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Brick User Guide

brick is a Haskell library for programming terminal user interfaces. Its main goal is to make terminal user interface development as painless and as direct as possible. brick builds on vty; vty provides the terminal input and output interface and drawing primitives, while brick builds on those to provide a high-level application abstraction, combinators for expressing user interface layouts, and infrastructure for handling events.

This documentation is intended to provide a high-level overview of the library's design along with guidance for using it, but details on specific functions can be found in the Haddock documentation.

The process of writing an application using brick entails writing two important functions:

  • A drawing function that turns your application state into a specification of how your interface should be drawn, and
  • An event handler that takes your application state and an input event and decides whether to change the state or quit the program.

We write drawing functions in brick using an extensive set of primitives and combinators to place text on the screen, set its attributes (e.g. foreground color), and express layout constraints (e.g. padding, centering, box layouts, scrolling viewports, etc.).

These functions get packaged into an App structure that we hand off to the brick library's main event loop. We'll cover that in detail in The App Type.

brick can be installed in the "usual way," either by installing the latest Hackage release or by cloning the GitHub repository and building locally.

To install from Hackage:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install brick

To clone and build locally:

$ git clone
$ cd brick
$ cabal new-build

Your package will need some dependencies:

  • brick,
  • vty >= 6.0, and
  • vty-crossplatform or vty-unix or vty-windows, depending on which platform(s) your application supports.

brick includes a large collection of feature-specific demonstration programs. These programs are not built by default but can be built by passing the demos flag to cabal install, e.g.:

$ cabal install brick -f demos

brick has some API conventions worth knowing about as you read this documentation and as you explore the library source and write your own programs.

  • Use of microlens packages: brick uses the microlens family of packages internally and also exposes lenses for many types in the library. However, if you prefer not to use the lens interface in your program, all lens interfaces have non-lens equivalents exported by the same module. In general, the "L" suffix on something tells you it is a lens; the name without the "L" suffix is the non-lens version. You can get by without using brick's lens interface but your life will probably be much more pleasant if you use lenses to modify your application state once it becomes sufficiently complex (see appHandleEvent: Handling Events and Event Handlers for Component State).
  • Attribute names: some modules export attribute names (see How Attributes Work) associated with user interface elements. These tend to end in an "Attr" suffix (e.g. borderAttr). In addition, hierarchical relationships between attributes are documented in Haddock documentation.
  • Use of qualified Haskell identifiers: in this document, where sensible, I will use fully-qualified identifiers whenever I mention something for the first time or whenever I use something that is not part of brick. Use of qualified names is not intended to produce executable examples, but rather to guide you in writing your import statements.

Brick applications must be compiled with the threaded RTS using the GHC -threaded option.

To use the library we must provide it with a value of type Brick.Main.App. This type is a record type whose fields perform various functions:

data App s e n =
    App { appDraw         :: s -> [Widget n]
        , appChooseCursor :: s -> [CursorLocation n] -> Maybe (CursorLocation n)
        , appHandleEvent  :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n s ()
        , appStartEvent   :: EventM n s ()
        , appAttrMap      :: s -> AttrMap

The App type is parameterized over three types. These type variables will appear in the signatures of many library functions and types. They are:

  • The application state type s: the type of data that will evolve over the course of the application's execution. Your application will provide the library with its starting value and event handling will transform it as the program executes. When a brick application exits, the final application state will be returned.
  • The event type e: the type of custom application events that your application will need to produce and handle in appHandleEvent. All applications will be provided with events from the underlying vty library, such as keyboard events or resize events; this type variable indicates the type of additional events the application will need. For more details, see Using Your Own Event Type.
  • The resource name type n: during application execution we sometimes need a way to refer to rendering state, such as the space taken up by a given widget, the state for a scrollable viewport, a mouse click, or a cursor position. For these situations we need a unique handle called a resource name. The type n specifies the name type the application will use to identify these bits of state produced and managed by the renderer. The resource name type must be provided by your application; for more details, see Resource Names.

The various fields of App will be described in the sections below.

To run an App, we pass it to Brick.Main.defaultMain or Brick.Main.customMain along with an initial application state value:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let app = App { ... }
        initialState = ...
    finalState <- defaultMain app initialState
    -- Use finalState and exit

The customMain function is for more advanced uses; for details see Using Your Own Event Type.

The value of appDraw is a function that turns the current application state into a list of layers of type Widget, listed topmost first, that will make up the interface. Each Widget gets turned into a vty layer and the resulting layers are drawn to the terminal.

The Widget type is the type of drawing instructions. The body of your drawing function will use one or more drawing functions to build or transform Widget values to describe your interface. These instructions will then be executed with respect to three things:

  • The size of the terminal: the size of the terminal determines how many Widget values behave. For example, fixed-size Widget values such as text strings behave the same under all conditions (and get cropped if the terminal is too small) but layout combinators such as Brick.Widgets.Core.vBox or use the size of the terminal to determine how to lay other widgets out. See How Widgets and Rendering Work.
  • The application's attribute map (appAttrMap): drawing functions requesting the use of attributes cause the attribute map to be consulted. See How Attributes Work.
  • The state of scrollable viewports: the state of any scrollable viewports on the previous drawing will be considered. For more details, see Viewports.

The appDraw function is called when the event loop begins to draw the application as it initially appears. It is also called right after an event is processed by appHandleEvent. Even though the function returns a specification of how to draw the entire screen, the underlying vty library goes to some trouble to efficiently update only the parts of the screen that have changed so you don't need to worry about this.

The most important module providing drawing functions is Brick.Widgets.Core. Beyond that, any module in the Brick.Widgets namespace provides specific kinds of functionality.

The value of appHandleEvent is a function that decides how to modify the application state as a result of an event:

appHandleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n s ()

appHandleEvent is responsible for deciding how to change the state based on incoming events. The single parameter to the event handler is the event to be handled. Its type variables n and e correspond to the resource name type and event type of your application, respectively, and must match the corresponding types in App and EventM.

The EventM monad is parameterized on the resource name type n and your application's state type s. The EventM monad is a state monad over s, so one way to access and modify your application's state in an event handler is to use the MonadState type class and associated operations from the mtl package. The recommended approach, however, is to use the lens operations from the microlens-mtl package with lenses to perform concise state updates. We'll cover this topic in more detail in Event Handlers for Component State.

Once the event handler has performed any relevant state updates, it can also indicate what should happen once the event handler has finished executing. By default, after an event handler has completed, Brick will redraw the screen with the application state (by calling appDraw) and wait for the next input event. However, there are two other options:

  • Brick.Main.halt: halt the event loop. The application state as it exists after the event handler completes is returned to the caller of defaultMain or customMain.
  • Brick.Main.continueWithoutRedraw: continue executing the event loop, but do not redraw the screen using the new state before waiting for another input event. This is faster than the default continue behavior since it doesn't redraw the screen; it just leaves up the previous screen contents. This function is only useful when you know that your event handler's state change(s) won't cause anything on the screen to change. Use this only when you are certain that no redraw of the screen is needed and when you are trying to address a performance problem. (See also The Rendering Cache for details on how to deal with rendering performance issues.)

The EventM monad is a transformer around IO so I/O is possible in this monad by using liftIO. Keep in mind, however, that event handlers should execute as quickly as possible to avoid introducing screen redraw latency. Consider using background threads to work asynchronously when handling an event would otherwise cause redraw latency.

EventM is also used to make scrolling requests to the renderer (see Viewports), obtain named extents (see Extents), and other duties.

The top-level appHandleEvent handler is responsible for managing the application state, but it also needs to be able to update the state associated with UI components such as those that come with Brick.

