A step by step guide to show you main principles of using Winstar TFT LCD Displays.
This entry level guide would be useful for everybody who are making their first steps with TFT LCD Displays in general.
Winstar Industrial LCD Display, Display Manufacturing Company. Established in 1998, Winstar Display Co. Ltd has devoted itself to the manufacturing and development of high-quality products for the Industrial LCD Displays including monochrome TN/STN/FSTN LCM, COG LCD, VATN-LCD, TFT LCD and OLED display modules. Winstar has become the No. 1 of the leading industrial display manufacturer in the field of small & medium sized displays and its continuous innovating allowed it to secure several global patents.
Winstar M Series TFT Displays which we called "Clever System - All in one TFT Display" is an easy access system for users to begin exploring the colorful display on their applications. The M Series Modules are "all in one system" which has 2 user interfaces including UART and SPI interfaces; it supports backlight brightness adjust, PMW signal output and 4 switches button sensor. Winstar Display has already designed a TFT editing program for end users to design their software more easily.
- All in One System: We build the micro controller behind the TFT panel, it can driver TFT, backlight and touch panel directly. The M Series modules also have microcontrollers (PIC24), SRAM (frame buffer) and flash storage (graphic files).
- Convenient to Upgrade: The software can be upgraded on line to download the new version; therefore, the customers don't need to upgrade via burning machine.
- Less Coding Process: Programming and test of these modes can be done by our software "user interface" (UI). Winstar's UI program can demo what you want; so users don't need to write any software.
- Reduce I/O Port: The customers can use UART or SPI-4 Line to driver TFT directly. A suitable USB adapter is also included in the scope of supply. Winstar designs an optional development board which Part no. is WWTFT-10# for customers to accelerate the project for test function.