This project is a single page application built with React and Redux, All data used in the app was retrieved from the Marvel developers API and is stored in the Redux store, also you can filter by creators to see the comics that the creator selected worked on.
- React
- Redux
- md5
- redux-thunk.
- styled-components.
node: v12.19.0
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Open a terminal or command prompt interface on your PC.
- Clone the repo with:
git clone
- On the terminal navigate to the project directory using
cd marvel-catalogue/
- On the terminal navigate to the project directory using
cd marvel-catalogue/
. - Install dependencies using:
npm install
. - Run a server using:
npm start
. - Open
in your browser or open the index.html on your browser.
- On the terminal navigate to the project directory using
cd marvel-catalogue/
. - Run the test with:
npm test
👤 Kender Bolivar
- GitHub: @kenderb
- Twitter: @KBTarts
- LinkedIn: KenderBolivar
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Stack Overflow.
- Odin Project.
- Marvel API.