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535 lines (454 loc) · 14.9 KB

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535 lines (454 loc) · 14.9 KB

Elektron A4 Sound SysEx

OS Version: OS 1.40A


  • Header -> 0-23 -> 24 Bytes
  • Name -> 24-40 -> 17 Bytes (26 = 0x00; 34 = 0x00)



Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Start Marker 0 1 f0
Type 1 2 00 20 AF
Program Number 7 1 00 00 ff 256 Sounds
Tags 18 1 00 00 3c 4 Tags (bit field)
Tags 20 1 00 00 7f 7 Tags (bit field)
Tags 21 1 00 00 7f 7 Tags (bit field)
Tags 22 1 00 00 7f 7 Tags (bit field)
Tags 23 1 00 00 7f 7 Tags (bit field)


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Checksum 410 2 00 00 00 00 7f 7f Sum of all Bytes from 10 to 409
File Size 412 2 03 15 03 15 03 15 Fixed length of 415 Bytes
End Marker 414 1 7f 7f 7f Last Byte


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Coarse Tune TUN 43 1 40 00 7f -63 to +63
Fine Tune FIN 44 1 00 00 7f -64 to -1 and 0 to +63 (02 = +1, 05 = +2, ..., 7f = 63; 7f = -1, 7d = -2, ..., 00 = -64)
Fine Tune +/- FIN 42 1 00 00 20 20 = -Range; 00 = +Range
Detune DET 47 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Keytrack TRK 52 1 01 00 01 Off/On
Level LEV 56 1 64 00 7f 0 to 127
Wave Shape WAV 61 1 00 00 07 8 Wave Shapes
Sub Oscillator SUB 65 1 00 00 04 5 Sub Oscillators
Pulse Width PW 70 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
PWM Speed SPD 75 1 0a 00 7f 0 to 127
PWM Depth PWM 79 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Amplitude Modulation AM1 97 1 00 00 01 Off/On


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Sample & Hold SNH 91 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Color COL 271 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Fade FAD 93 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Level LEV 95 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Coarse Tune TUN 45 1 40 00 7f -63 to +63
Fine Tune FIN 46 1 00 00 7f -64 to -1 and 0 to +63 (02 = +1, 05 = +2, ..., 7f = 63; 7f = -1, 7d = -2, ..., 00 = -64)
Fine Tune +/- FIN 42 1 00 00 08 08 = -Range; 00 = +Range
Detune DET 49 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Keytrack TRK 54 1 01 00 01 Off/On
Level LEV 59 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Wave Shape WAV 63 1 00 00 07 8 Wave Shapes
Sub Oscillator SUB 68 1 00 00 04 5 Sub Oscillators
Pulse Width PW 72 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
PWM Speed SPD 77 1 25 00 7f 0 to 127
PWM Depth PWM 81 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Amplitude Modulation AM2  100 1 00 00 01 Off/On


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Speed SPD 116 1 20 00 7f 0 to 127
Depth VIB 118 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Fade FAD 113 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Bend Depth BND 107 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Slide Time SLI 109 1 20 00 7f 0 to 127
Legato Mode 283 1 00 00 01 Off/On (Sound Menu)
Portamento 281 1 02 00 02 Off/On/Legato (Sound Menu)


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Sync Amount SNC 104 1 7f 00 7f 0 to 127
Osc Retrig TRG 111 1 00 00 01 Off/On
Osc Drift 280 1 01 00 01 Off/On (Sound Menu)
Mode SMD 102 1 00 00 03 Off/1->2/2->1/Metal


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Frequency FRQ 120 2 7f 00 00 00 7f 00 0.0 to 127.0; 0.10 = floor(10*2.56) = 19
Freq Decimal Factor FRQ 114 1 00 00 01 0.00-0.49 = 00; 0.50-0.99 = 01
Resonance RES 123 1 14 00 7f 0 to 127
Overdrive OVR 125 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Keytrack TRK 127 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Envelope Depth DEP 129 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
F1 Resonance Boost 285 1 01 00 01 Off/On


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Frequency FRQ 132 2 00 00 00 00 7f 00 0.0 to 127.0; 0.22 = floor(22*2.56) = 0x38
Freq Decimal Factor FRQ 130 1 00 00 10 0.00-0.49 = 00; 0.50-0.99 = 10
Resonance RES 134 1 0c 00 7f 0 to 127
Type TYP 136 1 04 00 06 7 Filter Types
Keytrack TRK 139 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63
Envelope Depth DEP 141 1 40 00 7f -64 to +63

AMP (Envelope)

Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Attack ATK 164 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Decay DEC 171 1 40 00 7f 0 to 127
Sustain SUS 177 1 64 00 7f 0 to 127
Release REL 184 1 08 00 7f 0 to 127 (127 = Infinite)
Shape SHP 191 1 02 00 0b 12 Envelope Shapes (01 = 00 + Restart etc.)
Chorus CHO 145 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Delay DEL 148 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Reverb REV 150 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Pan PAN 152 1 40 00 7f L64 to R63
Amp Level VOL 155 1 64 00 7f 0 to 127

Envelope (Filter)

Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Shape SHP 187 1 02 00 0b 12 Envelope Shapes (01 = 00 + Restart etc.)
Attack ATK 159 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Decay DEC 166 1 40 00 7f 0 to 127
Sustain SUS 173 1 40 00 7f 0 to 127
Release REL 180 1 08 00 7f 0 to 127 (127 = Infinite)
Gate Length LEN 193 1 00 00 7f Off, 0 to 128 (Exponential)
Destination A DST 198 1 0c 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth A DEP 207 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth A Intermediate Step DEP 202 1 00 00 02 00 = 0; 02 = +1
Depth A Decimal DEP 208 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99
Destination B DST 200 1 0d 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth B DEP 209 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth B Intermediate Step DEP 210 1 00 00 40 00 = 0; 40 = +1
Depth B Decimal DEP 211 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99

Envelope 2 (User)

Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Shape SHP 189 1 02 00 0b 12 Envelope Shapes (01 = 00 + Restart etc.)
Attack ATK 161 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Decay DEC 168 1 40 00 7f 0 to 127
Sustain SUS 175 1 40 00 7f 0 to 127
Release REL 182 1 08 00 7f 0 to 127 (127 = Infinite)
Gate Length LEN 196 1 00 00 7f Off, 0 to 128 (Exponential)
Destination A DST 203 1 4c 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth A DEP 212 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth A Intermediate Step DEP 210 1 00 00 10 00 = 0; 10 = +1
Depth A Decimal DEP 213 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99
Destination B DST 205 1 0d 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth B DEP 214 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth B Intermediate Step DEP 210 1 00 00 04 00 = 0; 04 = +1
Depth B Decimal DEP 215 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Shape SHP 239 1 00 00 06 7 LFO Shapes
Mode MOD 235 1 00 00 04 5 LFO Modes
Start Phase SPH 230 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Fade FAD 225 1 40 00 7f -64 to 63
Speed SPD 216 1 70 00 7f -64 to 63
Multiplier MUL 221 1 04 00 23 3 x 12 LFO Multipliers
Destination A DST 244 1 22 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth A DEP 253 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth A Intermediate Step DEP 250 1 00 00 08 00 = 0; 08 = +1
Depth A Decimal DEP 254 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99
Destination B DST 246 1 27 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth B DEP 255 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth B Intermediate Step DEP 250 1 00 00 02 00 = 0; 02 = +1
Depth B Decimal DEP 256 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99


Parameter Short Addr Len Def Min Max Comment
Shape SHP 241 1 00 00 06 7 LFO Shapes
Mode MOD 237 1 00 00 04 5 LFO Modes
Start Phase SPH 232 1 00 00 7f 0 to 127
Fade FAD 228 1 40 00 7f -64 to 63
Speed SPD 219 1 60 00 7f -64 to 63
Multiplier MUL 223 1 04 00 23 3 x 12 LFO Multipliers
Destination A DST 248 1 22 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth A DEP 257 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth A Intermediate Step DEP 258 1 00 00 40 00 = 0; 40 = +1
Depth A Decimal DEP 259 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99
Destination B DST 251 1 27 00 7f Routing Destinations
Depth B DEP 260 1 40 00 7f -128 to +127
Depth B Intermediate Step DEP 258 1 00 00 10 00 = 0; 10 = +1
Depth B Decimal DEP 261 1 00 00 7e 0.00 to 0.99


Wave Shapes

Parameter Hex
SAW 00
TRP 01
PUL 02
TRI 03
INL 04
INR 05
OFF 07

Sub Oscillators

Parameter Hex
OFF 00
10CT 01
20CT 02
2PUL 03
5TH 04

Filter Types

Parameter Hex
LP2 00
LP1 01
BP 02
HP1 03
HP2 04
BS 05
PK 06

Envelope Shapes

Parameter Hex
0 00
1 01
2 02
3 03
4 04
5 05
6 06
7 07
8 08
9 09
10 0a
11 0b

LFO Shapes

Parameter Hex
TRI 00
SIN 01
SQR 02
SAW 03
EXP 04
RMP 05
RND 06

LFO Multipliers

Parameter Hex
x1 00
x2 01
x4 02
x8 03
x16 04
x32 05
x64 06
x128 07
x256 08
x512 09
x1k 0a
x2k 0b
·1 0c
·2 0d
·4 0e
·8 0f
·16 10
·32 11
·64 12
·128 13
·256 14
·512 15
·1k 16
·2k 17
µ1 18
µ2 19
µ4 1a
µ8 1b
µ16 1c
µ32 1d
µ64 1e
µ128 1f
µ256 20
µ512 21
µ1k 22
µ2k 23

