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Bet.K8s.Web.Sample project

The second letter in the Hebrew alphabet is the ב bet/beit. Its meaning is "house". In the ancient pictographic Hebrew it was a symbol resembling a tent on a landscape.


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This sample application is designed to test Kubernetes deployment to Azure Cloud.

  • Azure Blob Storage (used for SQLite database with file share enabled)
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure Container Registry


  • Docker containers to be pulled from the private ACR repo (requires k8s authentication)
  • Access

Package Sample Application

This app has a private Azure Container Registry (ACR), if desired to test with your cluster you can use a public docker image of this sample application.

    # run commands from the root directory of this project
    docker build --rm -f "src\Bet.K8s.Web.Sample\Dockerfile" -t {DOCKER_REGISTRY}/bet:k8sweb .

    # publish
    docker push {DOCKER_REGISTRY}/bet:k8sweb

Or with docker compose

    # local or dev build and run
    docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" -f "docker-compose.override.yml" up -d

    # production build
    docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build --no-recreate bet.k8sweb

Configure AKS for this sample application

For Azure Vault to work

  1. had to refresh msi pods
  2. Added reader permission for key vault

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

Set up environment variables

  1. Create ACR if not already created
    # creates azure container registry acr
    az acr create -n $acrName -g bet-rg --sku Basic --admin-enabled --location centralus
  1. Create Kubernetes Secret for ACR access

This must be created per kubernetes namespace.

    # set credentials for acr
    $acrCredPass = az acr credential show -n $acrName --query "passwords[1].value" -o tsv
    $acrCredUser = az acr credential show -n $acrName --query "username" -o tsv
    $acrServer = az acr list -g bet-rg --query "[0].loginServer" -o tsv
    $acrEmail = ""

    # create kubernetes secret
    kubectl create secret docker-registry "betacr-acr" --docker-server=$acrServer --docker-username=$acrCredUser --docker-password=$acrCredPass --docker-email=$acrEmail

    # get the value of the docker registry
    kubectl describe secret/betacr-acr

    # renew password for rotations
    az acr credential renew -n $arcName --password-name password2
  1. Deploy docker image to ACR
    # login to acr
    az acr login -n $acrName

    # publish to acr
    docker push

Configure Azure Blob Storage

    # setup fileshare storage secret for azurefile provider
    kubectl create secret generic betshare-secret --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname=$storageName --from-literal=azurestorageaccountkey=$storageKey
    kubectl describe secret/betshare-secret

Azure Key Vault

Adding the required Secret to Azure Vault with Azure CLI command:

    az keyvault secret set -n betk8sweb--testValue --vault-name [vaultName] --value MySuperSecretThatIDontWantToShareWithYou!

Helm Application Management

Please run this commands from the root of the application.

    # local install
    helm install betk8sweb k8s/betk8sweb --set ingress.enabled=false,local.enable=true

    # install in the cluster
    helm install betk8sweb k8s/betk8sweb --set ingress.enabled=true,aadpodidbinding=[podMsiId]

    # uninstall
    helm uninstall betk8sweb

    # troubleshooting
    kubectl get pods

    kubectl describe pod betk8sweb-[id]

    # login to pods
    kubectl exec --stdin --tty  betk8sweb-[id] -- /bin/sh
    # list mounts
    df -aTh

    # lists all of the claims
    kubectl get pv
