= Roadmap to an example of an affine scheme in mathlib
Functions from a type to a (commutative) ring form a (commutative) ring.
Continuous maps between topological spaces form a topological space.
Continuous maps into a topological ring form a topological ring.
Open subsets of a topological space can be thought of as topological spaces themselves.
Now it's trivial to define the presheaf of continuous functions on a topological space.
Products, equalizers, filtered colimits.
- There should be a PR for these soon, in the meantime:
- https://github.com/semorrison/lean-category-theory/blob/master/src/category_theory/universal/limits.lean
- https://github.com/semorrison/lean-category-theory/blob/master/src/category_theory/universal/colimits.lean
- https://github.com/semorrison/lean-category-theory/blob/master/src/category_theory/universal/limits/limits.lean
- There should be a PR for these soon, in the meantime:
The category of (topological) (commutative) rings has products.
instance : has_products CommRing := ...
- For non-topological rings, most of the machinery already there, via
, but we'll need to verify that the universal properties can be proved effortlessly. - Later, one wants to show that the forgetful functors to
Type u
are monadic, and hence create limits, and one dreams that this even gives limits which are defeq to the "by hand" versions.
(Topological) (commutative) rings have filtered colimits.
- Directed colimits is enough at first, but filtered colimits will be needed eventually when someone wants sheaves on sites.
The filtered colimit of the presheaf of continuous functions along the poset of neighbourhoods of a point looks like germs at that point.
The germ of continuous functions to
at a pointx
is a local ring. -
The forgetful functor
CommRing ⥤ (Type u)
reflects isomorphisms. -
The forgetful functor
CommRing ⥤ (Type u)
preserves limits.- We can do this by hand, or better, show that it is represented by
, and hence that it preserves limits. (Either directly, or because more generally right adjoints preserve limits.)
- We can do this by hand, or better, show that it is represented by
In order to verify a presheaf of rings is a sheaf, it's now enough to look at the underlying presheaf of types, because one should be able to prove:
variables {α : Type u} [topological_space α] variables {V : Type (u+1)} [𝒱 : large_category V] [has_products.{u+1 u} V] (ℱ : V ⥤ (Type u)) [faithful ℱ] [preserves_limits ℱ] [reflects_isos ℱ] include 𝒱 def sheaf.of_sheaf_of_types (presheaf : presheaf (open_set α) V) (underlying_is_sheaf : is_sheaf (presheaf ⋙ ℱ)) : is_sheaf presheaf := sorry
On the other hand, this doesn't help for presheaves of topological rings, so:
- Show that the presheaf of topological rings given by continuous functions to
satisfies the sheaf condition.
- Show that the presheaf of topological rings given by continuous functions to
Almost trivial: write down the definition of a locally ringed space
variables (α : Type v) [topological_space α] def structure_sheaf := sheaf.{v+1 v} α CommRing structure ringed_space := (𝒪 : structure_sheaf α) structure locally_ringed_space extends ringed_space α := (locality : ∀ x : α, is_local_ring (stalk_at.{v+1 v} 𝒪 x).1)
and observe we've got all the ingredients to make an example out of continuous functions to
.- Although consider the alternative description of locality, which doesn't require computing stalks: https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/locally+ringed+topological+space#on_the_locality_condition How generally does this work?
Define the category of locally_ringed_spaces, as tuples
(f, f', w)
a continuous map,f'
a natural transformationY.𝒪 ⟹ f_* X.𝒪
, andw
some information about preserving maximal ideals of stalks. -
Spec R
as alocally_ringed_space
a commutative ring, and moreverTopSpec R
as atopological_locally_ringed_space
a topological commutative ring, and verify that the example above is isomorphic toTopSpec (continuous_map X ℂ)