get "/search" response
parse JSON
generate CSV string
get a channel ID as ARGV (for example, "./yt_fetch UCHPA-41shIcxUHAbhdQUKSA")
get all videos with nextPageToken ("pageToken" option)
get "/videos" response, for metrics
save the CSV as a file (x)
major refactor for readability and maintainability
build a web application
- server
- form submit page
- download button for CSV file (x)
deploy to Heroku
directly generate and download (export) the file
add all the columns
solve Heroku "High Response Time" issue
set log level - see url strings only when it's "development"
form submit - validation
use "Upload" playlist of the channel, to fetch all videos
consider multiple users, and solve the expected race condition
use S3, not just "/result.csv" (x)
set file name with channel title and date, not just "result"
cleanup, handle errors better
split the code into multiple files, organize them
send email with the CSV file attached (x)
progress bar
use goroutine for multiple fetches by multiple users
user login
write test
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