# 作者:韩乃超 # 日期:2021年10月29日 ###### # # # 使用方法:先运行get_asins.py生成爬取记录表 newAsin.csv # 接着运行本文件 # 运行后使用recordAsin.py记录下爬取的movie asin号(记录在newAsin.csv中) import csv import json import logging import re import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import pandas import eventlet logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import jsonlines import pandas as pd import requests # 导入requests包 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup sleep_time = 3 long_sleep_time = 60 * 3 tol_attempts = 0 # 某段时间总尝试次数 success_attempts = 0 # 该段时间内的成功次数 cookies = {} df = pd.read_csv('newAsin.csv') # 存储是否被爬取的记录 web_header = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36', "Connection": "closer", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0", "Referer": "http: // www.google.com", 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9,zh-CN;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7,zh-TW;q=0.6', 'accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br' } # 第一种代理 def get_proxy(): return requests.get("").json() proxy = get_proxy().get("proxy") def getStrHtml(url): try: global tol_attempts # 总的尝试次数 tol_attempts += 1 # 第二种代理 # proxypool_url = '' # proxy=requests.get(proxypool_url).text.strip() # proxies = {'http': 'http://' + proxy} # print(proxy) # proxy = random.choice(proxy_list) # strhtml = requests.get(url, headers=web_header, cookies=cookies) strhtml = requests.get(url, headers=web_header, cookies=cookies, proxies={"http": "http://{}".format(proxy)}) # print(strhtml.status_code) soup = BeautifulSoup(strhtml.text, 'lxml') movie_title = str(soup.select('title')[0].getText()) if movie_title == "Amazon.com" or movie_title == "Sorry! Something went wrong!" or movie_title == 'Robot Check': print(movie_title) return -1 print(movie_title) global success_attempts success_attempts += 1 # 成功的尝试次数 data = soup.select('#imdbInfo_feature_div > span > i') emptyData = soup.select('#cannotbefound') # 创造一个空的data if data != emptyData: # 判断是不是电影 print(url) print("movie") # 将页面写入一个.html,用来debug # f = open(url[26:36] + ".html", 'w', encoding='utf-8') # # str_content = strhtml.text.decode('utf-8') # f.write(strhtml.text) # f.close() return soup else: print(url) print("not movie") return 0 except Exception as e: print('[error]', e) return -1 def download_one_page(url, ind, file1): # print(lineNum) # 如果已经被写入,则直接跳过 # print(lineNum, url[26:36]) soup = getStrHtml(url) # 尝试一次 attempts = 0 while soup == -1: # 不成功继续尝试 attempts += 1 if attempts == 5: break time.sleep(sleep_time) with eventlet.Timeout(20, False): soup = getStrHtml(url) if soup == 0: # 记录不是movie 但是已经爬去取过 dictionary = { 'ASIN': url[26:36], 'image': ' ', } # 获取到信息了才去选择 if type(soup) != int: # 在这里存储爬取的信息 dictionary = { 'ASIN': url[26:36], 'image': ' ', # ....... } # ASIN /Actors /Director /Date First Available信息 img = str(soup.select('#imgTagWrapperId>img')) # print(img) img_index = img.find('{') img = img[img_index + 2:] print(img) img_index = img.find('"') img = img[:img_index] print(img) dictionary['image'] = img # print(dictionary) file1.iloc[ind, 1] = img file1.to_csv('image.csv', index=False) print(img) # 成功率计算部分 global tol_attempts, success_attempts print(tol_attempts, success_attempts, 'suc_rate:', success_attempts / tol_attempts) if success_attempts / tol_attempts < 0.30: # 成功率低于0.2的话休息2分钟 # time.sleep(long_sleep_time) global proxy proxy = get_proxy().get("proxy") success_attempts = 0 # 重置计数 tol_attempts = 0 if tol_attempts > 100: # 每一百次尝试重置一次计数 success_attempts = 0 tol_attempts = 0 def executor_callback(worker): logger.info("called worker callback function") worker_exception = worker.exception() if worker_exception: logger.exception("Worker return exception: {}".format(worker_exception)) if __name__ == '__main__': # 使用线程池 file1 = pd.read_csv('image.csv') # 创建线程池 with ThreadPoolExecutor(8) as t: for ind, row in file1.iterrows(): if ind > 26000: if row['image'] != 'none': print('already catch') continue url = 'https://www.amazon.com/dp/' + row['ASIN'] future = t.submit(download_one_page, url, ind, file1) future.add_done_callback(executor_callback) # print(future.exception()) t.shutdown() print("全部下载完毕!")