For example, consider an application that uses Brick's built-in text editor from Brick.Widgets.Edit. The built-in editor is similar to the main application in that it has three important elements:

  • The editor state of type Editor t n: this stores the editor's contents, cursor position, etc.
  • The editor's drawing function, renderEditor: this is responsible for drawing the editor in the UI.
  • The editor's event handler, handleEditorEvent: this is responsible for updating the editor's contents and cursor position in response to key events.

To use the built-in editor, the application must:

  • Embed an Editor t n somewhere in the application state s,
  • Render the editor's state at the appropriate place in appDraw with renderEditor, and
  • Dispatch events to the editor in the appHandleEvent with handleEditorEvent.

An example application state using an editor might look like this:

data MyState n = MyState { _editor :: Editor Text n }
makeLenses ''MyState

This declares the MyState type with an Editor contained within it and uses Template Haskell to generate a lens, editor, to allow us to easily update the editor state in our event handler.

To dispatch events to the editor we'd start by writing the application event handler:

handleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n MyState ()
handleEvent e = do

But there's a problem: handleEditorEvent's type indicates that it can only run over a state of type Editor t n, but our handler runs on MyState. Specifically, handleEditorEvent has this type:

handleEditorEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Editor t n) ()

This means that to use handleEditorEvent, it must be composed into the application's event handler, but since the state types s and Editor t n do not match, we need a way to compose these event handlers. There are two ways to do this:

  • Use Lens.Micro.Mtl.zoom from the microlens-mtl package (re-exported by Brick.Types for convenience). This function is required when you want to change the state type to a field embedded in your application state using a lens. For example:
handleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n MyState ()
handleEvent e = do
    zoom editor $ handleEditorEvent e
  • Use Brick.Types.nestEventM: this function lets you provide a state value and run EventM using that state. The following nestEventM example is equivalent to the zoom example above:
import Lens.Micro (_1)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl (use, (.=))

handleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n MyState ()
handleEvent e = do
    editorState <- use editor
    (newEditorState, ()) <- nestEventM editorState $ do
        handleEditorEvent e
    editor .= newEditorState

The zoom function, together with lenses for your application state's fields, is by far the best way to manage your state in EventM. As you can see from the examples above, the zoom approach avoids a lot of boilerplate. The nestEventM approach is provided in cases where the state that you need to mutate is not easily accessed by zoom.

Finally, if you prefer to avoid the use of lenses, you can always use the MonadState API to get, put, and modify your state. Keep in mind that the MonadState approach will still require the use of nestEventM when events scoped to widget states such as Editor need to be handled.

Since we often need to communicate application-specific events beyond Vty input events to the event handler, brick supports embedding your application's custom events in the stream of BrickEvent-s that your handler will receive. The type of these events is the type e mentioned in BrickEvent n e and App s e n.

Note: ordinarily your application will not have its own custom event type, so you can leave this type unused (e.g. App MyState e MyName) or just set it to unit (App MyState () MyName).

Here's an example of using a custom event type. Suppose that you'd like to be able to handle counter events in your event handler. First we define the counter event type:

data CounterEvent = Counter Int

With this type declaration we can now use counter events in our app by using the application type App s CounterEvent n. To handle these events we'll just need to check for AppEvent values in the event handler:

myEvent :: BrickEvent n CounterEvent -> EventM n s ()
myEvent (AppEvent (Counter i)) = ...

The next step is to actually generate our custom events and inject them into the brick event stream so they make it to the event handler. To do that we need to create a BChan for our custom events, provide that BChan to brick, and then send our events over that channel. Once we've created the channel with Brick.BChan.newBChan, we provide it to brick with customMain instead of defaultMain:

main :: IO ()
main = do
    eventChan <- Brick.BChan.newBChan 10
    let buildVty = Graphics.Vty.CrossPlatform.mkVty Graphics.Vty.Config.defaultConfig
    initialVty <- buildVty
    finalState <- customMain initialVty buildVty
                    (Just eventChan) app initialState
    -- Use finalState and exit

The customMain function lets us have control over how the vty library is initialized and how brick gets custom events to give to our event handler. customMain is the entry point into brick when you need to use your own event type as shown here. In this example we're using mkVty provided by the vty-crossplatform package, which provides build-time support for both Unix and Windows. If you prefer, you can use either the vty-unix package or the vty-windows package directly instead if you only want to support one platform.

With all of this in place, sending our custom events to the event handler is straightforward:

counterThread :: Brick.BChan.BChan CounterEvent -> IO ()
counterThread chan = do
    Brick.BChan.writeBChan chan $ Counter 1

A BChan, or bounded channel, can hold a limited number of items before attempts to write new items will block. In the call to newBChan above, the created channel has a capacity of 10 items. Use of a bounded channel ensures that if the program cannot process events quickly enough then there is a limit to how much memory will be used to store unprocessed events. Thus the chosen capacity should be large enough to buffer occasional spikes in event handling latency without inadvertently blocking custom event producers. Each application will have its own performance characteristics that determine the best bound for the event channel. In general, consider the performance of your event handler when choosing the channel capacity and design event producers so that they can block if the channel is full.

When an application starts, it may be desirable to perform some of the duties typically only possible when an event has arrived, such as setting up initial scrolling viewport state. Since such actions can only be performed in EventM and since we do not want to wait until the first event arrives to do this work in appHandleEvent, the App type provides appStartEvent function for this purpose:

appStartEvent :: EventM n s ()

This function is a handler action to run on the initial application state. This function is invoked once and only once, at application startup. This might be a place to make initial viewport scroll requests or make changes to the Vty environment. You will probably just want to use return () as the implementation of this function for most applications.

The rendering process for a Widget may return information about where that widget would like to place the cursor. For example, a text editor will need to report a cursor position. However, since a Widget may be a composite of many such cursor-placing widgets, we have to have a way of choosing which of the reported cursor positions, if any, is the one we actually want to honor.

To decide which cursor placement to use, or to decide not to show one at all, we set the App type's appChooseCursor function:

appChooseCursor :: s -> [CursorLocation n] -> Maybe (CursorLocation n)

The event loop renders the interface and collects the Brick.Types.CursorLocation values produced by the rendering process and passes those, along with the current application state, to this function. Using your application state (to track which text input box is "focused," say) you can decide which of the locations to return or return Nothing if you do not want to show a cursor.

Many widgets in the rendering process can request cursor placements, but it is up to our application to determine which one (if any) should be used. Since we can only show at most a single cursor in the terminal, we need to decide which location to show. One way is by looking at the resource name contained in the cursorLocationName field. The name value associated with a cursor location will be the name used to request the cursor position with Brick.Widgets.Core.showCursor.

Brick.Main provides various convenience functions to make cursor selection easy in common cases:

  • neverShowCursor: never show any cursor.
  • showFirstCursor: always show the first cursor request given; good for applications with only one cursor-placing widget.
  • showCursorNamed: show the cursor with the specified resource name or show no cursor if the name was not associated with any requested cursor position.

For example, this widget requests a cursor placement on the first "o" in "foo" associated with the cursor name CustomName:

data MyName = CustomName

let w = showCursor CustomName (Brick.Types.Location (1, 0))
          (Brick.Widgets.Core.str "foobar")

The event handler for this application would use MyName as its resource name type n and would be able to pattern-match on CustomName to match cursor requests when this widget is rendered:

myApp =
    App { ...
        , appChooseCursor = \_ -> showCursorNamed CustomName

See the next section for more information on using names.

We saw above in appChooseCursor: Placing the Cursor that resource names are used to describe cursor locations. Resource names are also used to name other kinds of resources:

Assigning names to these resource types allows us to distinguish between events based on the part of the interface to which an event is related.

Your application must provide some type of name. For simple applications that don't make use of resource names, you may use (). But if your application has more than one named resource, you must provide a type capable of assigning a unique name to every resource that needs one.

