Numerical Multi-Body Dynamics in python | A numerical simulation environment developed in python for the numerical code-generation and numerical simulation of the symbolic models developed in uraeus.smbd.
Please visit uraeus.mbd for more information about audience , fields of applications and background.
Code-generation for symbolic standalone topologies and template-based topologies.
Solver for Kinematically Driven Systems that can be used for forward and inverse kinematic analysis as well as inverse dynamic analysis.
Solver for Dynamically Driven Systems that can be used for forward dynamic analysis and equilibrium analysis.
To be discussed ...
The Implementation Details will be provided in a separate documentation and linked here
The Theoretical Basis will be provided in a separate documentation and linked here
As the tool is developed and maintained by one developer for now, if you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me at or
uraeus.nmbd.python is distributed under the 3-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.