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Centurion Framework

NPM version Gem Version

Centurion is a responsive framework built for speed, simplicity, and flexibility. It features a grid, typography, buttons, tables, and so much more in order to create a seamless framework that could allow web developers to start up a new project easily without the need to spend time overwriting every single style.

To get started, check out for more information.

Table of contents

Get Started

  • Download latest release
  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install with NPM for Grunt or Gulp
  • Install as a RubyGem

In the Release

When you download Centurion the files are broken down into usage as either the entire library or with just the grid. Depending on the usage and requirements for your website you can easily remove files that you don't need.

Centurion is built using vanilla Sass (basically no library dependencies) and comes with some custom Sass mixins that you can attach to create your own custom blend for your site. The Sass files are also included if you would like to import them into your Sass compiler of choice, but you can also install them via NPM, if you use Grunt and Gulp.

|__ \centurion
   |__ \css
      |__ \minified
      |__ centurion.css
      |__ custom.css
      |__ grid-rtl.css
      |__ grid.css
    |__ \img
    |__ \js

To include Centurion into your Sass project, add the Sass library located in lib/sass/_centurion-framework.scss using an @import to the top of your Sass file and your good to go.

Note: Any files with -rtl are for right-to-left language support.


The Grid

If you would like to build your own custom grid using Centurion, please review the NPM and RubyGem sections in the main README.

The .ctn-container serves as the wrapper for all grid elements and is the only portion of the grid that uses a pixel based width for desktop (it is percentage based for tablets and phones). For desktops the container is set to 1100px max and is fluid below 901px.

Utilizing the grid comprises of three components the container, a row, and grid elements. For example, if you want to use the full width, then set the grid element to .ctn-grid-24. If you want to divide your page space into two columns for a central content area and with a left bar, then you would add to elements, such as, .ctn-grid-6 and .ctn-grid-18. The number correlates to the amount of columns that you want the area to occupy.

Check out examples.

Nested Grid Elements

Nesting grid elements is essential to build complex layouts out for the space to be manageable and better suited for smaller blocks of content. For example, if you want to have content nested like an image with captions within a ctn-grid-18 then you wold follow the following procedure:

Check out examples.

Center Grid Elements

Centering grid elements is a great technique if you want to center grid elements in the center of a page without using push or pull. Using FlexBox you can now center and align grid elements more easily than in previous versions.

Check out examples.


Badges are a way to highlight items that don't have an important call to action, such as, blog categories, notifications, etc. Badges are included in Centurion as a base feature that can be customized using Sass or you can utilize the standard options included.

Colors available: red, blue, purple, orange, and green.

Check out examples.


To activate the button styles use the btn class. This default class performs all the work in padding, sizing, and shaping your element to look like a button. Generally buttons are only used on sites I have worked on in two places: call to action links and forms, however, you can use a button on any element that you feel needs to look like a button

Colors available: default, red, blue, purple, orange, green, and dark-grey.

Check out examples.

Custom Buttons

Creating custom buttons allows for unique colors and specifications to fit any design. (All buttons are flat colors by default and don't include gradients.) Text color for the create-button mixin is defaulted to white.

@include create-button($class, $color1, $color2, $text-color: $white);


Breadcrumbs help the user understand where they are in your site architecture and allows them to jump to a parent item in the tree.

Centurion includes 4 default style options for breadcrumbs that include vertical or horizontal layout and large or small font sizes. Colors can be attached to breadcrumbs to affect links and text colors using the built-in color scheme or you can create your own with a simple custom CSS override.

Color available: Default, black, gray, blue, orange, yellow, red, and green.

Check out examples.


Need to display a callout or an alert to a user warning or informing them of some information. Callouts are now designed to contain alerts as well, so they are no longer separate options.

Check out examples.


Clearfix is a way to contain floats without presentational markup. Refer to post by Nicolas Gallagher A new micro clearfix hack


Centurion established a small color guide to for badges, buttons, callouts, etc. The breakdown below is based upon the Sass markup.

Variable HEX RGB
$black #000000 rgb(0, 0, 0)
$light-grey #CCCCCC rgb(204, 204, 204)
$grey #999999 rgb(153, 153, 153)
$dark-grey #555555 rgb(85, 85, 85)
$light-red #EF9D9D rgb(239, 157, 157)
$red #E04646 rgb(224, 70, 70)
$dark-red #D02323 rgb(208, 35, 35)
$light-blue #8FBCE5 rgb(143, 188, 229)
$blue #2971B2 rgb(41, 113, 178)
$dark-blue #1F5789 rgb(31, 87, 137)
$light-purple #A895D7 rgb(168, 149, 215)
$purple #553A99 rgb(85, 58, 153)
$dark-purple #402C74 rgb(64, 44, 116)
$light-green #95C970 rgb(149, 201, 112)
$green #4A742C rgb(74, 116, 44)
$dark-green #324F1E rgb(50, 79, 30)
$light-orange #FFBE65 rgb(255, 190, 101)
$orange #FE9300 rgb(254, 147, 0)
$dark-orange #CB7500 rgb(203, 117, 0)


Centurion provides form styles and layout options for creating a wide variety of forms.

Check out examples.


Layouts can be difficult to figure out, but Centurion has several pre-built layouts to help you get started.


Sites need to move users from one page to another in their site structure. This is a basic feature of any site that can become troublesome when having to rebuild basic functionality over and over again.