Resource names can be assigned to any of the resource types mentioned above, but some resource types--viewports, extents, the render cache, and cursor locations--form separate resource namespaces. So, for example, the same name can be assigned to both a viewport and an extent, since the brick API provides access to viewports and extents using separate APIs and data structures. However, if the same name is used for two resources of the same kind, it is undefined which of those you'll be getting access to when you go to use one of those resources in your event handler.

For example, if the same name is assigned to two viewports:

data Name = Viewport1

ui :: Widget Name
ui = (viewport Viewport1 Vertical $ str "Foo") <+>
     (viewport Viewport1 Vertical $ str "Bar") <+>

then in EventM when we attempt to scroll the viewport Viewport1 we don't know which of the two uses of Viewport1 will be affected:

let vp = viewportScroll Viewport1
vScrollBy vp 1

The solution is to ensure that for a given resource type (in this case viewport), a unique name is assigned in each use.

data Name = Viewport1 | Viewport2

ui :: Widget Name
ui = (viewport Viewport1 Vertical $ str "Foo") <+>
     (viewport Viewport2 Vertical $ str "Bar") <+>

In brick we use an attribute map to assign attributes to elements of the interface. Rather than specifying specific attributes when drawing a widget (e.g. red-on-black text) we specify an attribute name that is an abstract name for the kind of thing we are drawing, e.g. "keyword" or "e-mail address." We then provide an attribute map which maps those attribute names to actual attributes. This approach lets us:

  • Change the attributes at runtime, letting the user change the attributes of any element of the application arbitrarily without forcing anyone to build special machinery to make this configurable;
  • Write routines to load saved attribute maps from disk;
  • Provide modular attribute behavior for third-party components, where we would not want to have to recompile third-party code just to change attributes, and where we would not want to have to pass in attribute arguments to third-party drawing functions.

This lets us put the attribute mapping for an entire app, regardless of use of third-party widgets, in one place.

To create a map we use Brick.AttrMap.attrMap, e.g.,

App { ...
    , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap Graphics.Vty.defAttr [(someAttrName, fg blue)]

To use an attribute map, we specify the App field appAttrMap as the function to return the current attribute map each time rendering occurs. This function takes the current application state, so you may choose to store the attribute map in your application state. You may also choose not to bother with that and to just set appAttrMap = const someMap.

To draw a widget using an attribute name in the map, use Brick.Widgets.Core.withAttr. For example, this draws a string with a blue background:

let w = withAttr blueBg $ str "foobar"
    blueBg = attrName "blueBg"
    myMap = attrMap defAttr [ (blueBg,

For complete details on how attribute maps and attribute names work, see the Haddock documentation for the Brick.AttrMap module. See also How Attributes Work.

When brick renders a Widget, the widget's rendering routine is evaluated to produce a vty Image of the widget. The widget's rendering routine runs with some information called the rendering context that contains:

  • The size of the area in which to draw things
  • The name of the current attribute to use to draw things
  • The map of attributes to use to look up attribute names
  • The active border style to use when drawing borders

The most important element in the rendering context is the rendering area: This part of the context tells the widget being drawn how many rows and columns are available for it to consume. When rendering begins, the widget being rendered (i.e. a layer returned by an appDraw function) gets a rendering context whose rendering area is the size of the terminal. This size information is used to let widgets take up that space if they so choose. For example, a string "Hello, world!" will always take up one row and 13 columns, but the string "Hello, world!" centered will always take up one row and all available columns.

How widgets use space when rendered is described in two pieces of information in each Widget: the widget's horizontal and vertical growth policies. These fields have type Brick.Types.Size and can have the values Fixed and Greedy. Note that these values are merely descriptive hints about the behavior of the rendering function, so it's important that they accurately describe the widget's use of space.

A widget advertising a Fixed size in a given dimension is a widget that will always consume the same number of rows or columns no matter how many it is given. Widgets can advertise different vertical and horizontal growth policies for example, the Brick.Widgets.Center.hCenter function centers a widget and is Greedy horizontally and defers to the widget it centers for vertical growth behavior.

These size policies govern the box layout algorithm that is at the heart of every non-trivial drawing specification. When we use Brick.Widgets.Core.vBox and Brick.Widgets.Core.hBox to lay things out (or use their binary synonyms <=> and <+>, respectively), the box layout algorithm looks at the growth policies of the widgets it receives to determine how to allocate the available space to them.

For example, imagine that the terminal window is currently 10 rows high and 50 columns wide. We wish to render the following widget:

let w = (str "Hello," <=> str "World!")

Rendering this to the terminal will result in "Hello," and "World!" underneath it, with 8 rows unoccupied by anything. But if we wished to render a vertical border underneath those strings, we would write:

let w = (str "Hello," <=> str "World!" <=> vBorder)

Rendering this to the terminal will result in "Hello," and "World!" underneath it, with 8 rows remaining occupied by vertical border characters ("|") one column wide. The vertical border widget is designed to take up however many rows it was given, but rendering the box layout algorithm has to be careful about rendering such Greedy widgets because they won't leave room for anything else. Since the box widget cannot know the sizes of its sub-widgets until they are rendered, the Fixed widgets get rendered and their sizes are used to determine how much space is left for Greedy widgets.

When using widgets it is important to understand their horizontal and vertical space behavior by knowing their Size values. Those should be made clear in the Haddock documentation.

The rendering context's specification of available space will also govern how widgets get cropped, since all widgets are required to render to an image no larger than the rendering context specifies. If they do, they will be forcibly cropped.

If you'd like to use a Greedy widget but want to limit how much space it consumes, you can turn it into a Fixed widget by using one of the limiting combinators, Brick.Widgets.Core.hLimit and Brick.Widgets.Core.vLimit. These combinators take widgets and turn them into widgets with a Fixed size (in the relevant dimension) and run their rendering functions in a modified rendering context with a restricted rendering area.

For example, the following will center a string in 30 columns, leaving room for something to be placed next to it as the terminal width changes:

let w = hLimit 30 $ hCenter $ str "Hello, world!"

The rendering context contains an attribute map (see How Attributes Work and appAttrMap: Managing Attributes) which is used to look up attribute names from the drawing specification. The map originates from Brick.Main.appAttrMap and can be manipulated on a per-widget basis using Brick.Widgets.Core.updateAttrMap.

Widgets in the Brick.Widgets.Border module draw border characters (horizontal, vertical, and boxes) between and around other widgets. To ensure that widgets across your application share a consistent visual style, border widgets consult the rendering context's active border style, a value of type Brick.Widgets.Border.Style, to get the characters used to draw borders.

The default border style is Brick.Widgets.Border.Style.unicode. To change border styles, use the Brick.Widgets.Core.withBorderStyle combinator to wrap a widget and change the border style it uses when rendering. For example, this will use the ascii border style instead of unicode:

let w = withBorderStyle Brick.Widgets.Border.Style.ascii $
          Brick.Widgets.Border.border $ str "Hello, world!"

By default, borders in adjacent widgets do not connect to each other. This can lead to visual oddities, for example, when horizontal borders are drawn next to vertical borders by leaving a small gap like this:


You can request that adjacent borders connect to each other with Brick.Widgets.Core.joinBorders. Two borders drawn with the same attribute and border style, and both under the influence of joinBorders, will produce a border like this instead:


See Joining Borders for further details.

In addition to letting us map names to attributes, attribute maps provide hierarchical attribute inheritance: a more specific attribute derives any properties (e.g. background color) that it does not specify from more general attributes in hierarchical relationship to it, letting us customize only the parts of attributes that we want to change without having to repeat ourselves.

