To build the Data Collector you will need the following software :
- Git 1.9+
- JDK 1.7.*
- Maven 3.2.3+
- Node 0.10.32+1 (OSX, avail via macports: sudo install nodejs)
- npm (OSX, avail via macports: sudo install npm)
- bower (avail via npm : sudo npm -g install bower)
- grunt-cli (avail via npm : sudo npm -g install grunt-cli)
Follow these instructions to build the Data Collector :
- Get the latest code from github
git clone
From within the DataCollector directory, execute:
mvn package -Pdist,ui -DskipTests
To start the DataCollector, execute:
dist/target/streamsets-datacollector-1.2.0/streamsets-datacollector-1.2.0/bin/streamsets dc
From within the DataCollector directory, execute:
mvn package -Drelease -DskipTests
The release tarball will be created at:
Untar the tarball in your prefered location :
tar xvzf streamsets-datacollector-1.2.0.tgz
To start the DataCollector, execute:
datacollector-1.2.0/bin/streamsets dc