Table of Contents generated with DocToc
trident 的目录比较多,但是主要看如下几个代码文件就能把 trident netapp nas 的整体代码看懂:
├── config
│ └── config.go
├── core
│ └── orchestrator_core.go
├── frontend // which frontend does trident serve for
│ ├── kubernetes // trident serves for kubernetes frontend
│ │ ├── config.go
│ │ ├── plugin.go
│ │ └── volumes.go
│ ├── rest // trident supplies rest api server for orchestrator state
│ │ └── ...
│ └── frontend.go
├── k8s_client
│ └── k8s_client.go
├── persistent_store // persisting orchestrator state
│ └── etcdv3.go
├── storage // which backend does trident use
│ ├── ontap // trident uses ontap as backend
│ │ ├── ontap_common.go
│ │ └── ontap_nas.go
│ ├── backend.go
│ ├── config.go
│ └── volume.go
├── storage_class // corresponds with k8s storage class
│ ├── config.go
│ ├── storage_class.go
│ └── types.go
└── main.go
var (
// Logging
debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Enable debugging output")
logLevel = flag.String("log_level", "info", "Logging level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)")
// Kubernetes
k8sAPIServer = flag.String("k8s_api_server", "", "Kubernetes API server "+
"address to enable dynamic storage provisioning for Kubernetes.")
k8sConfigPath = flag.String("k8s_config_path", "", "Path to KubeConfig file.")
k8sPod = flag.Bool("k8s_pod", false, "Enables dynamic storage provisioning "+
"for Kubernetes if running in a pod.")
// Docker
driverName = flag.String("volume_driver", "netapp", "Register as a Docker "+
"volume plugin with this driver name")
driverPort = flag.String("driver_port", "", "Listen on this port instead of using a "+
"Unix domain socket")
configPath = flag.String("config", "", "Path to configuration file(s)")
// Persistence
etcdV2 = flag.String("etcd_v2", "", "etcd server (v2 API) for "+
"persisting orchestrator state (e.g., -etcd_v2=")
etcdV3 = flag.String("etcd_v3", "", "etcd server (v3 API) for "+
"persisting orchestrator state (e.g., -etcd_v3=")
etcdV3Cert = flag.String("etcd_v3_cert", "/root/certs/etcd-client.crt",
"etcdV3 client certificate")
etcdV3CACert = flag.String("etcd_v3_cacert", "/root/certs/etcd-client-ca.crt",
"etcdV3 client CA certificate")
etcdV3Key = flag.String("etcd_v3_key", "/root/certs/etcd-client.key",
"etcdV3 client private key")
useInMemory = flag.Bool("no_persistence", false, "Does not persist "+
usePassthrough = flag.Bool("passthrough", false, "Uses the storage backends "+
"as the source of truth. No data is stored anywhere else.")
// REST interface
address = flag.String("address", "localhost", "Storage orchestrator API address")
port = flag.String("port", "8000", "Storage orchestrator API port")
enableRest = flag.Bool("rest", true, "Enable REST interface")
storeClient persistent_store.Client
enableKubernetes bool
enableDocker bool
func main() {
frontends := make([]frontend.FrontendPlugin, 0)
orchestrator := core.NewTridentOrchestrator(storeClient)
// Create Kubernetes *or* Docker frontend
if enableKubernetes {
var kubernetesFrontend frontend.FrontendPlugin
if *k8sAPIServer != "" {
kubernetesFrontend, err = kubernetes.NewPlugin(orchestrator, *k8sAPIServer, *k8sConfigPath)
} else {
kubernetesFrontend, err = kubernetes.NewPluginInCluster(orchestrator)
frontends = append(frontends, kubernetesFrontend)
} else if enableDocker {
// Create REST frontend
if *enableRest {
if *port == "" {
log.Warning("REST interface will not be available (port not specified).")