For example, this draws a string with a foreground color of white on a background color of blue:

let w = withAttr specificAttr $ str "foobar"
    generalAttr = attrName "general"
    specificAttr = attrName "general" <> attrName "specific"
    myMap = attrMap defAttr [ (generalAttr, bg blue)
                            , (specificAttr, fg white)

When drawing a widget, Brick keeps track of the current attribute it is using to draw to the screen. The attribute it tracks is specified by its attribute name, which is a hierarchical name referring to the attribute in the attribute map. In the example above, the map contains two attribute names: generalAttr and specificAttr. Both names are made up of segments: general is the first segment for both names, and specific is the second segment for specificAttr. This tells Brick that specificAttr is a more specialized version of generalAttr. We'll see below how that affects the resulting attributes that Brick uses.

When it comes to drawing something on the screen with either of these attributes, Brick looks up the desired attribute name in the map and uses the result to draw to the screen. In the example above, withAttr is used to tell Brick that when drawing str "foobar", the attribute specificAttr should be used. Brick looks that name up in the attribute map and finds a match: an attribute with a white foreground color. However, what happens next is important: Brick then looks up the more general attribute name derived from specificAttr, which it gets by removing the last segment in the name, specific. The resulting name, general, is then looked up. The new result is then merged with the initial lookup, yielding an attribute with a white foreground color and a blue background color. This happens because the specificAttr entry did not specify a background color. If it had, that would have been used instead. In this way, we can create inheritance relationships between attributes, much the same way CSS supports inheritance of styles based on rule specificity.

Brick uses Vty's attribute type, Attr, which has three components: foreground color, background color, and style. These three components can be independently specified to have an explicit value, and any component not explicitly specified can default to whatever the terminal is currently using. Vty styles can be combined together, e.g. underline and bold, so styles are cumulative.

What if a widget attempts to draw with an attribute name that is not specified in the map at all? In that case, the attribute map's "default attribute" is used. In the example above, the default attribute for the map is Vty's defAttr value, which means that the terminal's default colors and style should be used. But that attribute can be customized as well, and any attribute map lookup results will get merged with the default attribute for the map. So, for example, if you'd like your entire application background to be blue unless otherwise specified, you could create an attribute map as follows:

let myMap = attrMap (bg blue) [ ... ]

This way, we can avoid repeating the desired background color and all of the other map entries can just set foreground colors and styles where needed.

In addition to using the attribute map provided by appAttrMap, the map and attribute lookup behavior can be customized on a per-widget basis by using various functions from Brick.Widgets.Core:

  • updateAttrMap -- allows transformations of the attribute map,
  • forceAttr -- forces all attribute lookups to map to the value of the specified attribute name,
  • withDefAttr -- changes the default attribute for the attribute map to the one with the specified name, and
  • overrideAttr -- creates attribute map lookup synonyms between attribute names.

Brick provides support for customizable attribute themes. This works as follows:

  • The application provides a default theme built in to the program.
  • The application customizes the theme by loading theme customizations from a user-specified customization file.
  • The application can save new customizations to files for later re-loading.

Customizations are written in an INI-style file. Here's an example:

default.fg = blue = black

someAttribute.fg = red = underline = [underline, bold]
otherAttribute.inner.fg = white

In the above example, the theme's default attribute -- the one that is used when no other attributes are used -- is customized. Its foreground and background colors are set. Then, other attributes specified by the theme -- someAttribute and otherAttribute -- are also customized. This example shows that styles can be customized, too, and that a custom style can either be a single style (in this example, underline) or a collection of styles to be applied simultaneously (in this example, underline and bold). Lastly, the hierarchical attribute name otherAttribute.inner refers to an attribute name with two components, otherAttribute <> inner, similar to the specificAttr attribute described in How Attributes Work. Full documentation for the format of theme customization files can be found in the module documentation for Brick.Themes.

The above example can be used in a brick application as follows. First, the application provides a default theme:

import Brick.Themes (Theme, newTheme)
import Brick (attrName)
import Brick.Util (fg, on)
import Graphics.Vty (defAttr, white, blue, yellow, magenta)

defaultTheme :: Theme
defaultTheme =
    newTheme (white `on` blue)
             [ (attrName "someAttribute",  fg yellow)
             , (attrName "otherAttribute", fg magenta)

Notice that the attributes in the theme have defaults: someAttribute will default to a yellow foreground color if it is not customized. (And its background will default to the theme's default background color, blue, if it not customized either.) Then, the application can customize the theme with the user's customization file:

import Brick.Themes (loadCustomizations)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    customizedTheme <- loadCustomizations "custom.ini" defaultTheme

Now we have a customized theme based on defaultTheme. The next step is to build an AttrMap from the theme:

import Brick.Themes (themeToAttrMap)

main :: IO ()
main = do
    customizedTheme <- loadCustomizations "custom.ini" defaultTheme
    let mapping = themeToAttrMap customizedTheme

The resulting AttrMap can then be returned by appAttrMap as described in How Attributes Work and appAttrMap: Managing Attributes.

If the theme is further customized at runtime, any changes can be saved with Brick.Themes.saveCustomizations.

Brick attempts to support rendering wide characters in all widgets, and the brick editor supports entering and editing wide characters. Wide characters are those such as many Asian characters and emoji that need more than a single terminal column to be displayed.

Unfortunately, there is not a fully correct solution to determining the character width that the user's terminal will use for a given character. The current recommendation is to avoid use of wide characters due to these issues. If you still must use them, you can read vty's documentation for options that will affect character width calculations.

As a result of supporting wide characters, it is important to know that computing the length of a string to determine its screen width will only work for single-column characters. So, for example, if you want to support wide characters in your application, this will not work:

let width = Data.Text.length t

If the string contains any wide characters, their widths will not be counted properly. In order to get this right, use the TextWidth type class to compute the width:

let width = Brick.Widgets.Core.textWidth t

The TextWidth type class uses Vty's character width routine to compute the width by looking up the string's characters in a Unicode width table. If you need to compute the width of a single character, use Graphics.Text.wcwidth.

When an application needs to know where a particular widget was drawn by the renderer, the application can request that the renderer record the extent of the widget--its upper-left corner and size--and provide access to it in an event handler. Extents are represented using Brick's Brick.Types.Extent type. In the following example, the application needs to know where the bordered box containing "Foo" is rendered:

ui = center $ border $ str "Foo"

We don't want to have to care about the particulars of the layout to find out where the bordered box got placed during rendering. To get this information we request that the extent of the box be reported to us by the renderer using a resource name:

data Name = FooBox

ui = center $
     reportExtent FooBox $
     border $ str "Foo"

Now, whenever the ui is rendered, the extent of the bordered box containing "Foo" will be recorded. We can then look it up in event handlers in EventM:

mExtent <- Brick.Main.lookupExtent FooBox
case mExtent of
    Nothing -> ...
    Just (Extent _ upperLeft (width, height)) -> ...

Some terminal emulators support "bracketed paste" mode. This feature enables OS-level paste operations to send the pasted content as a single chunk of data and bypass the usual input processing that the application does. This enables more secure handling of pasted data since the application can detect that a paste occurred and avoid processing the pasted data as ordinary keyboard input. For more information, see bracketed paste mode.

The Vty library used by brick provides support for bracketed pastes, but this mode must be enabled. To enable paste mode, we need to get access to the Vty library handle in EventM (in e.g. appHandleEvent):

import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

    vty <- Brick.Main.getVtyHandle
    let output = V.outputIface vty
    when (V.supportsMode output V.BracketedPaste) $
        liftIO $ V.setMode output V.BracketedPaste True

Once enabled, paste mode will generate Vty EvPaste events. These events will give you the entire pasted content as a ByteString which you must decode yourself if, for example, you expect it to contain UTF-8 text data.

Some terminal emulators support mouse interaction. The Vty library used by brick provides these low-level events if mouse mode has been enabled. To enable mouse mode, we need to get access to the Vty library handle in EventM:

    vty <- Brick.Main.getVtyHandle
    let output = outputIface vty
    when (supportsMode output Mouse) $
        liftIO $ setMode output Mouse True

Bear in mind that some terminals do not support mouse interaction, so use Vty's getModeStatus to find out whether your terminal will provide mouse events.

Also bear in mind that terminal users will usually expect to be able to interact with your application entirely without a mouse, so if you do choose to enable mouse interaction, consider using it to improve existing interactions rather than provide new functionality that cannot already be managed with a keyboard.

Once mouse events have been enabled, Vty will generate EvMouseDown and EvMouseUp events containing the mouse button clicked, the location in the terminal, and any modifier keys pressed.

handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvMouseDown col row button mods) = ...

Although these events may be adequate for your needs, brick provides a higher-level mouse event interface that ties into the drawing language. The disadvantage to the low-level interface described above is that you still need to determine what was clicked, i.e., the part of the interface that was under the mouse cursor. There are two ways to do this with brick: with click reporting and extent checking.

The click reporting approach is the most high-level approach offered by brick and the one that we recommend you use. In this approach, we use Brick.Widgets.Core.clickable when drawing the interface to request that a given widget generate MouseDown and MouseUp events when it is clicked.

data Name = MyButton

ui :: Widget Name
ui = center $
     clickable MyButton $
     border $
     str "Click me"

handleEvent (MouseDown MyButton button modifiers coords) = ...
handleEvent (MouseUp MyButton button coords) = ...

This approach enables event handlers to use pattern matching to check for mouse clicks on specific regions; this uses Extent checking under the hood but makes it possible to denote which widgets are clickable in the interface description. The event's click coordinates are local to the widget being clicked. In the above example, a click on the upper-left corner of the border would result in coordinates of (0,0).

The extent checking approach entails requesting extents (see Extents) for parts of your interface, then checking the Vty mouse click event's coordinates against one or more extents. This approach is slightly lower-level than the direct mouse click reporting approach above but is provided in case you need more control over how mouse clicks are dealt with.

The most direct way to do this is to check a specific extent:

handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvMouseDown col row _ _)) = do
    mExtent <- lookupExtent SomeExtent
    case mExtent of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just e -> do
            if Brick.Main.clickedExtent (col, row) e
                then ...
                else ...

This approach works well enough if you know which extent you're interested in checking, but what if there are many extents and you want to know which one was clicked? And what if those extents are in different layers? The next approach is to find all clicked extents:

handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvMouseDown col row _ _)) = do
    extents <- Brick.Main.findClickedExtents (col, row)
    -- Then check to see if a specific extent is in the list, or just
    -- take the first one in the list.

This approach finds all clicked extents and returns them in a list with the following properties:

  • For extents A and B, if A's layer is higher than B's layer, A comes before B in the list.
  • For extents A and B, if A and B are in the same layer and A is contained within B, A comes before B in the list.

As a result, the extents are ordered in a natural way, starting with the most specific extents and proceeding to the most general.

A viewport is a scrollable window onto a widget. Viewports have a scrolling direction of type Brick.Types.ViewportType which can be one of:

  • Horizontal: the viewport can only scroll horizontally.
  • Vertical: the viewport can only scroll vertically.
  • Both: the viewport can scroll both horizontally and vertically.

The Brick.Widgets.Core.viewport combinator takes another widget and embeds it in a named viewport. We name the viewport so that we can keep track of its scrolling state in the renderer, and so that you can make scrolling requests. The viewport's name is its handle for these operations (see Scrolling Viewports in Event Handlers and Resource Names). The viewport name must be unique across your application.

For example, the following puts a string in a horizontally-scrollable viewport:

-- Assuming that App uses 'Name' for its resource names:
data Name = Viewport1
let w = viewport Viewport1 Horizontal $ str "Hello, world!"

A viewport specification means that the widget in the viewport will be placed in a viewport window that is Greedy in both directions (see Available Rendering Area). This is suitable if we want the viewport size to be the size of the entire terminal window, but if we want to limit the size of the viewport, we might use limiting combinators (see Limiting Rendering Area):

let w = hLimit 5 $
        vLimit 1 $
        viewport Viewport1 Horizontal $ str "Hello, world!"

Now the example produces a scrollable window one row high and five columns wide initially showing "Hello". The next two sections discuss the two ways in which this viewport can be scrolled.

The most direct way to scroll a viewport is to make scrolling requests in the EventM event-handling monad. Scrolling requests ask the renderer to update the state of a viewport the next time the user interface is rendered. Those state updates will be made with respect to the previous viewport state, i.e., the state of the viewports as of the end of the most recent rendering. This approach is the best approach to use to scroll widgets that have no notion of a cursor. For cursor-based scrolling, see Scrolling Viewports With Visibility Requests.

To make scrolling requests, we first create a Brick.Main.ViewportScroll from a viewport name with Brick.Main.viewportScroll:

-- Assuming that App uses 'Name' for its resource names:
data Name = Viewport1
let vp = viewportScroll Viewport1

The ViewportScroll record type contains a number of scrolling functions for making scrolling requests:

hScrollPage        :: Direction -> EventM n s ()
hScrollBy          :: Int       -> EventM n s ()
hScrollToBeginning ::              EventM n s ()
hScrollToEnd       ::              EventM n s ()
vScrollPage        :: Direction -> EventM n s ()
vScrollBy          :: Int       -> EventM n s ()
vScrollToBeginning ::              EventM n s ()
vScrollToEnd       ::              EventM n s ()

In each case the scrolling function scrolls the viewport by the specified amount in the specified direction; functions prefixed with h scroll horizontally and functions prefixed with v scroll vertically.

Scrolling operations do nothing when they don't make sense for the specified viewport; scrolling a Vertical viewport horizontally is a no-op, for example.

Using viewportScroll we can write an event handler that scrolls the Viewport1 viewport one column to the right:

myHandler :: e -> EventM n s ()
myHandler e = do
    let vp = viewportScroll Viewport1
    hScrollBy vp 1

When we need to scroll widgets only when a cursor in the viewport leaves the viewport's bounds, we need to use visibility requests. A visibility request is a hint to the renderer that some element of a widget inside a viewport should be made visible, i.e., that the viewport should be scrolled to bring the requested element into view.

To use a visibility request to make a widget in a viewport visible, we simply wrap it with visible:

-- Assuming that App uses 'Name' for its resource names:
data Name = Viewport1
let w = viewport Viewport1 Horizontal $
        (visible $ str "Hello,") <+> (str " world!")

This example requests that the Viewport1 viewport be scrolled so that "Hello," is visible. We could extend this example with a value in the application state indicating which word in our string should be visible and then use that to change which string gets wrapped with visible; this is the basis of cursor-based scrolling.

Note that a visibility request does not change the state of a viewport if the requested widget is already visible! This important detail is what makes visibility requests so powerful, because they can be used to capture various cursor-based scenarios:

  • The Brick.Widgets.Edit widget uses a visibility request to make its 1x1 cursor position visible, thus making the text editing widget fully scrollable while being entirely scrolling-unaware.
  • The Brick.Widgets.List widget uses a visibility request to make its selected item visible regardless of its size, which makes the list widget scrolling-unaware.

Brick supports drawing both vertical and horizontal scroll bars on viewports. To enable scroll bars, wrap your call to viewport with a call to withVScrollBars and/or withHScrollBars. If you don't like the appearance of the resulting scroll bars, you can customize how they are drawn by making your own ScrollbarRenderer and using withVScrollBarRenderer and/or withHScrollBarRenderer. Note that when you enable scrollbars, the content of your viewport will lose one column of available space if vertical scroll bars are enabled and one row of available space if horizontal scroll bars are enabled.

Scroll bars can also be configured to draw "handles" with withHScrollBarHandles and withVScrollBarHandles.

Lastly, scroll bars can be configured to report mouse events on each scroll bar element. To enable mouse click reporting, use withClickableHScrollBars and withClickableVScrollBars.

