- We basically follow the PascalCase naming conventions in which the first letter of each word in a compound word is capitalized.
- Example: DiscretePolicy, MountainCar, ...
- Write all acronyms in uppercase.
- Example: DQN, CNN, SAC, PPO, PongMLAgent
- Acronyms and words (including abbreviations) are separated by '_'.
- Example: ICM_PPO, SAC_Critic, ...
- Exeptional case:
- CartPole -> Cartpole
- The exception rule is applied to speed up debugging.
- CartPole -> Cartpole
- If there are consecutive lowercase and uppercase letters, add '_' between them.
- Change all uppercase letters to lowercase
- Example:
- DiscretePolicyValue -> discrete_policy_value
- SAC_Critic -> sac_critic
- PongMLAgent -> pong_mlagent
- We follow the Snake case in which each space is replaced by an underscore (_) character, and the first letter of each word written in lowercase.