} else {
restServer := rest.NewAPIServer(orchestrator, *address, *port)
frontends = append(frontends, restServer)
log.WithFields(log.Fields{"name": "REST"}).Info("Added frontend.")
// Bootstrap the orchestrator and start its frontends
if err = orchestrator.Bootstrap(); err != nil {
for _, f := range frontends {
// Register and wait for a shutdown signal
c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
log.Info("Shutting down.")
for _, f := range frontends {
type tridentOrchestrator struct {
backends map[string]*storage.StorageBackend
volumes map[string]*storage.Volume
frontends map[string]frontend.FrontendPlugin
mutex *sync.Mutex
storageClasses map[string]*storage_class.StorageClass
storeClient persistent_store.Client
bootstrapped bool
// returns a storage orchestrator instance
func NewTridentOrchestrator(client persistent_store.Client) *tridentOrchestrator {
orchestrator := tridentOrchestrator{
backends: make(map[string]*storage.StorageBackend),
volumes: make(map[string]*storage.Volume),
frontends: make(map[string]frontend.FrontendPlugin),
storageClasses: make(map[string]*storage_class.StorageClass),
mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
storeClient: client,
bootstrapped: false,
return &orchestrator
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) Bootstrap() error {
var err error = nil
dvp.DefaultStoragePrefix = config.OrchestratorName
// backend driver
dvp.ExtendedDriverVersion = config.OrchestratorName + "-" + config.OrchestratorVersion.String()
if kubeFrontend, found := o.frontends["kubernetes"]; found {
dvp.ExtendedDriverVersion =
dvp.ExtendedDriverVersion + " " + kubeFrontend.Version()
// Bootstrap state from persistent store
if err = o.bootstrap(); err != nil {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed during bootstrapping: %s",
return fmt.Errorf(errMsg)
o.bootstrapped = true
log.Infof("%s bootstrapped successfully.", config.OrchestratorName)
return err
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) bootstrapBackends() error {
// add existing storage backends
persistentBackends, err := o.storeClient.GetBackends()
for _, b := range persistentBackends {
newBackendExternal, err := o.AddStorageBackend(serializedConfig)
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) bootstrapStorageClasses() error {
// add existing storage classes
persistentStorageClasses, err := o.storeClient.GetStorageClasses()
for _, psc := range persistentStorageClasses {
o.storageClasses[sc.GetName()] = sc
for _, b := range o.backends {
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) bootstrapVolumes() error {
// add exiesting volumes
volumes, err := o.storeClient.GetVolumes()
for _, v := range volumes {
backend, ok = o.backends[v.Backend]
storagePool, ok := backend.Storage[v.Pool]
vol := storage.NewVolume(v.Config, backend, storagePool)
vol.Pool.AddVolume(vol, true)
o.volumes[vol.Config.Name] = vol
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) bootstrap() error {
type bootstrapFunc func() error
for _, f := range []bootstrapFunc{o.bootstrapBackends,
o.bootstrapStorageClasses, o.bootstrapVolumes, o.bootstrapVolTxns} {
err := f()
for backendName, backend := range o.backends {
if !backend.Online && !backend.HasVolumes() {
delete(o.backends, backendName)
err := o.storeClient.DeleteBackend(backend)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete empty offline backend %s:"+
"%v", backendName, err)
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) AddFrontend(f frontend.FrontendPlugin) {
name := f.GetName()
if _, ok := o.frontends[name]; ok {
o.frontends[name] = f
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) AddStorageBackend(configJSON string) (
*storage.StorageBackendExternal, error) {
storageBackend, err := factory.NewStorageBackendForConfig(configJSON)
newBackend := true
originalBackend, ok := o.backends[storageBackend.Name]
if ok {
newBackend = false
if err = o.validateBackendUpdate(originalBackend, storageBackend); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = o.updateBackendOnPersistentStore(storageBackend, newBackend); err != nil {
return nil, err
o.backends[storageBackend.Name] = storageBackend
classes := make([]string, 0, len(o.storageClasses))
for _, storageClass := range o.storageClasses {
if !newBackend {
if added := storageClass.CheckAndAddBackend(storageBackend); added > 0 {
classes = append(classes, storageClass.GetName())
return storageBackend.ConstructExternal(), nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) AddVolume(volumeConfig *storage.VolumeConfig) (
externalVol *storage.VolumeExternal, err error) {
var (
backend *storage.StorageBackend
vol *storage.Volume
if _, ok := o.volumes[volumeConfig.Name]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Volume %s already exists.", volumeConfig.Name)
volumeConfig.Version = config.OrchestratorAPIVersion
storageClass, ok := o.storageClasses[volumeConfig.StorageClass]
protocol := volumeConfig.Protocol
if protocol == config.ProtocolAny {
protocol = o.getProtocol(volumeConfig.AccessMode)
pools := storageClass.GetStoragePoolsForProtocol(volumeConfig.Protocol)
// Choose a pool at random.
