Open the
in a text editor:a. Ensure TARGET_ENV is set to in the config file name config-.json, example config-dev.json
"env": [ { "comment": "Target cloud environment.", "key": "TARGET_ENV", "value": "dev" } ],
b. Setup the configuration of the K8s cluster
"Kubenetes": [ { "comment": "Master node count for K8 cluster", "key": "K8_MASTER_COUNT", "value": "1" }, { "comment": "Agent node count for K8 cluster", "key": "K8_AGENT_COUNT", "value": "1" }, { "comment": "Master VM size for K8 cluster", "key": "K8_MASTER_VM", "value": "Standard_D2_v2" }, { "comment": "Agent VM size for K8 cluster", "key": "K8_AGENT_VM", "value": "Standard_D2_v2" }, { "comment": "MongoDB Storage Account Name", "key": "MONGO_STORAGE_NAME", "value": "mongodbstorage" } ],
c. Setup any environment variables required for kuari services
"KBService": [ { "comment": "Port number that KB service api listens to", "key": "KB_SERVICE_PORT", "value": "8080" } ]
d. Save and close the