import math from typing import Iterable, Tuple from utils import * from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont def get_width_padded_to_bytes(width: int, bit_depth: int) -> int: return math.ceil(width * bit_depth / 8) * 8 // bit_depth def render_glyph( glyph: str, font: ImageFont.FreeTypeFont, image_height: int, image_crop_top: int, padded_image_width: int, rendering_scale: int, canvas_width: int, canvas_height: int, font_x_adjust: float, font_y_adjust: float) -> Image.Image: padded_canvas_width = rendering_scale*padded_image_width image ='L', size=(padded_canvas_width, canvas_height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) _, _, w, h = draw.textbbox((rendering_scale*font_x_adjust, rendering_scale*font_y_adjust), glyph, font, align="center") text_pos = ((canvas_width-w)/2, (canvas_height-h)/2) draw.text(text_pos, glyph, fill="#FFF", font=font, align="center") return image \ .resize((padded_image_width, image_height), resample=Image.Resampling.BICUBIC) \ .crop((0, image_crop_top, padded_image_width, image_height)) def render_bitmap( font: ImageFont.FreeTypeFont, ascii_codes: Iterable[int], glyph_image_height: int, image_crop_top: int, padded_image_width: int, bit_depth: int, rendering_scale: int, canvas_width: int, canvas_height: int, glyph_height: int, font_x_adjust: float, font_y_adjust: float) -> Tuple[Image.Image, Iterable[int], int]: bitmap_bytes = list() bitmap_byte_count = 0 ascii_to_render = set(ascii_codes) first_char_code = min(ascii_to_render) last_char_code = max(ascii_to_render) image_height = (last_char_code - first_char_code + 1) * glyph_height preview_image ='L', size=(padded_image_width, image_height)) pixels_per_glyph = padded_image_width * glyph_image_height (empty_glyph_bytes, empty_glyph_byte_count) = join_to_bytes([0]*pixels_per_glyph, bit_depth) for ascii_code in range(first_char_code, last_char_code+1): if ascii_code not in ascii_to_render: bitmap_bytes.extend(empty_glyph_bytes) bitmap_byte_count += empty_glyph_byte_count continue glyph = chr(ascii_code) glyph_pos = ascii_code - first_char_code # Build glyph image = render_glyph( glyph, font, glyph_image_height, image_crop_top, padded_image_width, rendering_scale, canvas_width, canvas_height, font_x_adjust, font_y_adjust) preview_image.paste(image, (0, glyph_height*glyph_pos)) # Get output bytes glyph_data = change_bit_depth(image.getdata(), bit_depth) (glyph_bytes, glyph_byte_count) = join_to_bytes(glyph_data, bit_depth) bitmap_bytes.extend(glyph_bytes) bitmap_byte_count += glyph_byte_count return (preview_image, bitmap_bytes, bitmap_byte_count) # Settings def run(): image_width = 10 # This width will be padded based on bit depth, see 4.7.linestride in docs image_height = 18 image_crop_top = 1 font_size = 17 font_file = "font.otf" glyphs_to_render = None # "012345689" image_file = None # "font.png" # Input image font_x_adjust = 0.25 font_y_adjust = 4 rendering_scale = 4 preview_filename = 'out.png' # None preview_only = False bit_depth = 4 indent_spaces = 2 bitmap_byte_columns = 10 output_filename = 'progmem.hpp' padded_image_width = get_width_padded_to_bytes(image_width, bit_depth) canvas_width = rendering_scale * image_width canvas_height = rendering_scale * image_height glyph_width = image_width glyph_height = image_height - image_crop_top ascii_codes = list(range(ord(' '), 128)) if font_file and glyphs_to_render: ascii_codes = list(map(ord, ''.join(sorted((dict.fromkeys(glyphs_to_render)))))) # End of settings # Build bitmap if font_file: font = ImageFont.truetype(font_file, rendering_scale*font_size, encoding="unic") (preview_image, bitmap_bytes, bitmap_byte_count) = render_bitmap( font, ascii_codes, image_height, image_crop_top, padded_image_width, bit_depth, rendering_scale, canvas_width, canvas_height, glyph_height, font_x_adjust, font_y_adjust) elif image_file: preview_image = bitmap_data = change_bit_depth(preview_image.getdata(), bit_depth) (bitmap_bytes, bitmap_byte_count) = join_to_bytes(bitmap_data, bit_depth) else: raise ValueError('Either font or image required.') if preview_filename: if preview_only: exit() # Built font metrics metrics_width_bytes = list() for ascii_code in range(0, 128): char_width = image_width if ascii_code in ascii_codes else 0 metrics_width_bytes.append(char_width) bitmap_layout_id = bit_depth_to_l_layout(bit_depth) bitmap_linestride = padded_image_width * bit_depth // 8 with open(output_filename, "w") as out_file: render_uint32 = lambda val: render_byte_list(list(val.to_bytes(4, 'little')), 8, indent_spaces) out_file.write(f"const uint32_t FONT_BITMAP_BYTE_COUNT = {bitmap_byte_count};\n") out_file.write("const uint8_t FONT_BITMAP_BYTES[] PROGMEM = {\n") out_file.write(render_byte_list(bitmap_bytes, bitmap_byte_columns, indent_spaces)) out_file.write("\n") out_file.write("};\n\n") out_file.write("// Write metrics in RAM at address aligned to 4 bytes.\n") out_file.write("const uint8_t FONT_METRICS[] PROGMEM = {\n") out_file.write(" "*indent_spaces) out_file.write("// Character widths\n") out_file.write(render_byte_list(metrics_width_bytes, 8, indent_spaces)) out_file.write("\n") out_file.write(" "*indent_spaces) out_file.write("// Values below are in Little Endian order\n") out_file.write(render_uint32(bitmap_layout_id.value)) out_file.write(f" // L{bit_depth} format\n") out_file.write(render_uint32(bitmap_linestride)) out_file.write(f" // Linestride ({padded_image_width} * {bit_depth}bpp / 8)\n") out_file.write(render_uint32(padded_image_width)) out_file.write(" // Font width\n") out_file.write(render_uint32(glyph_height)) out_file.write(" // Font height\n") out_file.write(render_uint32(0)) out_file.write(" // Bitmap pointer in RAM\n") out_file.write("};\n") run()