This is reimplementation of Ozan Irzoy Soft Decision Trees( ) in Matlab.
exampleData.mat is toy dataset which can be used to train the tree.
b = SoftTree(trainData,trainTarget,trainData,trainTarget); b.train()
Following parameters are scattered around Node.m and set to these default values.
HARDINIT true // if true, optimization starts from hard tree parameters, else, randomly
MINALPHA 1 // starting range of learning rate
MAXALPHA 10 // ending range of learning rate
MAXEPOCH 25 // number of epochs in training
MAXRETRY 10 // number of restart of optimization from a starting point
PRETH 1e-3 // prepruning threshold
- port the code into python
- example comparison
- decision tree
- random forest
- soft decision tree
- compare
- depth
- complexity