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Classes and Functions




Linear Layers

Parallel linear layers has two capabilities: parallel way and non-parallel way. In non-parallel way, they behavior as same as PyTorch original linear layers.


CLASS - torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear(in_features, out_features, bias=True, dim=None)

Parallel version of torch.nn.Linear. Applies a linear transformation to the incoming tensor: y = xA^T + b in the parallel manner.

This module supports TensorFloat32.

  • Parameters

    • in_features (int) - size of each input sample.

    • out_features (int) - size of each output sample.

    • bias (bool) - If set to False, the layer will not learn an additive bias. Default: True.

    • dim (int) - Dimension along which to split weight and bias into shards (default is None).

      dim behavior
      None nn.ParallelLinear = nn.Linear
      1 or -1 nn.ParallelLinear will be parallel in column
      0 nn.ParallelLinear will be parallel in row
  • Shape

    • If dim = None, both input and output are same as torch.nn.Linear. Input: (N, *, H_in) where N is batch size number, * means any number of additional dimensions, and H_in = in_features. Output: (N, *, H_out) where H_out = out_features.
    • If dim = -1 or 1, input shape is (N, *, H_in) and output shape is (N, *, int(H_out / group_size)). group_size is fixed after calling torchshard.distributed.init_process_group().
    • If dim = 0, input shape is (N, *, int(H_in / group_size)) and output shape is (N, *, H_out).
  • Variables

    • ~ParallelLinear.weight - the learnable weights of the module of shape (out_features, in_features). The values are initialized as same as the values of ~torch.nn.Linear.weight.
    • ~ParallelLinear.bias - the learnable bias of the module of shape (out_features). If bias is True, the values are initialized as same as the values of ~torch.nn.Linear.bias.
  • Examples

    • for the case with parallel dim = None
    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> # Assume we would like to have 2 model parallel groups and 2 ranks.
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelLinear(20, 30, bias=True, dim=None)
    >>> input = torch.randn(128, 20)
    >>> output = m(input)
    >>> print(output.size)
    torch.Size([128, 30])
    • for the case with parallel dim = 0
    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> # Assume we would like to have 2 model parallel groups and 2 ranks.
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelLinear(20, 30, bias=True, dim=0)
    >>> input = torch.randn(128, 20)
    >>> output = m(input)
    >>> print(output.size)
    torch.Size([128, 30])
    • for the case with parallel dim = 1 / -1
    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> # Assume we would like to have 2 model parallel groups and 2 ranks.
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelLinear(20, 30, bias=True, dim=-1)
    >>> input = torch.randn(128, 20)
    >>> output = m(input)
    >>> print(output.size)
    torch.Size([128, 15])


CLASSMETHOD - torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear.convert_parallel_linear(module, dim=None)

Helper function to convert all torch.nn.Linear layers in the module to torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear layers with dim.

  • Parameters

    • module (nn.Module) - module containing one or more torch.nn.Linear layers.
    • dim (int) - Dimension along which to split weight and bias into shards (default is None).
  • Returns

    • The original module with the converted torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear layers. If the original module is just a torch.nn.Linear layer, a new torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear layer object will be returned instead.
    • This conversion will NOT hurt the original parameters' (weight and bias) values, if they are initialized.
  • Eamples

    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> # Assume we have already initialized parallel process group
    >>> m = torch.nn.Linear(20, 30)
    >>> m
    Linear(in_features=20, out_features=30, bias=True)
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelLinear.convert_parallel_linear(m, dim=-1)
    >>> m
    ParallelLinear(in_features=20, out_features=30, bias=True, dim=-1)

Sparse Layers

Parallel version of sparse layers.


CLASS - torchshard.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx=None, max_norm=None, norm_type=2.0, scale_grad_by_freq=False, sparse=False, _weight=None, dim=None)

A simple lookup table that stores embeddings of a fixed dictionary and size. dim controls which dimension along to make weight parallel.

  • Parameters

    • Parameters are same as torch.nn.Embedding.
    • dim (int): which dimension along to make weight parallel (default is None). It can be set in None, 1, -1, and 0.
  • Variables ~Embedding.weight (Tensor) – the learnable weights of the module of shape (num_embeddings, embedding_dim) initialized from N(0,1).

  • Examples:

    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelEmbedding(64, 512, dim=1) # scatter Embedding weight in column
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelEmbedding(64, 512, dim=0) # scatter Embedding weight in row
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelEmbedding(64, 512) # = torch.nn.Embedding(64, 512)

Loss Layers

Parallel loss layers has two capabilities: parallel way and non-parallel way. In non-parallel way, they behavior as same as PyTorch original loss layers.


