0.7.0 (2024-03-15)
- add move:read in type (5c83f08)
- api move uri (72df2b6)
- docker prod adjustement (362615a)
- docker prod composer (efba72a)
- error 500 if i post a pokemon with a missing element (61f0031)
- second try docker prod (b9acbd7)
- add filter on entities (5a11130)
- add fixture-reset command (14a9aff)
- add Move test (3d2326c)
- add Pokemon stats support (76376ab)
- add tests for Stats (a373a4c)
- add worflow for ci/cd (de244da)
- automatic token deletion when user is deleted (75e763f)
- better Pokemon Type structure (ca3a4de)
- create admin when import pokemon data (773e3f1)
- create Moves Pokemon & fixture & factory (893ab6c)
- create Pokemon import (d787a10)
- create Pokemon Moves import (2025a2e)
- create Pokemon permissions tests (3a87476)
- create PokemonTypes & PokemonStats import (f7cc677)
- create Stat permissions tests (c75f67d)
- create Type & Stats import (a24d555)
- create Type permissions tests (2897308)
- create user permission test (7bfb1ff)
- create UserHashPasswordStateProcessor (add9a36)
- finish docker prod (267e14b)
- first try docker prod (e8a4e0e)
- update .env.local & .env.test.local with make command (c5b6df1)
- update access permissions for Users, Pokemons & Types (cc133c9)
- update Pokemon permissions tests (777768e)
- add Pokemon stats support (76376ab)
- add tests for Stats (a373a4c)
- better Pokemon Type structure (ca3a4de)
- error 500 if i post a pokemon with a missing element (61f0031)
- automatic token deletion when user is deleted (75e763f)
- create user permission test (7bfb1ff)
- create UserHashPasswordStateProcessor (add9a36)
- update access permissions for Users, Pokemons & Types (cc133c9)
- access token authenticator (a24d725)
- add API token generation on user creation (c5dd630)
- add fixtures (pokemon, types, users) (0e772d8)
- add Makefile for quick docker run (fc1dcaa)
- add OpenApiFactoryDecorator (5bc20ba)
- add PostPokemon test (72acf37)
- add Test for Types & Users (afc2254)
- add tests for PUT, PATCH and DELETE a pokemon (f93e6e5)
- config tokens scopes (e54cc1f)
- create ApiToken entity (a05fa51)
- passing user values to stimulus (bd64840)
- remove .env file (72b88f7)
- remove scopes temporarily (cb1fd42)
- remove scopes temporarily (1148c8c)
- update access rules for Pokemon resource (57a317c)
- add .env with fake data (11cba18)
- add constraints to User entity (a9c4038)
- add logout route (3f4997f)
- add Pokemon, PokemonType & Type entities (b84a83f)
- add read relation beetwen pokemon & type (7abf6f0)
- add SearchFilter by types name in Pokemon (b83601b)
- create LoginForm (e16e997)
- create User entity (c19c960)
- handling authentification errors (1867770)
- handling authentification success (a5fd252)