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File metadata and controls

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Configuration for Smart Cache Graph

Smart Cache Graph is an Apache Jena Fuseki server with additional features:

Smart Cache Graph is configured using a Fuseki configuration file.

Data is stored in a Apache Jena database, and wrapped in another layer which has an ABAC labels store and which provides the triple authorization filtering.

Data and labels can be stored in-memory, or in persistent storage. This must the the same for both data stored and label stored.

Server Configuration:

This is a single file , often called "config.ttl", and passed to the server on startup from the command line using --conf=config.ttl.

First, there is a series of URI prefix (namespace) declarations:

PREFIX :        <#>
PREFIX fuseki:  <>
PREFIX rdf:     <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX ja:      <>
PREFIX tdb2:    <>

PREFIX authz:   <>
PREFIX cqrs:    <>
PREFIX graphql: <>

then a section describing the server:

[] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
   fuseki:services (
   ) .

In this example there is one separate data service for the knowledge topic.

:knowledgeService rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
    fuseki:name "/knowledge" ;
    fuseki:endpoint [ fuseki:operation fuseki:query ] ;

    fuseki:endpoint [ 
        fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
        fuseki:name "sparql" 
    fuseki:endpoint [
        fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
        fuseki:name "query" 
    ] ;
    fuseki:endpoint [
        fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
        fuseki:name "get"
    ] ;
    ## This enpoint is onlly need if labelled data is loaded via HTTP
    ## and not via the Kafka 'knowledge' topic.
    ## NB authz:upload - this is the ABAC processor
    fuseki:endpoint [ 
        fuseki:operation authz:upload ;
        fuseki:name "upload"
    ] ;

    ## GraphQL operations
    fuseki:endpoint [ 
        fuseki:operation graphql:graphql ;
        ja:context [ 
            ja:cxtName "graphql:executor" ;
            ja:cxtValue "io.telicent.jena.graphql.execution.telicent.graph.TelicentGraphExecutor"
        ] ;
        fuseki:name "graphql"
    ## CQRS update
    ## Updates will be generate an RDF patch which is sent to the Kafka topic.
    fuseki:endpoint [ 
        fuseki:operation cqrs:update ;
        # This name (ja:cxtValue) must agree with the connector below.
        ja:context [ 
            ja:cxtName "kafka:topic" ; 
            ja:cxtValue "knowledge" 
        ] ;
        fuseki:name "update" ] ;

    ## This is the ABAC database.                      
    fuseki:dataset :dataset ;

When a data service is created, the "read data" operations fuseki:query and fuseki:gsp-r are automatically converted to apply ABAC label filtering.

A Smart Cache Graph server requires an already autheticated user to be proivded in the JWT token in the HTTP header.

ABAC database


## --- ABAC dataset
:dataset rdf:type authz:DatasetAuthz ;
    authz:dataset :datasetBase;
    authz:tripleDefaultLabels "!";    ## Default (no label found) is 'deny'

    ## TC access server for finding the user attributes and attributer hierarchies.
    ## This substitutes the value of the environment variable
    ## or Java system property "USER_ATTRIBUTES_URL".
    ##   USER_ATTRIBUTES_URL="http://host:port/users/lookup/{user}"
    ## {user} is replaced with the URL-safe encoding of the user id.
    authz:attributesURL <env:USER_ATTRIBUTES_URL>;

# Storage of data.
:datasetBase rdf:type ja:MemoryDataset .

The labels are stored in-memory.

With an in-memeory database, the data is reloaded from Kafka on start-up.

Persistent database

Kafka Connector

Connection to the Kafka topic is given by:

## ---- Fuseki-Kafka connector
PREFIX fk:      <>

<#connector> rdf:type fk:Connector ;
    fk:bootstrapServers    "-- kafka connection URL string --";
    fk:topic               "knowledge";
    ## This should refer to an authz:upload endpoint
    fk:fusekiServiceName   "/knowledge";
    ##fk:syncTopic        false;
    fk:replayTopic      true;
    fk:stateFile        "databases/Replay-RDF.state";

The fk:fusekiServiceName connects the topic (fk:topic) to the data service.