for _, num := range rand.Perm(len(pools)) {
backend = pools[num].Backend
vol, err = backend.AddVolume(volumeConfig, pools[num], storageClass.GetAttributes())
if vol != nil && err == nil {
if vol.Config.Protocol == config.ProtocolAny {
vol.Config.Protocol = backend.GetProtocol()
err = o.storeClient.AddVolume(vol)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
o.volumes[volumeConfig.Name] = vol
externalVol = vol.ConstructExternal()
return externalVol, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) deleteVolume(volumeName string) error {
volume := o.volumes[volumeName]
// Note that this call will only return an error if the backend actually
// fails to delete the volume. If the volume does not exist on the backend,
// the nDVP will not return an error. Thus, we're fine.
if err := volume.Backend.RemoveVolume(volume); err != nil {
// Ignore failures to find the volume being deleted, as this may be called
// during recovery of a volume that has already been deleted from etcd.
// During normal operation, checks on whether the volume is present in the
// volume map should suffice to prevent deletion of non-existent volumes.
if err := o.storeClient.DeleteVolumeIgnoreNotFound(volume); err != nil {
delete(o.volumes, volumeName)
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) DeleteVolume(volumeName string) (found bool, err error) {
volume, ok := o.volumes[volumeName]
if err = o.deleteVolume(volumeName); err != nil {
return true, nil
// AttachVolume mounts a volume to the local host. It ensures the mount point exists,
// and it calls the underlying storage driver to perform the attach operation as appropriate
// for the protocol and storage controller type.
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) AttachVolume(volumeName, mountpoint string, options map[string]string) error {
volume, ok := o.volumes[volumeName]
// Ensure mount point exists and is a directory
fileInfo, err := os.Lstat(mountpoint)
// Check if volume is already mounted
dfOutput, dfOuputErr := dvp_utils.GetDFOutput()
return volume.Backend.Driver.Attach(volume.Config.InternalName, mountpoint, options)
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) DetachVolume(volumeName, mountpoint string) error {
volume, ok := o.volumes[volumeName]
// Check if the mount point exists, so we know that it's attached and must be cleaned up
_, err := os.Stat(mountpoint)
// Unmount the volume
err = volume.Backend.Driver.Detach(volume.Config.InternalName, mountpoint)
// Best effort removal of the mount point
return nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) AddStorageClass(scConfig *storage_class.Config) (*storage_class.StorageClassExternal, error) {
sc := storage_class.New(scConfig)
err := o.storeClient.AddStorageClass(sc)
o.storageClasses[sc.GetName()] = sc
added := 0
for _, backend := range o.backends {
added += sc.CheckAndAddBackend(backend)
return sc.ConstructExternal(), nil
func (o *tridentOrchestrator) DeleteStorageClass(scName string) (bool, error) {
sc, found := o.storageClasses[scName]
// Note that we don't need a tranasaction here. If this crashes prior
// to successful deletion, the storage class will be reloaded upon reboot
// automatically, which is consistent with the method never having returned
// successfully.