A basic HTML5 navigation structure might look like this:

        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Test 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Test 3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Test 4</a></li>

This code produces a basic horizontal navigation that can be used for main navigation or in page for jumping between subpages. Though there is one more flavor that includes stacked navigation. Stacked navigation is essentially vertical navigation where links are designed to flow down the length of a page rather than across it.

<nav class="stacked">

Examples for navigation coming soon.


Normalize.css is a customizable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. Check it out Github.


You know you hate building table after table styles. You can now use the default tables built into Centurion to fit your color scheme.

Colors available: blue, green, orange, red, and yellow.

Check out examples.


Centurion offers a simple starter typography to get your web project started, however, we recommend that you tweak it to fit your needs via Sass.

Included: Headings, paragraphs, lists (ordered and unordered), text treatments, and blockquotes.

Check out examples.

Sass Configurations

Sass Location: lib/sass/centurion/_config


  • $font-family - Set the default font across the project or leave the default: Helvetica Neue Light.
  • $default-font-size - Set default font size.
  • $default-line-height - Set default line height.

Grid Configurations

Container Widths and Columns

  • $desktop-width - Desktop viewport is the largest view for the grid. Default is set to 1100px.
  • $desktop-columns: 24 - Columns for desktop. Default is 24.
  • $tablet-width - Tablet viewport. Default is set to 941px.
  • $tablet-columns: 12 - Columns for tablet. Default is 12.
  • $mobile-width - Mobile viewport. Default is set to 601px.
  • $mobile-columns: 6 - Columns for mobile. Default is 6.

Inner Width, Gutters, and Fallback Value

  • $inner-width - Inner width is based on a percentage of 100%. Default is 98%.
  • $gutter - Gutter is the total distance between two grid elements. Default is 20px.
  • $value - Value is the value for elements that do not support REM, and currently this is set to PX.

Grid Prefix

  • $prefix-class - Prefix class is to avoid collisions with other frameworks or JavaScript libraries and adds ctn to the beginning of all grid classes.

Container and Row

  • $container-class - Grid container class. Default is ctn-container.
  • $row-class - Grid row class. Default is ctn-row.

Desktop Grid

  • $grid-class - Grid class. Default is ctn-grid-#.
  • $push-class - Push class for aligning grid elements from the left edge and uses column number in $desktop-columns. Default is ctn-push-#.
  • $pull-class - Pull class for aligning grid elements from the right edge and uses column number in $desktop-columns. Default is ctn-pull-#.

Tablet Grid

  • $t-grid-class - Tablet grid class. Check $tablet-columns for column amount. Default is ctn-tablet-#.
  • $t-push-class - Tablet push class for grid. Uses column number in $tablet-columns. Default is ctn-t-push-#.
  • $t-pull-class - Tablet pull class for grid. Uses column number in $tablet-columns. Default is ctn-t-pull-#.

Mobile Grid

  • $m-grid-class - Mobile grid class. Check $mobile-columns for column amount. Default is ctn-mobile-#.
  • $m-push-class - Mobile push class for grid. Uses column number in $mobile-columns. Default is ctn-m-push-#.
  • $m-pull-class - Mobile pull class for grid. Uses column number in $mobile-columns. Default is ctn-m-pull-#.

Layout Classes

You can add or adjust top or bottom margin / padding using classes. Values are based on $default-font-size and are generated up to a multiple of 5. So a font value of 15px generates classes for margin / padding like so: (1) 15px, (2) 30px, (3)45px, (4) 60px, and (5) 75px.

  • $margin-top - Default is helmet-#.

  • $margin-bottom - Default is sandal-#.

  • $margin-both - Default is armor-#.

  • $padding-top - Default is pad-helmet-#.

  • $padding-bottom - Default is pad-sandal-#.

  • $padding-both - Default is pad-armor-#.

RTL Support

$lang-front: left; - The grid can be modified to align grid elements from right to left by changing this value. Default is left.

Browser Prefixes

  • $prefixes - Custom prefix values for internal mixins. May be deprecated in a future version by using Autoprefixer with Grunt

Sass Mixins

@include rem($property, $values)

Convert pixel values to REM values based on default font size and will automatically include a fallback in pixels for older browsers.

  • $property - CSS property you want converted to REMs. Example: font-size, margin, padding, or margin-bottom.
  • $values - Accepts one or multiple values (with or without pixels). Example: 10px 15px or 10 15.
  • $default - Set automatically in mixin, but can be changed on a case by case basis by appending a third value or globally by changing $default-font-size.

@include box-shadow($top, $bottom, $spread, $color)

Create box shadows for any elements more consistently. More features will be added to this for inset and multiple box shadows in the future.

  • $top - Offset-x in pixels.
  • $bottom - Offset-y in pixels.
  • $spread - Blur radius in pixels, by default is set to 5px.
  • $color - Color of the shadow (HEX or RGBA), by default is set to 40% Black.

@include gradient($amount, $start, $end, $middle)

Mixin for generating two and three value gradients from top to bottom.

  • $amount - Accepts one of 2 values, two or three
  • $start - Start value for gradient in percent. Example: 10%
  • $end - End value for gradient in percent.
  • $middle - Middle value for gradient in percent, used for three amount gradient.

@include media-query($media)

Mixin for media queries that are adjusted to the same breakpoints that the grid utilizes. Custom queries is also an option to keep your Sass structure more streamlined.

  • $media - Accepts one of 3 values: desktops, tablets, phones

@include show-hide-view($view) -

Mixin for showing or hiding elements based on media query (uses general grid break points). By selecting desktop you are hiding that element on desktop, but will be visible on tablet and mobile.

  • $media - Values accepted desktop, tablet, and mobile.