to open a new file with the exiceting one use ":tabe ", ant to switch between tabs, use:
— Switch to the tab on the right.gT
— Switch to the tab on the left2.
Switch case to upperCase use "~" for one word.
- To switch the word to the right use "gUw"
- To change multiple words, put a number in front of the commande "gU$w"
- To change the whole line, try "gU$"
- /text --> Search for text
- :%s/text/newtext/ --> Search for text and replace with newtext
Compressing files:
- tar –zcvf example.tar.gz directory (Archive and compress)
- tar –zxvf example.tar.gz (Decompress and unarchive)
mouse scrolling : setw -g mouse on
<-- .vimrc conf-->
set number
colorscheme pablo
syntax enable
to practice vim go to this