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= Roadmap to an example of an affine scheme in mathlib

  • Functions from a type to a (commutative) ring form a (commutative) ring.

  • Continuous maps between topological spaces form a topological space.

  • Continuous maps into a topological ring form a topological ring.

  • Open subsets of a topological space can be thought of as topological spaces themselves.

  • Now it's trivial to define the presheaf of continuous functions on a topological space.

  • Products, equalizers, filtered colimits.

  • The category of (topological) (commutative) rings has products.

    • instance : has_products CommRing := ...
    • For non-topological rings, most of the machinery already there, via pi_instances, but we'll need to verify that the universal properties can be proved effortlessly.
    • Later, one wants to show that the forgetful functors to Type u are monadic, and hence create limits, and one dreams that this even gives limits which are defeq to the "by hand" versions.
  • (Topological) (commutative) rings have filtered colimits.

    • Directed colimits is enough at first, but filtered colimits will be needed eventually when someone wants sheaves on sites.
  • The filtered colimit of the presheaf of continuous functions along the poset of neighbourhoods of a point looks like germs at that point.

  • The germ of continuous functions to at a point x is a local ring.

  • The forgetful functor CommRing ⥤ (Type u) reflects isomorphisms.

  • The forgetful functor CommRing ⥤ (Type u) preserves limits.

    • We can do this by hand, or better, show that it is represented by ℤ[x], and hence that it preserves limits. (Either directly, or because more generally right adjoints preserve limits.)
  • In order to verify a presheaf of rings is a sheaf, it's now enough to look at the underlying presheaf of types, because one should be able to prove:

    • variables {α : Type u} [topological_space α]
      variables {V : Type (u+1)} [𝒱 : large_category V] [has_products.{u+1 u} V] (ℱ : V ⥤ (Type u)) 
                [faithful ℱ] [preserves_limits ℱ] [reflects_isos ℱ]
      include 𝒱
      def sheaf.of_sheaf_of_types
        (presheaf : presheaf (open_set α) V)
        (underlying_is_sheaf : is_sheaf (presheaf ⋙ ℱ)) : is_sheaf presheaf := sorry
  • On the other hand, this doesn't help for presheaves of topological rings, so:

    • Show that the presheaf of topological rings given by continuous functions to satisfies the sheaf condition.
  • Almost trivial: write down the definition of a locally ringed space

    variables (α : Type v) [topological_space α]
    def structure_sheaf := sheaf.{v+1 v} α CommRing
    structure ringed_space :=
    (𝒪 : structure_sheaf α)
    structure locally_ringed_space extends ringed_space α :=
    (locality : ∀ x : α, is_local_ring (stalk_at.{v+1 v} 𝒪 x).1)

    and observe we've got all the ingredients to make an example out of continuous functions to .

  • Define the category of locally_ringed_spaces, as tuples (f, f', w), f a continuous map, f' a natural transformation Y.𝒪 ⟹ f_* X.𝒪, and w some information about preserving maximal ideals of stalks.

  • Define Spec R as a locally_ringed_space for R a commutative ring, and morever TopSpec R as a topological_locally_ringed_space for R a topological commutative ring, and verify that the example above is isomorphic to TopSpec (continuous_map X ℂ).