A SystemVerilog implementation of Row-Stationary dataflow based on Eyeriss and Hierarchical Mesh NoC based on the Eyeriss v2 CNN accelerator.
This repository contains the SystemVerilog source code developed as part of the final project for the course "Accelerator Design for Deep Learning" at UCSD. Eyeriss is a popular CNN accelerator that showcased dataflow-based architectures using systolic arrays. The project implemented is inspired by the RS dataflow from the original Eyeriss paper and the Hierarchical Mesh NoC Architecture from the follow-up paper Eyeriss v2.
Simulation requires a Verilog/SystemVerilog syntheis software package. Xilinx's Vivado Suite is recommended (available for free at the Xilinx downloads webpage)
images/ - Figures used in report
synth/ - synthesis folder
- .xdc file to specify timing constraints - clock period, waveform shape (can also be used to include jitter, uncertainty, false paths etc for more accurate STA)
- .vds files contain synthesis log
- .rpt files contain area utlization report
rtl/ - Contains SystemVerilog models of all components designed
- misc/ - combinational logic blocks for miscellaneous tasks
- phase_1/ - Focus on demonstration of a convolution operation through a single grouped cluster of PEs, routers and GLBs
- phase_2/ - Scaled-up design with 4 grouped clusters. Has new routers with provisions for direction control and configuration
- phase_3/ - Exploration of router design for data reuse opportunities - Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast
synth/ - constraints and reports directory - synthesis results containing top level and clusterized reports for timing and area utilization
testbench/ - Contains all testbenches, verification code, and experiments.
- phase_1/, phase_2/, phase_3/ - Contains testbenches specific to each design phase
waveforms/ - directory containing simulation output graphs
- 4_Convs.PNG - parallel convolution output of 4 PE clusters
- conv_3x3.PNG - convolution with 3x3 kernel size
- conv_5x5.PNG - convolution with 5x5 kernel size
- conv_out.PNG - phase_1 convolution output