | a four-component Boolean vector |
ivec2 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec2[Int] | a two-component signed integer vector |
ivec3 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec3[Int] | a three-component signed integer vector |
ivec4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec4[Int] | a four-component signed integer vector |
uvec2 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec2[Uint] | a two-component unsigned integer vector |
uvec3 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec3[Uint] | a three-component unsigned integer vector |
uvec4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Vec4[UInt] | a four-component unsigned integer vector |
mat2 | TBD | a 2×2 floating-point matrix |
mat3 | TBD | a 3×3 floating-point matrix |
mat4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Matrix4[Float] | a 4×4 floating-point matrix |
mat2x2 | TBD | same as a mat2 |
mat2x3 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows |
mat2x4 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows |
mat3x2 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows |
mat3x3 | TBD | same as a mat3 |
mat3x4 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows |
mat4x2 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows |
mat4x3 | TBD | a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows |
mat4x4 | com.jsuereth.gl.math.Matrix4x4[Float] | same as a mat4 |
GLSL | Scala | Meaning |
sampler2D | TBD | a handle for accessing a 2D texture |
sampler3D | TBD | a handle for accessing a 3D texture |
samplerCube | TBD | a handle for accessing a cube mapped texture |
samplerCubeShadow | TBD | a handle for accessing a cube map depth texture with comparison |
sampler2DArray | TBD | a handle for accessing an 2D array texture |
sampler2DArrayShadow | TBD | a handle for accessing an 2D array texture |
isampler2D | TBD | a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D texture |
isampler3D | TBD | a handle for accessing a signed integer 3D texture |
isamplerCube | TBD | a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D cube mapped texture |
isampler2DArray | TBD | a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D array texture |
usampler2D | TBD | a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D texture |
usampler3D | TBD | a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 3D texture |
usamplerCube | TBD | a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D cube mapped texture |
usampler2DArray | TBD | a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D array texture |
GLSL | Scala |
x + y | x + y |
x - y | x - y |
x * y | x * y |
x / y | x / y |
x % y | TBD |
x++ | TBD |
x-- | TBD |
-x | -x |
~x | TBD |
!x | TBD |
x << y | TBD |
x >> y | TBD |
x < y | x < y |
x <= y | x <= y |
x > y | x > y |
x >= y | x >= y |
&& | TBD |
` |
GLSL | Scala |
radians(degrees) | TBD |
degress(radians) | TBD |
sin(angle) | TBD |
cos(angle) | TBD |
tan(angle) | TBD |
asin(x) | TBD |
acos(x) | TBD |
atan(x,y) | TBD |
atan(y_over_x) | TBD |
sinh(x) | TBD |
cosh(x) | TBD |
tanh(x) | TBD |
asinh(x) | TBD |
acosh(x) | TBD |
atanh(x) | TBD |
GLSL | Scala |
pow(x,y) | java.lang.Math.pow(x,y) |
exp(x) | TBD |
log(x) | TBD |
exp2(x) | TBD |
log2(x) | TBD |
sqrt(x) | TBD |
inversesqrt(x) | TBD |
GLSL | Scala |
abs(x,y) | TBD |
sign(x) | TBD |
floor(x) | TBD |
trunc(x) | TBD |
round(x) | TBD |
roundEven(x) | TBD |
ceil(x) | TBD |
fract(x) | TBD |
mod(x,y) | TBD |
modf(x,y) | TBD |
min(x,y) | java.lang.Math.min(x,y) |
max(x,y) | java.lang.Math.max(x,y) |
clamp(x,minVal, maxVal) | TBD |
mix(x,y,a) | TBD |
step(edge,x) | TBD |
smoothstep(edge1,edge2,x) | TBD |
isnan(x) | TBD |
isinf(x) | TBD |
floatBitsToInt(x) | TBD |
floatBitsToUint(x) | TBD |
intBitsToFloat(x) | TBD |
uintBitsToFloat(x) | TBD |
GLSL | Scala |
length(x) | x.length |
distance(p0,p1) | TBD |
dot(x,y) | x.dot(y) |
cross(x,y) | x.cross(y) |
normalize(x) | x.normalize |
faceforward(N,I,Nref) | TBD |
reflect(I,N) | TBD |
refract(I,N,eta) | TBD |
GLSL | Scala |
matrixCompMulti(x,y) | TBD |
outerProduct(x,y) | TBD |
transpose(x) | TBD |
determinant(x) | x.determinant |
inverse(x) | x.inverse |