For a demonstration of the scroll bar API in action, see the ViewportScrollbarsDemo.hs demonstration program.

Viewports impose one restriction: a viewport that is scrollable in some direction can only embed a widget that has a Fixed size in that direction. This extends to Both type viewports: they can only embed widgets that are Fixed in both directions. This restriction is because when viewports embed a widget, they relax the rendering area constraint in the rendering context, but doing so to a large enough number for Greedy widgets would result in a widget that is too big and not scrollable in a useful way.

Violating this restriction will result in a runtime exception.

While it's possible to construct interfaces with editors and other interactive inputs manually, this process is somewhat tedious: all of the event dispatching has to be written by hand, a focus ring or other construct needs to be managed, and most of the rendering code needs to be written. Furthermore, this process makes it difficult to follow some common patterns:

  • We typically want to validate the user's input, and only collect it once it has been validated.
  • We typically want to notify the user when a particular field's contents are invalid.
  • It is often helpful to be able to create a new data type to represent the fields in an input interface, and use it to initialize the input elements and later collect the (validated) results.
  • A lot of the rendering and event-handling work to be done is repetitive.

The Brick.Forms module provides a high-level API to automate all of the above work in a type-safe manner.

Let's consider an example data type that we'd want to use as the basis for an input interface. This example comes directly from the FormDemo.hs demonstration program.

data UserInfo =
    FormState { _name      :: T.Text
              , _age       :: Int
              , _address   :: T.Text
              , _ridesBike :: Bool
              , _handed    :: Handedness
              , _password  :: T.Text
              } deriving (Show)

data Handedness = LeftHanded
                | RightHanded
                | Ambidextrous
                deriving (Show, Eq)

Suppose we want to build an input form for the above data. We might want to use an editor to allow the user to enter a name and an age. We'll need to ensure that the user's input for age is a valid integer. For _ridesBike we might want a checkbox-style input, and for _handed we might want a radio button input. For _password, we'd definitely like a password input box that conceals the input.

If we were to build an interface for this data manually, we'd need to deal with converting the data above to the right types for inputs. For example, for _age we'd need to convert an initial age value to Text, put it in an editor with Brick.Widgets.Edit.editor, and then at a later time, parse the value and reconstruct an age from the editor's contents. We'd also need to tell the user if the age value was invalid.

Brick's Forms API provides input field types for all of the above use cases. Here's the form that we can use to allow the user to edit a UserInfo value:

mkForm :: UserInfo -> Form UserInfo e Name
mkForm =
    newForm [ editTextField name NameField (Just 1)
            , editTextField address AddressField (Just 3)
            , editShowableField age AgeField
            , editPasswordField password PasswordField
            , radioField handed [ (LeftHanded, LeftHandField, "Left")
                                , (RightHanded, RightHandField, "Right")
                                , (Ambidextrous, AmbiField, "Both")
            , checkboxField ridesBike BikeField "Do you ride a bicycle?"

A form is represented using a Form s e n value and is parameterized with some types:

  • s - the type of form state managed by the form (in this case UserInfo)
  • e - the event type of the application (must match the event type used with App)
  • n - the resource name type of the application (must match the resource name type used with App)

First of all, the above code assumes we've derived lenses for UserInfo using Lens.Micro.TH.makeLenses. Once we've done that, each field that we specify in the form must provide a lens into UserInfo so that we can declare the particular field of UserInfo that will be edited by the field. For example, to edit the _name field we use the name lens to create a text field editor with editTextField. All of the field constructors above are provided by Brick.Forms.

Each form field also needs a resource name (see Resource Names). The resource names are assigned to the individual form inputs so the form can automatically track input focus and handle mouse click events.

The form carries with it the value of UserInfo that reflects the contents of the form. Whenever an input field in the form handles an event, its contents are validated and rewritten to the form state (in this case, a UserInfo record).

The mkForm function takes a UserInfo value, which is really just an argument to newForm. This UserInfo value will be used to initialize all of the form fields. Each form field will use the lens provided to extract the initial value from the UserInfo record, convert it into an appropriate state type for the field in question, and later validate that state and convert it back into the appropriate type for storage in UserInfo.

The form value itself -- of type Form -- must be stored in your application state. You should only ever call newForm when you need to initialize a totally new form. Once initialized, the form needs to be kept around and updated by event handlers in order to work.

For example, if the initial UserInfo value's _age field has the value 0, the editShowableField will call show on 0, convert that to Text, and initialize the editor for _age with the text string "0". Later, if the user enters more text -- changing the editor contents to "10", say -- the Read instance for Int (the type of _age) will be used to parse "10". The successfully-parsed value 10 will then be written to the _age field of the form's UserInfo state using the age lens. The use of Show and Read here is a feature of the field type we have chosen for _age, editShowableField.

For other field types we may have other needs. For instance, Handedness is a data type representing all the possible choices we want to provide for a user's handedness. We wouldn't want the user to have to type in a text string for this option. A more appropriate input interface is a list of radio buttons to choose from amongst the available options. For that we have radioField. This field constructor takes a list of all of the available options, and updates the form state with the value of the currently-selected option.

Rendering forms is done easily using the Brick.Forms.renderForm function. However, as written above, the form will not look especially nice. We'll see a few text editors followed by some radio buttons and a check box. But we'll need to customize the output a bit to make the form easier to use. For that, we have the Brick.Forms.@@= operator. This operator lets us provide a function to augment the Widget generated by the field's rendering function so we can do things like add labels, control layout, or change attributes:

(str "Name: " <+>) @@=
    editTextField name NameField (Just 1)

Now when we invoke renderForm on a form using the above example, we'll see a "Name:" label to the left of the editor field for the _name field of UserInfo.

Brick provides this interface to controlling per-field rendering because many form fields either won't have labels or will have different layout requirements, so an alternative API such as building the label into the field API doesn't always make sense.

Brick defaults to rendering individual fields' inputs, and the entire form, in a vertical box using vBox. Use setFormConcat and setFieldConcat to change this behavior to, e.g., hBox.

The Brick.Forms module uses and exports two attribute names (see How Attributes Work):

  • focusedFormInputAttr - this attribute is used to render the form field that has the focus.
  • invalidFormInputAttr - this attribute is used to render any form field that has user input that has invalid validation.

Your application should set both of these. Some good mappings in the attribute map are:

  • focusedFormInputAttr - black `on` yellow
  • invalidFormInputAttr - white `on` red

Handling form events is easy: we just use zoom to call Brick.Forms.handleFormEvent with the BrickEvent and a lens to access the Form in the application state. This automatically dispatches input events to the currently-focused input field, and it also manages focus changes with Tab and Shift-Tab keybindings. (For details on all of its behaviors, see the Haddock documentation for handleFormEvent.) It's still up to the application to decide when events should go to the form in the first place.

Since the form field handlers take BrickEvent values, that means that custom fields could even handle application-specific events (of the type e above).

Once the application has decided that the user should be done with the form editing session, the current state of the form can be obtained with Brick.Forms.formState. In the example above, this would return a UserInfo record containing the values for each field in the form as of the last time it was valid input. This means that the user might have provided invalid input to a form field that is not reflected in the form state due to failing validation.

Since the formState is always a valid set of values, it might be surprising to the user if the values used do not match the last values they saw on the screen; the Brick.Forms.allFieldsValid can be used to determine if the last visual state of the form had any invalid entries and doesn't match the value of formState. A list of any fields which had invalid values can be retrieved with the Brick.Forms.invalidFields function.

While each form field type provides a validator function to validate its current user input value, that function is pure. As a result it's not suitable for doing validation that requires I/O such as searching a database or making network requests. If your application requires that kind of validation, you can use the Brick.Forms.setFieldValid function to set the validation state of any form field as you see fit. The validation state set by that function will be considered by allFieldsValid and invalidFields. See FormDemo.hs for an example of this API.