err := o.storeClient.DeleteStorageClass(sc)
if err != nil {
return found, err
delete(o.storageClasses, scName)
for _, storagePool := range sc.GetStoragePoolsForProtocol(config.ProtocolAny) {
return found, nil
// This object captures relevant fields in the storage class that are needed
// during PV creation.
type StorageClassSummary struct {
Parameters map[string]string
MountOptions []string
PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy *v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy
type KubernetesPlugin struct {
orchestrator core.Orchestrator
kubeClient kubernetes.Interface
getNamespacedKubeClient func(*rest.Config, string) (k8s_client.Interface, error)
kubeConfig rest.Config
eventRecorder record.EventRecorder
claimController cache.Controller
claimControllerStopChan chan struct{}
claimSource cache.ListerWatcher
volumeController cache.Controller
volumeControllerStopChan chan struct{}
volumeSource cache.ListerWatcher
classController cache.Controller
classControllerStopChan chan struct{}
classSource cache.ListerWatcher
mutex *sync.Mutex
pendingClaimMatchMap map[string]*v1.PersistentVolume
kubernetesVersion *k8s_version.Info
defaultStorageClasses map[string]bool
storageClassCache map[string]*StorageClassSummary
func NewPlugin(o core.Orchestrator, apiServerIP, kubeConfigPath string) (*KubernetesPlugin, error) {
kubeConfig, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags(apiServerIP, kubeConfigPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newKubernetesPlugin(o, kubeConfig)
func NewPluginInCluster(o core.Orchestrator) (*KubernetesPlugin, error) {
kubeConfig, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newKubernetesPlugin(o, kubeConfig)
func newKubernetesPlugin(orchestrator core.Orchestrator, kubeConfig *rest.Config) (*KubernetesPlugin, error) {
kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(kubeConfig)
ret := &KubernetesPlugin{
orchestrator: orchestrator,
kubeClient: kubeClient,
getNamespacedKubeClient: k8s_client.NewKubeClient,
kubeConfig: *kubeConfig,
claimControllerStopChan: make(chan struct{}),
volumeControllerStopChan: make(chan struct{}),
classControllerStopChan: make(chan struct{}),
mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
pendingClaimMatchMap: make(map[string]*v1.PersistentVolume),
defaultStorageClasses: make(map[string]bool, 1),
storageClassCache: make(map[string]*StorageClassSummary),
broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
Interface: kubeClient.Core().Events(""),
ret.eventRecorder = broadcaster.NewRecorder(runtime.NewScheme(),
v1.EventSource{Component: AnnOrchestrator})
// Setting up a watch for PVCs
ret.claimSource = &cache.ListWatch{
ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumeClaims(
WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumeClaims(
_, ret.claimController = cache.NewInformer(
AddFunc: ret.addClaim,
UpdateFunc: ret.updateClaim,
DeleteFunc: ret.deleteClaim,
// Setting up a watch for PVs
ret.volumeSource = &cache.ListWatch{
ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumes().List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumes().Watch(options)
_, ret.volumeController = cache.NewInformer(
AddFunc: ret.addVolume,
UpdateFunc: ret.updateVolume,
DeleteFunc: ret.deleteVolume,
// Setting up a watch for storage classes
switch {
case kubeVersion.AtLeast(k8s_util_version.MustParseSemantic("v1.6.0")):
ret.classSource = &cache.ListWatch{
ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return kubeClient.StorageV1().StorageClasses().List(options)
WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
return kubeClient.StorageV1().StorageClasses().Watch(options)
_, ret.classController = cache.NewInformer(
AddFunc: ret.addClass,
UpdateFunc: ret.updateClass,
DeleteFunc: ret.deleteClass,
return ret, nil
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) Activate() error {
go p.claimController.Run(p.claimControllerStopChan)
go p.volumeController.Run(p.volumeControllerStopChan)
go p.classController.Run(p.classControllerStopChan)
return nil
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) Deactivate() error {
return nil
func getUniqueClaimName(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string {
id := string(claim.UID)
r := strings.NewReplacer("-", "", "_", "", " ", "", ",", "")
id = r.Replace(id)
if len(id) > 5 {
id = id[:5]
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", claim.Namespace, claim.Name, id)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) addClaim(obj interface{}) {
claim, ok := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)
if !ok {
log.Panicf("Kubernetes frontend expected PVC; handler got %v", obj)
p.processClaim(claim, "add")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) updateClaim(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
claim, ok := newObj.(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)
if !ok {
log.Panicf("Kubernetes frontend expected PVC; handler got %v", newObj)
p.processClaim(claim, "update")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) deleteClaim(obj interface{}) {
claim, ok := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)
if !ok {
log.Panicf("Kubernetes frontend expected PVC; handler got %v", obj)
p.processClaim(claim, "delete")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processClaim(
claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim,
eventType string,
) {
// Validating the claim
size, ok := claim.Spec.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceStorage]
// It's a valid PVC.
