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Mappings from OpenGL GLSL types to Scala types.

Taken from OpenGL ES GLSL 3.00 Spec (29 Jan 2016)

Basic types

GLSL Scala Meaning
void scala.Unit for functions that do not return a value
bool scala.Boolean a conditional type, taking on values of true or false
int scala.Int a signed integer
uint TBD an unsigned integer
float scala.Float a single floating-point scalar
vec2[Float] a two-component floating-point vector
vec3[Float] a three-component floating-point vector
vec4[Float] a four-component floating-point vector
bvec2[Boolean] a two-component Boolean vector
bvec3[Boolean] a three-component Boolean vector
bvec4[Boolean] a four-component Boolean vector
ivec2[Int] a two-component signed integer vector
ivec3[Int] a three-component signed integer vector
ivec4[Int] a four-component signed integer vector
uvec2[Uint] a two-component unsigned integer vector
uvec3[Uint] a three-component unsigned integer vector
uvec4[UInt] a four-component unsigned integer vector
mat2 TBD a 2×2 floating-point matrix
mat3 TBD a 3×3 floating-point matrix
mat4[Float] a 4×4 floating-point matrix
mat2x2 TBD same as a mat2
mat2x3 TBD a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows
mat2x4 TBD a floating-point matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows
mat3x2 TBD a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows
mat3x3 TBD same as a mat3
mat3x4 TBD a floating-point matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows
mat4x2 TBD a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows
mat4x3 TBD a floating-point matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows
mat4x4[Float] same as a mat4

Sampler opaque types

GLSL Scala Meaning
sampler2D TBD a handle for accessing a 2D texture
sampler3D TBD a handle for accessing a 3D texture
samplerCube TBD a handle for accessing a cube mapped texture
samplerCubeShadow TBD a handle for accessing a cube map depth texture with comparison
sampler2DArray TBD a handle for accessing an 2D array texture
sampler2DArrayShadow TBD a handle for accessing an 2D array texture
isampler2D TBD a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D texture
isampler3D TBD a handle for accessing a signed integer 3D texture
isamplerCube TBD a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D cube mapped texture
isampler2DArray TBD a handle for accessing a signed integer 2D array texture
usampler2D TBD a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D texture
usampler3D TBD a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 3D texture
usamplerCube TBD a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D cube mapped texture
usampler2DArray TBD a handle for accessing an unsigned integer 2D array texture

Built in operators

GLSL Scala
x + y x + y
x - y x - y
x * y x * y
x / y x / y
x % y TBD
x++ TBD
x-- TBD
-x -x
~x TBD
!x TBD
x << y TBD
x >> y TBD
x < y x < y
x <= y x <= y
x > y x > y
x >= y x >= y
&& TBD

Built-in trigonometry functions

GLSL Scala
radians(degrees) TBD
degress(radians) TBD
sin(angle) TBD
cos(angle) TBD
tan(angle) TBD
asin(x) TBD
acos(x) TBD
atan(x,y) TBD
atan(y_over_x) TBD
sinh(x) TBD
cosh(x) TBD
tanh(x) TBD
asinh(x) TBD
acosh(x) TBD
atanh(x) TBD

Built-in Exponential Functions

GLSL Scala
pow(x,y) java.lang.Math.pow(x,y)
exp(x) TBD
log(x) TBD
exp2(x) TBD
log2(x) TBD
sqrt(x) TBD
inversesqrt(x) TBD

Built-in Common Functions

GLSL Scala
abs(x,y) TBD
sign(x) TBD
floor(x) TBD
trunc(x) TBD
round(x) TBD
roundEven(x) TBD
ceil(x) TBD
fract(x) TBD
mod(x,y) TBD
modf(x,y) TBD
min(x,y) java.lang.Math.min(x,y)
max(x,y) java.lang.Math.max(x,y)
clamp(x,minVal, maxVal) TBD
mix(x,y,a) TBD
step(edge,x) TBD
smoothstep(edge1,edge2,x) TBD
isnan(x) TBD
isinf(x) TBD
floatBitsToInt(x) TBD
floatBitsToUint(x) TBD
intBitsToFloat(x) TBD
uintBitsToFloat(x) TBD

TODO - floating point packing ops

Built-in Geometric Functions

GLSL Scala
length(x) x.length
distance(p0,p1) TBD
cross(x,y) x.cross(y)
normalize(x) x.normalize
faceforward(N,I,Nref) TBD
reflect(I,N) TBD
refract(I,N,eta) TBD

Built-in Matrix Functions

GLSL Scala
matrixCompMulti(x,y) TBD
outerProduct(x,y) TBD
transpose(x) TBD
determinant(x) x.determinant
inverse(x) x.inverse

TODO translations for section 8.7 and below