Note that if mouse events are enabled in your application (see Mouse Support), all built-in form fields will respond to mouse interaction. Radio buttons and check boxes change selection on mouse clicks and editors change cursor position on mouse clicks.

If the built-in form field types don't meet your needs, Brick.Forms exposes all of the data types needed to implement your own field types. For more details on how to do this, see the Haddock documentation for the FormFieldState and FormField data types along with the implementations of the built-in form field types.

Brick applications typically start out by explicitly checking incoming events for specific keys in appHandleEvent. While this works well enough, it results in tight coupling between the input key events and the event handlers that get run. As applications evolve, it becomes important to decouple the input key events and their handlers to allow the input keys to be customized by the user. That's where Brick's customizable keybindings API comes in.

The customizable keybindings API provides:

  • Brick.Keybindings.Parse: parsing and loading user-provided keybinding configuration files,
  • Brick.Keybindings.Pretty: pretty-printing keybindings and generating keybinding help text in Widget, plain text, and Markdown formats so you can provide help to users both within the program and outside of it,
  • Brick.Keybindings.KeyEvents: specifying the application's abstract key events and their configuration names,
  • Brick.Keybindings.KeyConfig: bundling default and customized keybindings for each abstract event into a structure for use by the dispatcher, and
  • Brick.Keybindings.KeyDispatcher: specifying handlers and dispatching incoming key events to them.

This section of the User Guide describes the API at a high level, but Brick also provides a complete working example of the custom keybinding API in programs/CustomKeybindingDemo.hs and provides detailed documentation on how to use the API, including a step-by-step process for using it, in the module documentation for Brick.Keybindings.KeyDispatcher.

The following table compares Brick application design decisions and runtime behaviors in a typical application to those of an application that uses the customizable keybindings API:

Approach Before runtime At runtime
Typical application (no custom keybindings) The application author decides which keys will trigger application behaviors. The event handler is written to pattern-match on specific keys.
  1. An input event arrives when the user presses a key.
  2. The event handler pattern-matches on the input event to check for a match and then runs the corresponding handler.
Application with custom keybindings API integrated The application author specifies the possible abstract events that correspond to the application's behaviors. The events are given default keybindings. The application provides event handlers for the abstract events, not specific keys. If desired, the application can load user-defined custom keybindings from an INI file at startup to override the application's defaults.
  1. A Vty input event arrives when the user presses a key.
  2. The input event is provided to appHandleEvent.
  3. appHandleEvent passes the event on to a KeyDispatcher.
  4. The key dispatcher checks to see whether the input key event maps to an abstract event.
  5. If the dispatcher finds a match, the corresponding abstract event's key handler is run.

An important issue to consider in using the custom keybinding API is that it is possible for the user to map the same key to more than one event. We refer to this situation as a keybinding collision. Whether the collision represents a problem depends on how the events in question are going to be handled by the application. This section provides an example scenario and describes a way to deal with this situation.

Suppose an application has two key events:

data KeyEvent = QuitEvent
              | CloseWindowEvent

allKeyEvents :: KeyEvents KeyEvent
allKeyEvents =
    K.keyEvents [ ("quit",         QuitEvent)
                , ("close-window", CloseWindowEvent)

defaultBindings :: [(KeyEvent, [Binding])]
defaultBindings =
    [ (QuitEvent,        [ctrl 'q'])
    , (CloseWindowEvent, [bind KEsc])

Suppose also that the application using the above key events has a feature that opens a window, and that CloseWindowEvent is used to close the window, while QuitEvent is used to quit the application.

A user might then provide a custom INI file to rebind keys as follows:

quit = Esc
close-window = Esc

While this is a valid configuration for the user to provide, it would result in a keybinding collision for Esc since it is now bound to two events. Whether that's a problem depends entirely on how QuitEvent and CloseWindowEvent are handled:

  • If the application handles both events in the same event handler, the KeyDispatcher for those events would fail to construct since Esc maps to more than one event. Building a KeyDispatcher from a KeyConfig with such a collision would fail and return information about the collisions.
  • If the application handles the two events in different dispatchers then the collision has no effect and is not a problem since different KeyDispatcher values would be constructed to handle the events separately. This could happen, for instance, if the application only ever handled CloseWindowEvent when the window in question was open and only handled QuitEvent when the window had been closed. This kind of "modal" approach to handling events means that we only consider a key to have a collision if it is bound to two or more events that are handled in the same event handling context.

There's also another situation that would be problematic, which is when an abstract event like QuitEvent has a key mapping that collides with a key handler that is bound to a specific key using Brick.Keybindings.KeyDispatcher.onKey rather than an abstract event:

K.onKey (K.bind '\t') "Increment the counter by 10" $
    counter %= (+ 10)

If onKey is used, the handler it creates is only triggered by the specified key (Tab in the example above). But the handler may be included alongside handlers in the same dispatcher that are also triggered by Tab, so if those event handlers were provided together when creating a KeyDispatcher then it would fail to construct due to the collision.

Brick provides Brick.Keybindings.KeyConfig.keyEventMappings to help finding collisions at the key configuration level. Finding out about collisions at the dispatcher level is possible by handling the failure case when calling Brick.Keybindings.KeyDispatcher.keyDispatcher.

Brick supports a feature called "joinable borders" which means that borders drawn in adjacent widgets can be configured to automatically "join" with each other using the appropriate intersection characters. This feature is helpful for creating seamless connected borders without the need for manual calculations to determine where to draw intersection characters.

Under normal circumstances, widgets are self-contained in that their renderings do not interact with the appearance of adjacent widgets. This is unfortunate for borders: one often wants to draw a T-shaped character at the intersection of a vertical and horizontal border, for example. To facilitate automatically adding such characters, brick offers some border-specific capabilities for widgets to re-render themselves as information about neighboring widgets becomes available during the rendering process.

Border-joining works by iteratively redrawing the edges of widgets as those edges come into contact with other widgets during rendering. If the adjacent edge locations of two widgets both use joinable borders, the Brick will re-draw one of the characters so that it connects seamlessly with the adjacent border.

When a widget is rendered, it can report supplementary information about each position on its edges. Each position has four notional line segments extending from its center, arranged like this:

left ----+---- right

These segments can independently be drawn, accepting, and offering, as captured in the Brick.Types.BorderSegment type:

data BorderSegment = BorderSegment
    { bsAccept :: Bool
    , bsOffer :: Bool
    , bsDraw :: Bool

If no information is reported for a position, it assumed that it is not drawn, not accepting, and not offering -- and so it will never be rewritten. This situation is the ordinary situation where an edge location is not a border at all, or is a border that we don't want to join to other borders.

Line segments that are drawn are used for deciding which part of the BorderStyle to use if this position needs to be updated. (See also The Active Border Style.) For example, suppose a position needs to be redrawn, and already has the left and bottom segments drawn; then it will replace the current character with the upper-right corner drawing character bsCornerTR from its border style.

The accepting and offering properties are used to perform a small handshake between neighboring widgets; when the handshake is successful, one segment will transition to being drawn. For example, suppose a horizontal and vertical border widget are drawn next to each other:

     (offering)                 top
left     +     right    left ----+---- right
         |           (offering)     (offering)
       bottom                  bottom

These borders are accepting in all directions, drawn in the directions signified by visible lines, and offering in the directions written. Since the horizontal border on the right is offering towards the vertical border, and the vertical border is accepting from the direction towards the horizontal border, the right segment of the vertical border will transition to being drawn. This will trigger an update of the Image associated with the left widget, overwriting whatever character is there currently with a bsIntersectL character instead. The state of the segments afterwards will be the same, but the fact that there is one more segment drawn will be recorded:

     (offering)                 top
left     +---- right    left ----+---- right
         |           (offering)     (offering)
       bottom                  bottom

It is important that this be recorded: we may later place this combined widget to the right of another horizontal border, in which case we would want to transition again from a bsIntersectL character to a bsIntersectFull character that represents all four segments being drawn.

