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RELEASE NOTES for FV3 202305: Summary

FV3-202305-public --- May 2023 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested with SHiELD physics release 202305 and with FMS release 2023.01 from

This release includes the following:

  • Revised Vertical Remapping Operators (Lucas)
    • kord=10 reverted back to AM4 version.
    • Post-AM4 version of kord=10 is now kord=12.
    • do_am4_remap no longer does anything and is deprecated.
    • New strictly-monotone operators kord=14, 15 for improving tracer correlations, and kord=13 without subgrid limiting.
    • kord <= 7 now deprecated; may be removed in a future release.
  • New Test Cases: (Joseph, Kun, Lucas)
    • Idealized TC test case with SHiELD physics
    • Zurita-Gotor et al. 2022 Held-Suarez variant
    • New Stable Boundary Layer (Beale at al.) doubly-periodic test case
  • New nesting updates: (Joseph)
    • Enable nesting in solo core and add a new idealized test case (58)
    • Enable adding multiple nests in doubly-periodic test cases using absolute coordinates
  • Additional idealized capability (Linjiong, Kun, Lucas)
    • Added namelist variable is_ideal_case, which must be used for runs starting (or re-starting) from idealized states.
    • Begin saving the initial wind fields (u0 and v0) to the restart files
  • GFDL MP and Integrated Physics (Linjiong):
    • Added options to sub-cycling condensation evaporation (nconds), control timescale or evaporation (do_evap_timescale), and delay condensation and evaporation (delay_cond_evap)
    • Removed unused 3d microphysics diagnostics to save time and memory
    • Optimized the mpp domain updates for fast physics
    • Update gfdl_mp_nml reading code to avoid model crash for absent gfdl_mp_nml
    • Added an option (do_intermediate_phys) to disable intermediate phys
    • Removed grid size in GFDL MP energy and mass calculation
    • Updates to use dry_cp instead of moist_cp in a hydrostatic case
  • Added a function to use O3 data from IFS ICs (Jan-Huey)
    • Namelist parameter: “use_gfsO3” with the default value = “false”
    • This function only works when ecmwf_ic = T
    • If the IFS IC does not include O3 data, or the run would like to use GFS O3 with other IFS ICs, set use_gfsO3 = T
  • Solver Updates (Lucas)
    • Revised semi-implicit solver to partially linearize vertical sound wave propagation about the hydrostatic state. This removes a specific instability causing deep “columnar” modes in the vertical velocity field due to the equation for the pressure perturbation being updated partially forward-in-time. This removes the spurious modes, reduces vertical velocities, and makes the solver slightly more stable.
    • MPI bug fix for tracer diffusion
    • Fast Rayleigh Damping on w controlled by fast_tau_w_sec.

RELEASE NOTES for FV3 202210: Summary

FV3-202210-public --- October 2022 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested with SHiELD physics release 202210 and with FMS release 2022.03 from

This release includes the following:

  • Release of the GFDL Microphysics Version 3
  • Fix pressure-coarse-graining weighting from AI2's fork of FV3GFS
  • Add A-grid restart functionality from AI2's fork of FV3GFS
  • Fix for telescoping nest and GFS FIX file read
  • Total precipitation diag field has changed from prec to pret
  • Clean-up of the diagnostic messages to stdout

RELEASE NOTES for FV3 202204: Summary

FV3-202204-public --- April 2022 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested against the current SHiELD physics and with FMS release 2022.01 from

This release includes the following:

  • Release of stand-alone solo_core functionality with simple physics.
  • Updated GFDL Microphysics, used for real-time 2021 C-SHiELD and T-SHiELD. (L Zhou)
  • Merges numerous updates from dev/emc.
  • Leverage DA functionality from UFS with additional changes (M Tong).
  • Updates to use the latest FMS release, including fms2_io.
  • Adds license header to missing files and fixes typo in header.
  • Fixes a bug where long_name and units attributes were not being captured in restart files.
  • Adds the ability to specify prefix and directory when reading and writing restarts.
  • The planetary radius and rotation rate are now re-scalable by a namelist parameter (small_earth_scale) instead of using exclusively the hard-coded FMS constant.
  • Removes obsolete driver/SHiELD files.
  • Removes unused function fv_diagnostics::max_vorticity_hy1.
  • Removes avec timer remnants.
  • Removes old style namelist read in favor of read from internal character variable.
  • Adds option for a mean wind.
  • Addresses GNU warnings.

RELEASE NOTES for FV3 202107: Summary

FV3-202107-public --- 08 July 2021 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested against the current SHiELD physics and with FMS release 2021.02 from

This release includes the following:

  • Comprehensive documentation in LaTEX format (FV3 team)
  • Default changes to some namelist options and updated inline documentation
  • Multiple same-level and telescoping nests for the Regional domain (J Mouallem)
  • Updated fms2_io functionality (L Chilutti)
  • Revised Regional domain code (K-Y Cheng)
  • Reproducibility fixes for global+nests and regional+nests (tested for absolute reproducibility across PE counts, restarts)
  • Other updates and general cleanup

RELEASE NOTES for FV3 202101: Summary

FV3-202101-public --- 22 January 2021 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested against the current SHiELD (formerly fvGFS) physics and with FMS release candidate 2020.04 from

This release includes the following:

  • Positive-definite advection scheme
  • In-line GFDL Microphysics
  • Fast-timescale Rayleigh damping
  • Updated namelist documentation
  • Implemented multiple same-level and telescoping nests for the global system (J Mouallem)
  • Updated coarse-graining capabilities (S Clark)
  • Re-organized fv_diagnostics, moving the revised fv_diag_column functionality and the declaration of diagnostic IDs to separate files
  • and other updates and general cleanup

This version of FV3 is described as component of SHiELD in Harris et al. (2020, JAMES).

Interface changes in 202101

atmosphere.F90: if using the in-line GFDL microphysics the precipitation rates (available in the structure Atm%inline_mp for rain, ice, snow, and graupel separately) must be passed into the physics and/or land model as appropriate. Here we demonstrate how to do this in SHiELD by copying them into IPD_Data(nb)%Statein%prep (and so on), which are newly defined in the IPD_Data structure within the SHiELD physics.

RELEASE NOTES for FV3 201912: Summary

FV3-201912-public --- 10 January 2020 Lucas Harris, GFDL

This version has been tested against the current SHiELD (formerly fvGFS) physics and with FMS release candidate 2020.02 from

Includes all of the features of the GFDL Release to EMC, as well as:

  • Updated 2017 GFDL Microphysics (S-J Lin and L Zhou included in GFSv15)
  • Updates for GFSv15 ICs (T Black/J Abeles, EMC)
  • Updates to support new nesting capabilities in FMS (Z Liang)
  • Re-written grid nesting code for efficiency and parallelization
  • Re-organized fv_eta for improved vertical level selection
  • 2018 Stand-alone regional capabilities (T Black/J Abeles, EMC)
  • Refactored model front-end (fv_control, fv_restart)
  • Support for point soundings
  • And other updates

Interface changes

drivers: renamed 'fvGFS' directory to SHiELD

atmosphere.F90: 'mytile' is renamed 'mygrid'

The non-functional gfdl_cloud_microphys.F90 has been removed and replaced with the 2017 public release given to EMC. Also added a proper initialization routine, that includes the use of INTERNAL_FILE_NML and thereby requires the input_nml_file argument. If you do not define the compiler flag INTERNAL_FILE_NML then you can delete this argument.

The namelist nggps_diag_nml has been eliminated. 'fdiag' is no longer handled by the dynamical core, and should be handled by the physics driver.

For a complete technical description see the NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR GFDL: