- These notes are intended to be part of future documentation for a Sphinx RTD Theme Boilerplate project.
- These notes provide snippiets of information in regard to configuring the current theme.
- Setup development environment:
cd <project_root>
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build docs:
# prep build environment
cd <project_root>/docsource
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for each document module (if sources added)
sphinx-apidoc -o source/editfrontmatter ../editfrontmatter
sphinx-apidoc -o source/examples/example1 ../examples/example1
sphinx-apidoc -o source/examples/example2 ../examples/example2
sphinx-apidoc -o source/examples/example3 ../examples/example3
sphinx-apidoc -o source/examples/example4 ../examples/example4
# run doctest (with custom path)
TEST_DATA_DIR="../examples/data/" make doctest
# make the docs (for github pages)
## the path is usually not necessary
TEST_DATA_DIR="../examples/data/" make github
- Access/Review:
- open browser
- open browser
- GaretJax/sphinx-autobuild: Watch a Sphinx directory and rebuild the documentation when a change is detected. Also includes a livereload enabled web server.
- only works for sphinx sources. does not catch code changes
cd <project dir>/docsource
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd <project dir>
sphinx-autobuild docsource/source docsource/build/html
- Change the width of the displayed page
- quoted from the reference:
Just in case someone is still searching for a simple answer... combining the ideas from https://samnicholls.net/2016/06/15/how-to-sphinx-readthedocs/ and the above suggestions i found that the most easy way of getting a custom window-width is the following:
in conf.py add a function that adds your custom stylesheet (just add the following lines):
########## code block
def setup(app):
and then create a file called my_theme.css in the _static folder that simply contains the following lines:
########## code block
.wy-nav-content {
max-width: 1200px !important;
for building github pages (for `master:/docs')- add a
target toMakefile
github: @make html @rm -rf ../docs/* @cp -a build/html/* ../docs/
- add a
Build message: "WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree for included file:
"- add
to theindex.rst
(or appropriat) file
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: modules
- add
Hide contents from page while adding it to
sidebar.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: :hidden: modules
color words / characters in a page
.. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`<font color="blue">Blue word,</font>` And a word without color
- Alternate images: tholman/github-corners: A fresher "Fork me on GitHub" callout.
- Add the following to
{% extends '!layout.html' %}
{% block document %}
<a href="https://github.com/karlredman/EditFrontMatter">
<img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_darkblue_121621.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub">
{% endblock %}
reference: How to add Sphinx-generated index to the sidebar when using Read the Docs theme? - Stack Overflow
Note: this will cause issues if
is not handled properly -
Add the following to
{% extends "!layout.html" %}
{% block menu %}
<a href="https://karlredman.github.io/EditFrontMatter/genindex.html">Index</a>
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
- Add the following to
{% extends '!layout.html' %}
{% block extrahead %}
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/ module/g, '');
{% endblock %}
- Example Google Style Python Docstrings — Sphinx 3.0.0+/f63abac2c documentation
- Sample Document — sphinx theme for basicstrap style documentation
- sphinx.ext.napoleon – Support for NumPy and Google style docstrings — Sphinx 3.0.0+/f63abac2c documentation
- Example Google Style Python Docstrings — Sphinx 3.0.0+/f63abac2c documentation
- Roles — Sphinx 3.0.0+/f63abac2c documentation
- module
- The module must be documented at the top of the file just below the
is documented a second time for readablility and compatibility with python standards.- a
bock must be used to maintain compatibility with sphinx preprocessing.
- The module must be documented at the top of the file just below the
.. module:: MODULE_NAME
:Synopsis: SYNOPSIS
:Platform: Unix, Windows, |python_version|
.. literalinclude:: ../../../requirements.txt
:language: text
:License: :download:
.. :moduleauthor: `Karl N. Redman <https://karlredman.github.io>`_
:Module Author: _
:homepage: `PROJECT_NAME <https://karlredman.github.io/PROJECT_NAME>`
:homepage: `PROJECT_NAME <https://github.com/karlredman/PROJECT_NAME>`
:Current Release:
version: |release|
.. versionadded:: 0.0.1
Initial Version
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
- A short docstring must be placed at the top of the class just under the class signature in order for
to pick up the text.- Note, do not document instatniation or attributes at the class level. Use
for this purpros.
- Note, do not document instatniation or attributes at the class level. Use
- A short docstring must be placed at the top of the class just under the class signature in order for
- Use
to document constructor arguments, attributes, and other similar class related information.- Sphinx
expects documentation for these things to be located wihin__init__
- the sphinx
should be configured with the following to properly include the__init__
method in documentationnapoleon_include_init_with_doc = True
autodoc_default_options = { 'special-members': '__init__', }
- Sphinx
- Use
method / function
- Docstrings should followthe layout of the template below:
def myfunc() -> None: """ :Description: SUMMARY Args: NAME (TYPE): DESCRIPTION [:rtype: | Returns:] RETURN INFO """
Order of precedence
instance attributes are documented as such:
DATA_PATH (str):
generic path if running from the local the `example1`
file_path (str):
path of data (markdown) file to be read
template_str (str):
string containing the contents of a Jinja2 template
proc (EditFrontMatter):
the EditFrontatter object
- Autosummary method (with automodule)
- Note that if you use links to files outside of the docsource tree then you willl needto make some decisions .... maybe eliminate
for a sphinx module directory that is 'wired' to a package, where automodule is used already, it is possible to generate the method files required for adding to the toc. Note that this creates a lot of warnings and the process is rather ughly.
- The docsource directory (sphinx base) looks like this before generating the individal method files:
- This process is, by far, not optimal and probably not entirely practicle
- maintenance, adding new functions, etc., would be fairly cumbersome
├── conf.py
├── editfrontmatter
│ └── editfrontmatter.rst
├── index.rst
├── modules.rst
├── _static
│ └── theme_customization.css
└── _templates
└── layout.html
- The chain for the rst files is this:
index.rst --> modules --> editfrontmatter.rst
- modules.rst looks like this:
EditFrontMatter package
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
- editfrontmatter.rst is the package level rst (before autosummary changes)
.. automodule:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter
.. autoclass:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter([options])
:special-members: __init__
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter_Exception([options])
:special-members: __init__
:member-order: bysource
- add the following to the bottome of
. This will add a class definition file into the_autosummary
.. autosummary::
:toctree: _autosummary
- run sphinx-autogen to add the class files into a subdirectory. Creates file
sphinx-autogen -o source/editfrontmatter/_autosummary source/editfrontmatter/editfrontmatter.rst
- edit the new file
and add:toctree
to the.. autosummary directive
. Here's the entire file after edit:
.. currentmodule:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter
.. autoclass:: EditFrontMatter
.. automethod:: __init__
.. rubric:: Methods
.. autosummary::
- Build sphinx: This will causea lot of warnings. We'll fix some of them in the next step. Also, this will cause the individal method files to be generated.
make clean; TEST_DATA_DIR="../examples/data/" make github
now looks like this:
$ ls _autosummary/
editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.add_JinjaFilter.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.__init__.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.set_yaml_delim.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.del_JinjaFilter.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.readFile.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.writeFile.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.dumpFileData.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.dumpFrontMatter.rst editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.EditFrontMatter.run.rst
- Edit
again to remove theautosummary
directive and add atoctree
for the newly generated files. The final file looks like this:
.. automodule:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter
.. autoclass:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter([options])
:special-members: __init__
:member-order: bysource
.. autoclass:: editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter_Exception([options])
:special-members: __init__
:member-order: bysource
.. toctree::
- finally, rebuild sphinx again
- optionally change the headings of each of the generated files for easier reading on the sidebar.
- For each new method added to the source file you will have to:
- create the new file under
- add the method spec to
- create the new file under
- Greeting page is automatically linked to project README.md
- Theme documentation is built in
- easily removed
- text replacement can't be used within grave marks -hence all rst links
must be entered without using ext replacement- TODO: find different solution
- the file docstring title: is not processed for sphinx replacement
- TODO: needs more investigation
- check the gitignore files and adjust accordingly
git status --ignored
if it's a sandbox git repo that is already published, replace history:
# double check .gitignore git status --ignored # check documentation is in order # make sure everything builds and runs # make sure tests pass # Remove the history from rm -rf .git # recreate the repos from the current content only git init git add -A git commit -m "Initial commit" # push to the github remote repos ensuring you overwrite history git remote add origin git@github.com:<YOUR ACCOUNT>/<YOUR REPOS>.git git push -u --force origin master # checkout the project again and reverify / retest everything
# cd <project dir>
pip install -e .
configure setup.py
Basic layout
file -
# assuming virtualenv
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
- build source dist:
python setup.py sdist
- build wheel
* assumes `pure wheel` (supports py v2 or 3)
python setup.py bdist_wheel
- verify README compliance / format
twine check dist/*
- Test system
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
- Verify project page
- verify pip install