switch eventType {
case "delete":
case "add":
case "update":
// Treating add and update events similarly.
// Making decisions based on a claim's phase, similar to k8s' persistent volume controller.
switch claim.Status.Phase {
case v1.ClaimBound:
case v1.ClaimLost:
case v1.ClaimPending:
// As of Kubernetes 1.6, selector and storage class are mutually exclusive.
if claim.Spec.Selector != nil {
message := "Kubernetes frontend ignores PVCs with label selectors!"
p.updateClaimWithEvent(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, "IgnoredClaim",
// processBoundClaim validates whether a Trident-created PV got bound to the intended PVC.
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processBoundClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {
orchestratorClaimName := getUniqueClaimName(claim)
pv, ok := p.pendingClaimMatchMap[orchestratorClaimName]
// If the bound volume name doesn't match the volume we provisioned,
// we need to delete the PV and its backing volume, since something
// else (e.g., an admin-provisioned volume or another provisioner)
// was able to take care of the PVC.
// Names are unique for a given instance in time (volumes aren't namespaced,
// so namespace is a nonissue), so we only need to check whether the
// name matches.
boundVolumeName := claim.Spec.VolumeName
if pv.Name != boundVolumeName {
err := p.deleteVolumeAndPV(pv)
// The names match, so the PVC is successfully bound to the provisioned PV.
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processLostClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {
volName := getUniqueClaimName(claim)
// A PVC is in the "Lost" phase when the corresponding PV is deleted.
// Check whether we need to recycle the claim and the corresponding volume.
if getClaimReclaimPolicy(claim) == string(v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain) {
_, err := p.orchestrator.DeleteVolume(volName)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processDeletedClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {
// No major action needs to be taken as deleting a claim would result in
// the corresponding PV to end up in the "Released" phase, which gets
// handled by processUpdatedVolume.
// Remove the pending claim, if present.
delete(p.pendingClaimMatchMap, getUniqueClaimName(claim))
// processPendingClaim processes PVCs in the pending phase.
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processPendingClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) {
orchestratorClaimName := getUniqueClaimName(claim)
// Check whether we have already provisioned a PV for this claim
if pv, ok := p.pendingClaimMatchMap[orchestratorClaimName]; ok {
// If there's an entry for this claim in the pending claim match
// map, we need to see if the volume that we allocated can actually
// fit the (now modified) specs for the claim. Note that by checking
// whether the volume was bound before we get here, we're assuming
// users don't alter the specs on their PVC after it's been bound.
// Note that as of Kubernetes 1.5, this case isn't possible, as PVC
// specs are immutable. This remains in case Kubernetes allows PVC
// modification again.
if canPVMatchWithPVC(pv, claim) {
// Otherwise, we need to delete the old volume and allocate a new one
if err := p.deleteVolumeAndPV(pv); err != nil {
delete(p.pendingClaimMatchMap, orchestratorClaimName)
// We need to provision a new volume for this claim.
pv, err := p.createVolumeAndPV(orchestratorClaimName, claim)
p.pendingClaimMatchMap[orchestratorClaimName] = pv
message := "Kubernetes frontend provisioned a volume and a PV for the PVC."
p.updateClaimWithEvent(claim, v1.EventTypeNormal,
"ProvisioningSuccess", message)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) createVolumeAndPV(uniqueName string,
claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim,
) (pv *v1.PersistentVolume, err error) {
var (
nfsSource *v1.NFSVolumeSource
iscsiSource *v1.ISCSIVolumeSource
vol *storage.VolumeExternal
storageClassParams map[string]string
size, _ := claim.Spec.Resources.Requests[v1.ResourceStorage]
accessModes := claim.Spec.AccessModes
annotations := claim.Annotations
storageClass := GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
if storageClassSummary, found := p.storageClassCache[storageClass]; found {
storageClassParams = storageClassSummary.Parameters
// TODO: A quick way to support v1 storage classes before changing unit tests
if _, found := annotations[AnnClass]; !found {
if annotations == nil {
annotations = make(map[string]string)
annotations[AnnClass] = GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
// Set the file system type based on the value in the storage class
if _, found := annotations[AnnFileSystem]; !found && storageClassParams != nil {
if fsType, found := storageClassParams[K8sFsType]; found {
annotations[AnnFileSystem] = fsType
k8sClient, err := p.getNamespacedKubeClient(&p.kubeConfig, claim.Namespace)
// Create the volume configuration object
volConfig := getVolumeConfig(accessModes, uniqueName, size, annotations)
if volConfig.CloneSourceVolume == "" {
vol, err = p.orchestrator.AddVolume(volConfig)
} else {
// cloning an existing PVC
claimRef := v1.ObjectReference{
Namespace: claim.Namespace,
Name: claim.Name,
UID: claim.UID,
pv = &v1.PersistentVolume{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "PersistentVolume",
APIVersion: "v1",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: uniqueName,
Annotations: map[string]string{
AnnClass: GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim),
AnnDynamicallyProvisioned: AnnOrchestrator,
Spec: v1.PersistentVolumeSpec{
AccessModes: accessModes,
Capacity: v1.ResourceList{v1.ResourceStorage: size},
ClaimRef: &claimRef,
// Default policy is "Delete".
PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete,
kubeVersion, _ := ValidateKubeVersion(p.kubernetesVersion)
switch {
//TODO: Set StorageClassName when we create the PV once the support for
// k8s 1.5 is dropped.
case kubeVersion.AtLeast(k8s_util_version.MustParseSemantic("v1.8.0")):
pv.Spec.StorageClassName = GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
// Apply Storage Class mount options and reclaim policy
pv.Spec.MountOptions = p.storageClassCache[storageClass].MountOptions
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy =
case kubeVersion.AtLeast(k8s_util_version.MustParseSemantic("v1.6.0")):
pv.Spec.StorageClassName = GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim)
// PVC annotation takes precedence over the storage class field
if getClaimReclaimPolicy(claim) ==
string(v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain) {
// Extra flexibility in our implementation.
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy =
driverType := p.orchestrator.GetDriverTypeForVolume(vol)
switch {
case driverType == dvp.SolidfireSANStorageDriverName ||
driverType == dvp.OntapSANStorageDriverName ||
driverType == dvp.EseriesIscsiStorageDriverName:
iscsiSource, err = CreateISCSIVolumeSource(k8sClient, kubeVersion, vol)
if err != nil {
pv.Spec.ISCSI = iscsiSource
case driverType == dvp.OntapNASStorageDriverName ||
driverType == dvp.OntapNASQtreeStorageDriverName:
nfsSource = CreateNFSVolumeSource(vol)
// nfsSource contains a server and a path
// kubelet uses pv.Spec.NFS to mount a nfs volume into a pod
pv.Spec.NFS = nfsSource
case driverType == fake.FakeStorageDriverName:
if vol.Config.Protocol == config.File {
nfsSource = CreateNFSVolumeSource(vol)
pv.Spec.NFS = nfsSource
} else if vol.Config.Protocol == config.Block {
iscsiSource, err = CreateISCSIVolumeSource(k8sClient, kubeVersion, vol)
if err != nil {
pv.Spec.ISCSI = iscsiSource
pv, err = p.kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumes().Create(pv)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) deleteVolumeAndPV(volume *v1.PersistentVolume) error {
found, err := p.orchestrator.DeleteVolume(volume.GetName())
err = p.kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumes().Delete(volume.GetName(),
return err
func getClaimProvisioner(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string {
if provisioner, found := claim.Annotations[AnnStorageProvisioner]; found {
return provisioner
return ""
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) addVolume(obj interface{}) {
volume, ok := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolume)
p.processVolume(volume, "add")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) updateVolume(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
volume, ok := newObj.(*v1.PersistentVolume)
p.processVolume(volume, "update")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) deleteVolume(obj interface{}) {
volume, ok := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolume)
p.processVolume(volume, "delete")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processVolume(
volume *v1.PersistentVolume,
eventType string,
) {
switch eventType {
case "delete":
case "add", "update":
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processDeletedVolume(volume *v1.PersistentVolume) {
// This method can get called under two scenarios:
// (1) Deletion of a PVC has resulted in deletion of a PV and the
// corresponding volume.
// (2) An admin has deleted the PV before deleting PVC. processLostClaim
// should handle this scenario.
// Therefore, no action needs to be taken here.
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processUpdatedVolume(volume *v1.PersistentVolume) {
switch volume.Status.Phase {
case v1.VolumePending:
case v1.VolumeAvailable:
case v1.VolumeBound:
case v1.VolumeReleased, v1.VolumeFailed:
if volume.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy != v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete {
found, err := p.orchestrator.DeleteVolume(volume.Name)
err = p.kubeClient.Core().PersistentVolumes().Delete(volume.Name,
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) addClass(obj interface{}) {
class, ok := obj.(*k8s_storage_v1beta.StorageClass)
if ok {
p.processClass(convertStorageClassV1BetaToV1(class), "add")
classV1, ok := obj.(*k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass)
p.processClass(classV1, "add")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) updateClass(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
class, ok := newObj.(*k8s_storage_v1beta.StorageClass)
if ok {
p.processClass(convertStorageClassV1BetaToV1(class), "update")
classV1, ok := newObj.(*k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass)
p.processClass(classV1, "update")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) deleteClass(obj interface{}) {
class, ok := obj.(*k8s_storage_v1beta.StorageClass)
if ok {
p.processClass(convertStorageClassV1BetaToV1(class), "delete")
classV1, ok := obj.(*k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass)
p.processClass(classV1, "delete")
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processClass(
class *k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass,
eventType string,
) {
if class.Provisioner != AnnOrchestrator {
switch eventType {
case "add":
case "delete":
case "update":
// Make sure Trident has a record of this storage class.
storageClass := p.orchestrator.GetStorageClass(class.Name)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processAddedClass(class *k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass) {
scConfig := new(storage_class.Config)
scConfig.Name = class.Name
scConfig.Attributes = make(map[string]storage_attribute.Request)
k8sStorageClassParams := make(map[string]string)
// Populate storage class config attributes and backend storage pools
for k, v := range class.Parameters {
switch k {
case K8sFsType:
// Process Kubernetes-defined storage class parameters
k8sStorageClassParams[k] = v
case storage_attribute.RequiredStorage, storage_attribute.AdditionalStoragePools:
// format: additionalStoragePools: "backend1:pool1,pool2;backend2:pool1"
additionalPools, err := storage_attribute.CreateBackendStoragePoolsMapFromEncodedString(v)
scConfig.AdditionalPools = additionalPools
case storage_attribute.StoragePools:
// format: storagePools: "backend1:pool1,pool2;backend2:pool1"
pools, err := storage_attribute.CreateBackendStoragePoolsMapFromEncodedString(v)
scConfig.Pools = pools
// format: attribute: "value"
req, err := storage_attribute.CreateAttributeRequestFromAttributeValue(k, v)
scConfig.Attributes[k] = req
// Update Kubernetes-defined storage class parameters maintained by the
// frontend. Note that these parameters are only processed by the frontend
// and not by Trident core.
storageClassSummary := &StorageClassSummary{
Parameters: k8sStorageClassParams,
MountOptions: class.MountOptions,
PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: class.ReclaimPolicy,
p.storageClassCache[class.Name] = storageClassSummary
// Add the storage class
sc, err := p.orchestrator.AddStorageClass(scConfig)
if sc != nil {
// Check if it's a default storage class
if getAnnotation(class.Annotations, AnnDefaultStorageClass) == "true" {
p.defaultStorageClasses[class.Name] = true
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processDeletedClass(class *k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass) {
// Check if we're deleting the default storage class.
if getAnnotation(class.Annotations, AnnDefaultStorageClass) == "true" {
if p.defaultStorageClasses[class.Name] {
delete(p.defaultStorageClasses, class.Name)
// Delete the storage class.
deleted, err := p.orchestrator.DeleteStorageClass(class.Name)
func (p *KubernetesPlugin) processUpdatedClass(class *k8s_storage_v1.StorageClass) {
if p.defaultStorageClasses[class.Name] {
// It's an update to a default storage class.
// Check to see if it's still a default storage class.
if getAnnotation(class.Annotations, AnnDefaultStorageClass) != "true" {
delete(p.defaultStorageClasses, class.Name)
} else {
// It's an update to a non-default storage class.
if getAnnotation(class.Annotations, AnnDefaultStorageClass) == "true" {
// The update defines a new default storage class.
p.defaultStorageClasses[class.Name] = true
// GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass returns StorageClassName. If no storage class wasß
// requested, it returns "".
func GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) string {
// Use beta annotation first
if class, found := claim.Annotations[AnnClass]; found {
return class
if claim.Spec.StorageClassName != nil {
return *claim.Spec.StorageClassName
return ""
// getVolumeConfig generates a NetApp DVP volume config from the specs pulled
// from the PVC.
func getVolumeConfig(
accessModes []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode,
name string,
size resource.Quantity,
annotations map[string]string,
) *storage.VolumeConfig {
var accessMode config.AccessMode
if len(accessModes) > 1 {
accessMode = config.ReadWriteMany
} else if len(accessModes) == 0 {
accessMode = config.ModeAny //or config.ReadWriteMany?
} else {
accessMode = config.AccessMode(accessModes[0])
if getAnnotation(annotations, AnnFileSystem) == "" {
annotations[AnnFileSystem] = "ext4"
return &storage.VolumeConfig{
Name: name,
Size: fmt.Sprintf("%d", size.Value()),
Protocol: config.Protocol(getAnnotation(annotations, AnnProtocol)),
SnapshotPolicy: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnSnapshotPolicy),
ExportPolicy: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnExportPolicy),
SnapshotDir: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnSnapshotDir),
UnixPermissions: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnUnixPermissions),
StorageClass: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnClass),
BlockSize: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnBlockSize),
FileSystem: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnFileSystem),
CloneSourceVolume: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnCloneFromPVC),
SplitOnClone: getAnnotation(annotations, AnnSplitOnClone),
AccessMode: accessMode,
func CreateNFSVolumeSource(vol *storage.VolumeExternal) *v1.NFSVolumeSource {
volConfig := vol.Config
return &v1.NFSVolumeSource{
Server: volConfig.AccessInfo.NfsServerIP,
Path: volConfig.AccessInfo.NfsPath,