LFO Modes

Parameter Hex
ONE 03

Routing Destinations

Object Parameter Hex
None 60
- - -
OSC1 Pitch Mod 12
OSC1 Freq Mod 61
OSC1 Linear Detune 02
OSC1 Keytrack 04
OSC1 Level 06
OSC1 Waveform 08
OSC1 Sub Oscillator 0a
OSC1 Pulse Width 0c
OSC1 PWM Speed 0e
OSC1 PWM Depth 10
OSC1 Osc1 AM 18
- - -
OSC2 Pitch Mod 13
OSC2 Freq Mod 62
OSC2 Linear Detune 03
OSC2 Keytrack 05
OSC2 Level 07
OSC2 Waveform 09
OSC2 Sub Oscillator 0b
OSC2 Pulse Width 0d
OSC2 PWM Speed 0f
OSC2 PWM Depth 11
OSC2 Osc2 AM 19
- - -
OSCX Pitch Mod 14
OSCX Freq Mod 63
OSCX Sync Mode 1a
OSCX Sync Amount 1b
OSCX Bend Depth 1c
OSCX Note Slide Time 1d
OSCX Vibrato Fade 1f
OSCX Vibrato Speed 20
OSCX Vibrato Depth 21
- - -
NOISE Sample and Hold 15
NOISE Color 64
NOISE Fade 16
NOISE Level 17
- - -
FILTER F1 Frequency 22
FILTER F1 Resonance 23
FILTER F1 Overdrive 24
FILTER F1 EnvF Depth 26
FILTER F2 Frequency 27
FILTER F2 Resonance 28
FILTER F2 EnvF Depth 2b
FILTER F1+F2 Freq 2c
- - -
AMP EnvA Attack 35
AMP EnvA Decay 38
AMP EnvA Sustain 3b
AMP EnvA Release 3e
AMP EnvA Shape 41
AMP Chorus Send 2d
AMP Delay Send 2e
AMP Reverb Send 2f
AMP Pan 30
AMP Volume 31
AMP Accent Level 32
- - -
ENVF Attack 33
ENVF Decay 36
ENVF Sustain 39
ENVF Release 3c
ENVF Shape 3f
ENVF Depth A 48
ENVF Depth B 49
- - -
ENV2 Attack 34
ENV2 Decay 37
ENV2 Sustain 3a
ENV2 Release 3d
ENV2 Shape 40
ENV2 Depth A 4a
ENV2 Depth B 4b
- - -
LFO1 Speed 4c
LFO1 Multiplier 4e
LFO1 Fade In/Out 50
LFO1 Start Phase 52
LFO1 Depth A 5c
LFO1 Depth B 5d


Tag Hex Comment
Bass 01 Byte 23
Lead 02 Byte 23
Pad 04 Byte 23
Texture 08 Byte 23
Chord 10 Byte 23
Keys 20 Byte 23
Brass 40 Byte 23
Strings 04 Byte 18
Transient 01 Byte 22
Sound FX 02 Byte 22
Kick 04 Byte 22
Snare 08 Byte 22
Hihat 10 Byte 22
Percussion 20 Byte 22
Atmosphere 40 Byte 22
Evolving 08 Byte 18
Noisy 01 Byte 21
Glitch 02 Byte 21
Hard 04 Byte 21
Soft 08 Byte 21
Expressive 10 Byte 21
Deep 20 Byte 21
Dark 40 Byte 21
Bright 10 Byte 18
Vintage 01 Byte 20
Acid 02 Byte 20
Epic 04 Byte 20
Fail 08 Byte 20
Tempo Sync 10 Byte 20
Input 20 Byte 20
Mine 40 Byte 20
Favourite 20 Byte 18


Letter Hex
A 41
B 42
C 43
D 44
E 45
F 46
G 47
H 48
I 49
J 4a
K 4b
L 4c
M 4d
N 4e
O 4f
P 50
Q 51
R 52
S 53
T 54
U 55
V 56
W 57
X 58
Y 59
Z 5a
+ 2b
- 2d
= 3d
& 26
/ 2f
# 23
@ 40
? 3f
% 25
$ 24
0 30
1 31
2 32
3 33
4 34
5 35
6 36
7 37
8 38
9 39
~ 7e