Releases: k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx
Release v1.9.1
What's Changed
- Remove the 30-second constraint from whisper. by @csukuangfj in #471
- Support distil-small.en whisper by @csukuangfj in #472
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.9.1
Speaker recognition models
This release contains speaker recognition models for sherpa-onnx.
Each model has its own license. Please see the corresponding repository for the specific license of a given model.
Release v1.9.0
What's Changed
- Build building for iOS by @csukuangfj in #430
- Judge before UseCachedDecoderOut by @HieDean in #431
- Build MFC examples for Windows x86 (Win32) by @csukuangfj in #434
- Replace Clone() with View() by @HieDean in #432
- Refactor CI scripts about building wheels by @csukuangfj in #436
- support nodejs by @csukuangfj in #438
- Add Swift API for TTS by @csukuangfj in #439
- Text-to-speech for iOS by @csukuangfj in #443
- Lock before push_back the deque for thread safety by @HieDean in #445
- Update to onnxruntime 1.16.3 by @csukuangfj in #446
- Fix reading tokens.txt on Windows by @csukuangfj in #448
- Fix nodejs on Windows by @csukuangfj in #450
- Release GIL to support multithreading in Python websocket servers. by @csukuangfj in #451
- Support piper-phonemize by @csukuangfj in #452
- Use piper-phonemize to convert text to token IDs by @csukuangfj in #453
- Fix CI by @csukuangfj in #456
- Play generated audio as it is generating. by @csukuangfj in #457
- Break text into sentences for tts. by @csukuangfj in #460
- Support playing generated audio as it is generating for MFC. by @csukuangfj in #462
- Fix building for .Net by @csukuangfj in #463
- Use espeak-ng for coqui-ai/TTS VITS English models. by @csukuangfj in #466
- Support Ukrainian VITS models from coqui-ai/TTS by @csukuangfj in #469
- Release v1.9.0 by @csukuangfj in #470
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.8.10...v1.9.0
This release contains pre-trained tts models.
Please refer to
for more models.
Pre-built Android APKs are available at
You can try all of the models by visiting the following huggingface space
This release contains pre-trained ASR models.
Please refer to
for more models.
Release v1.8.10
What's Changed
- Fix punctuations in tts for Chinese by @csukuangfj in #417
- Build Android APKs for VITS models from Coqui-ai/TTS by @csukuangfj in #419
- Add a C++ example to show streaming VAD + non-streaming ASR. by @csukuangfj in #420
- Update onnxruntime from v1.16.1 to v1.16.2 by @csukuangfj in #421
- Resize circular buffer on overflow by @csukuangfj in #422
- Add scripts to export ASR models from wenet to ONNX by @csukuangfj in #425
- Support non-streaming WeNet CTC models. by @csukuangfj in #426
- Support streaming conformer CTC models from wenet by @csukuangfj in #427
- Add Python APIs for WeNet CTC models by @csukuangfj in #428
Full Changelog: v1.8.9...v1.8.10
Please see
What's Changed
- Support VITS TTS models from coqui-ai/TTS by @csukuangfj in #416
Full Changelog: v1.8.8...v1.8.9
Please see
Release v1.8.8
What's Changed
- Add C# TTS API by @LKZMuZiLi in #399
- Upload TTS APKs to huggingface by @csukuangfj in #400
- Support static linking onnxruntime lib for 32-bit arm by @csukuangfj in #401
- Support static linking onnxruntime for 64-bit ARM by @csukuangfj in #402
- Support linking onnxruntime statically for macOS by @csukuangfj in #403
- Use a single static lib file for onnxruntime on Windows by @csukuangfj in #404
- Update to onnxruntime v1.16.1 by @csukuangfj in #406
- Support text normalization via rule FST by @csukuangfj in #407
- Catch exception from whisper by @csukuangfj in #408
- Support Chinese polyphones in TTS by @csukuangfj in #409
- support reading rule FST for Android TTS by @csukuangfj in #410
- Support distil-whisper by @csukuangfj in #411
- add --tts-rule-fsts argument at by @longshiming in #413
- Release v1.8.8 by @csukuangfj in #414
New Contributors
- @LKZMuZiLi made their first contribution in #399
Full Changelog: v1.8.7...v1.8.8
Release v1.8.7
What's Changed
- Support German TTS by @csukuangfj in #394
- Support German umlauts in splitting UTF8 strings. by @csukuangfj in #395
- Support Spanish in TTS by @csukuangfj in #396
- Support French in TTS by @csukuangfj in #397
Full Changelog: v1.8.6...v1.8.7
Release v1.8.6
What's Changed
- Fix utf8 spliting for English by @csukuangfj in #386
- include cstdint (debian, gcc-13.2) by @rouseabout in #388
- Fix splitting words containing ', e.g., I've by @csukuangfj in #389
- Support vits models from piper by @csukuangfj in #390
- Release v1.8.6 by @csukuangfj in #391
New Contributors
- @rouseabout made their first contribution in #388
Full Changelog: v1.8.5...v1.8.6