CLASS - torchshard.nn.ParallelCrossEntropyLoss(weight=None, size_average=None, ignore_index=-100, reduce=None, reduction='mean')

Parallel version of torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss. More details in torch.nn.CrossEntropy Docs.

  • Parameters

    • Totally same as the input parameters of torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss.
  • Shape

    • Totally same as the shape of torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss.
  • Usage

    • nn.ParallelCrossEntropyLoss usually pairs with nn.ParallelLinear to use in our training. nn.ParallelCrossEntropyLoss can automatically recognize the output tensor shards from nn.ParallelLinear. If it is used with torch.nn.Linear, it will be same as torch.nn.CrossEntropy.
  • Examples

    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> loss = ts.nn.ParallelCrossEntropyLoss()
    >>> input = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=True)
    >>> target = torch.empty(3, dtype=torch.long).random_(5)
    >>> output = loss(input, target)
    >>> output.backward()


Layers for building model graphs more easily.


CLASS - torchshard.nn.RegisterParallelDim(dim=None)

nn.Module for registering the parallel dimension into tensors.

  • Parameters

    • dim (int): the dimension which will be registered into tensors (default is None). It can be 0, -1, 1, and None.
  • Type

    • torch.nn.Module.
  • Examples:

    >>> input = torch.Tensor(3)
    >>> ts.get_parallel_dim(input)
    >>> None
    >>> m = ts.nn.RegisterParallelDim(dim=0)
    >>> input = m(input)
    >>> ts.get_parallel_dim(input)
    >>> 0 

Functional Layers

torchshard.nn.functional version of torchshard.nn class methods.


FUNCTION - torchshard.nn.functional.parallel_linear(input, weight, bias=None, dim=None)

Parallel version of torch.nn.functional.linear. This operator supports TensorFloat32.

  • Usage
    • If dim = None, this layer is same as torch.nn.functional.linear.
    • If dim is NOT None, this layer will perform in a parallel manner accross process parallel groups. It can NOT make its weight and bias into parallel shards by itself. You need prepare weight and bias shards rightly before calling it.
    • Recommend to use torchshard.nn.ParallelLinear to build your model instead of this layer.


FUNCTION - torchshard.nn.functional.cross_entropy_loss(input, target, weight=None, size_average=None, ignore_index=-100, reduce=None, reduction='mean')

Parallel version of torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy. More details in torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy Docs.

  • Parameters

    • Totally same as the input parameters of torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy.
  • Usage

    • This functional loss layer is same as torchshard.nn.CrossEntropy.
  • Examples

    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> input = torch.randn(3, 5, requires_grad=True)
    >>> target = torch.randint(5, (3,), dtype=torch.int64)
    >>> loss = ts.nn.functional.parallel_cross_entropy(input, target)
    >>> loss.backward()


CLASS - torchshard.nn.functional.parallel_embedding(input, weight, padding_idx=None, max_norm=None, norm_type=2.0, scale_grad_by_freq=False, sparse=False, num_embeddings=None, dim=None)

A simple lookup table that stores embeddings of a fixed dictionary and size. dim controls which dimension along to make weight parallel.

See torchshard.nn.ParallelEmbedding for more details.

  • Parameters

    • Parameters are same as torchshard.nn.ParallelEmbedding.
    • num_embeddings (int): embedding size (default is None).
    • dim (int): which dimension along to make weight parallel (default is None). It can be set in None, 1, -1, and 0.
  • Variables ~Embedding.weight (Tensor) – the learnable weights of the module of shape (num_embeddings, embedding_dim) initialized from N(0,1).

  • Examples:

    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> input = torch.tensor([[1,2,4,5],[4,3,2,9]])
    >>> embedding_matrix = torch.rand(5, 3) # on Rank 0
    >>> embedding_matrix = torch.rand(5, 3) # on Rank 1
    >>> ts.nn.functional.parallel_embedding(input, embedding_matrix, num_embeddings=4, dim=0)

Init Layers

Helper functions to initialize tensors of parallel layers.


FUNCTION - torchshard.nn.shard_init_helper_(init_method, tensor, **kwargs)

This helper function can be used to initialize tensor shards across all process parallel groups.

  • Parameters

    • init_method (torch.nn.init) - Methods from torch.nn.init.
    • tensor (Tensor) - a torch.Tensor. Can be 2D weight and 1D bias.
    • ** kwargs - Any input parameters for above init_method that is called.
  • Examples

    >>> import torch
    >>> import torchshard as ts
    >>> m = ts.nn.ParallelLinear(20, 30, dim=-1)
    >>> # init weight
    >>> ts.nn.init.shard_init_helper_(
            a=0, mode='fan_in', nonlinearity='leaky_relu'
    >>> # init bias
    >>> ts.nn.init.shard_init_helper_(

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