Because this involves an interaction between multiple widgets, we may find that the two widgets involved were rendered under different rendering contexts. To avoid mixing and matching border styles and drawing attributes, each location records not just the state of its four segments but also the border style and attribute that were active at the time the border was drawn. This information is stored in Brick.Types.DynBorder.

data DynBorder = DynBorder
    { dbStyle :: BorderStyle
    , dbAttr :: Attr
    , dbSegments :: Edges BorderSegment

The Brick.Types.Edges type has one field for each direction:

data Edges a = Edges { eTop, eBottom, eLeft, eRight :: a }

In addition to the offer/accept handshake described above, segments also check that their neighbor's BorderStyle and Attr match their own before transitioning from undrawn to drawn to avoid visual glitches from trying to connect e.g. unicode borders to ascii ones or green borders to red ones.

The above description applies to a single location; any given widget's result may report information about any location on its border using the Brick.BorderMap.BorderMap type. A BorderMap a is close kin to a Data.Map.Map Location a except that each BorderMap has a fixed rectangle on which keys are retained. Values inserted at other keys are silently discarded.

For backwards compatibility, all the widgets that ship with brick avoid reporting any border information by default, but brick offers three ways of modifying the border-joining behavior of a widget.

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.joinBorders instructs any borders drawn in its child widget to report their edge information. It does this by setting a flag in the rendering context that tells the Brick.Widgets.Border widgets to report the information described above. Consequently, widgets drawn in this context will join their borders with neighbors.

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.separateBorders does the opposite of joinBorders by unsetting the same context flag, preventing border widgets from attempting to connect.

  • Brick.Widgets.Core.freezeBorders lets its child widget connect its borders internally but prevents it from connecting with anything outside the freezeBorders call. It does this by deleting the edge metadata about its child widget. This means that any connections already made within the child widget will stay as they are but no new connections will be made to adjacent widgets. For example, one might use this to create a box with internal but no external connections:

    joinBorders . freezeBorders . border . hBox $
        [str "left", vBorder, str "right"]

    Or to create a box that allows external connections but not internal ones:

    joinBorders . border . freezeBorders . hBox $
        [str "left", vBorder, str "right"]

When creating new widgets, if you would like joinBorders and separateBorders to affect the behavior of your widget, you may do so by consulting the ctxDynBorders field of the rendering context before writing to your Result's borders field.

Brick provides animation support in Brick.Animation. See the Haddock documentation in that module for a complete explanation of the API; see programs/AnimationDemo.hs (brick-animation-demo) for a working example.

When widgets become expensive to render, brick provides a rendering cache that automatically caches and re-uses stored Vty images from previous renderings to avoid expensive renderings. To cache the rendering of a widget, just wrap it in the Brick.Widgets.Core.cached function:

data Name = ExpensiveThing

ui :: Widget Name
ui = center $
     cached ExpensiveThing $
     border $
     str "This will be cached"

In the example above, the first time the border $ str "This will be cached" widget is rendered, the resulting Vty image will be stored in the rendering cache under the key ExpensiveThing. On subsequent renderings the cached Vty image will be used instead of re-rendering the widget. This example doesn't need caching to improve performance, but more sophisticated widgets might.

Once cached has been used to store something in the rendering cache, periodic cache invalidation may be required. For example, if the cached widget is built from application state, the cache will need to be invalidated when the relevant state changes. The cache may also need to be invalidated when the terminal is resized. To invalidate the cache, we use the cache invalidation functions in EventM:

handleEvent ... = do
    -- Invalidate just a single cache entry:
    Brick.Main.invalidateCacheEntry ExpensiveThing

    -- Invalidate the entire cache (useful on a resize):

brick exposes all of the internals you need to implement your own widgets. Those internals, together with Graphics.Vty, can be used to create widgets from the ground up. You'll need to implement your own widget if you can't write what you need in terms of existing combinators. For example, an ordinary widget like

myWidget :: Widget n
myWidget = str "Above" <=> str "Below"

can be expressed with <=> and str and needs no custom behavior. But suppose we want to write a widget that renders some string followed by the number of columns in the space available to the widget. We can't do this without writing a custom widget because we need access to the rendering context. We can write such a widget as follows:

customWidget :: String -> Widget n
customWidget s =
    Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
        ctx <- getContext
        render $ str (s <> " " <> show (ctx^.availWidthL))

The Widget constructor takes the horizontal and vertical growth policies as described in How Widgets and Rendering Work. Here we just provide Fixed for both because the widget will not change behavior if we give it more space. We then get the rendering context and append the context's available columns to the provided string. Lastly we call render to render the widget we made with str. The render function returns a Brick.Types.Result value:

data Result n =
    Result { image              :: Graphics.Vty.Image
           , cursors            :: [Brick.Types.CursorLocation n]
           , visibilityRequests :: [Brick.Types.VisibilityRequest]
           , extents            :: [Extent n]
           , borders            :: BorderMap DynBorder

The rendering function runs in the RenderM monad, which gives us access to the rendering context (see How Widgets and Rendering Work) via the Brick.Types.getContext function as shown above. The context tells us about the dimensions of the rendering area and the current attribute state of the renderer, among other things:

data Context =
    Context { ctxAttrName    :: AttrName
            , availWidth     :: Int
            , availHeight    :: Int
            , ctxBorderStyle :: BorderStyle
            , ctxAttrMap     :: AttrMap
            , ctxDynBorders  :: Bool

and has lens fields exported as described in Conventions.

As shown here, the job of the rendering function is to return a rendering result which means producing a vty Image. In addition, if you so choose, you can also return one or more cursor positions in the cursors field of the Result as well as visibility requests (see Viewports) in the visibilityRequests field. Returned visibility requests and cursor positions should be relative to the upper-left corner of your widget, Location (0, 0). When your widget is placed in others, such as boxes, the Result data you returned will be offset (as described in Rendering Sub-Widgets) to result in correct coordinates once the entire interface has been rendered.

The most important fields of the context are the rendering area fields availWidth and availHeight. These fields must be used to determine how much space your widget has to render.

To perform an attribute lookup in the attribute map for the context's current attribute, use Brick.Types.attrL.

For example, to build a widget that always fills the available width and height with a fill character using the current attribute, we could write:

myFill :: Char -> Widget n
myFill ch =
    Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
        ctx <- getContext
        let a = ctx^.attrL
        return $ Result (Graphics.Vty.charFill a ch (ctx^.availWidthL) (ctx^.availHeightL))
                        [] [] [] Brick.BorderMap.empty

If your custom widget wraps another, then in addition to rendering the wrapped widget and augmenting its returned Result it must also translate the resulting cursor locations, visibility requests, and extents. This is vital to maintaining the correctness of rendering metadata as widget layout proceeds. To do so, use the Brick.Widgets.Core.addResultOffset function to offset the elements of a Result by a specified amount. The amount depends on the nature of the offset introduced by your wrapper widget's logic.

Widgets are not required to respect the rendering context's width and height restrictions. Widgets may be embedded in viewports or translated so they must render without cropping to work in those scenarios. However, widgets rendering other widgets should enforce the rendering context's constraints to avoid using more space than is available. The Brick.Widgets.Core.cropToContext function is provided to make this easy:

let w = cropToContext someWidget

Widgets wrapped with cropToContext can be safely embedded in other widgets. If you don't want to crop in this way, you can use any of vty's cropping functions to operate on the Result image as desired.

Sub-widgets may specify specific attribute name values influencing that sub-widget. If the custom widget utilizes its own attribute names but needs to render the sub-widget, it can use overrideAttr or mapAttrNames to convert its custom names to the names that the sub-widget uses for rendering its output.