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File metadata and controls

281 lines (208 loc) · 11.6 KB

Decision Log

A brief description of some of the major decisions along the way.

00: Starting conditions

With a growing network of Git repositories that are hosted in a variety of locations, I often find myself wanting to run git grep on several repositories at once.

Could there be a way to arbitrarily group, query, and operate upon several repositories at once? For example, a language category might have sub-categories like java and typescript, or a project category might have sub-categories for each project you have worked on.

Could there be a way to build my own logical structure of somebody else's code, without having to talk them into condensing their code into a multi-repo? Could that help manage disjointed code?

Building a meta repo could help, but I would need a tool to maintain it. Let's call it the Meta Repo Management Tool, or "marmot" for short.


  • Create a tool that tags Git repositories with categories and sub-categories and lets me run. shell commands for a category of repositories as if they are all part of a single unit.
  • Store meta data about categories externally, instead of in the Git repositories themselves.

01: Target Z Shell

Superseded by: Implement in Go.

Implement marmot in *nix tools that are widely-available on the platforms I use - e.g. MacOS, Linux, and Windows Subsystem for Linux. Writing it in Z Shell can make it easier to try new ideas, while avoiding the need to port or re-build for other platforms. Breaking the scripts up into commands and sub-commands (ala Git) can help keep the size of each script manageable.


  • marmot is a program with a command line interface, using a Git-like command/sub-command style.
  • Write marmot with Z Shell scripts.
  • Delegate to tools from commonly-available packages in MacOS and Linux.

02: Store metadata in JSON files

I don't know exactly what kind of meta data marmot will need to store about Git repositories, aside from categories and paths to repositories. Storing this data in JSON files can make it possible to extend with new fields, fix by hand when necessary, and query with tools like jq.

Categorizations are other meta data may grow over time, as I learn more about the Git repositories I am using. Maybe it might even grow into some sort of neural network of Git repositories? Storing the Meta Repo's contents in a separate Git repository would make it possible to track changes, roll back, or even share with teammates.


  • Store meta data in JSON files.
  • Use tools like jq and jo to query and construct JSON data from marmot.
  • Store meta data in its own Git repository.

03: Directory Structure in the Meta Repo

Sometimes I need to search in several Git repositories that use the same programming language. Other times, I do full-stack development in all the languages used for a product. Each repository can be in more than 1 category, so there is no, single directory structure that works in every case. Creating a directory structure of categories that link back to the Git repositories can help manage this complexity. Version managers for Node.js and Ruby come to mind, as sources of inspiration.

Git repositories still have to be cloned somewhere, though. The host/repository structure of Golang (e.g. go get ...) comes to mind, as a way to avoid name collisions.


  • Clone Git repositories in a common location, separated by host - e.g. $HOME/git/:host/:name.
  • Create directories in the Meta Repo for each (sub-)category - e.g. $HOME/meta/:category[/:sub-category].
  • Create symbolic links in (sub-)category directories that link to the underlying Git repositories.

04: Use Semantic Versioning

Use a semantic versioning system with fairly objective criteria, to avoid prolonged deliberation over what changes merit what kind of version bump.


  • Major version: Increment from 0.x to 1.x when there are enough features to be useful.
  • Minor version: Increment when adding a new feature (e.g. a command or sub-command).
  • Patch version: Increment when refactoring to prepare for another feature.

05: Apply Single Responsibility Principle to scripts

Superseded by: Implement in Go.

Scripts are getting more complex, leading to duplication of concepts and algorithms. Applying the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) can help manage complexity and avoid unnecessary duplication. This may drive adoption of other SOLID principles, as well.


Function structure

  • Write shared code as functions, using a functional style (e.g. command-query separation).
  • Commands: Make separate functions for separate side-effects.
  • Queries:
    • Pass data in as parameters, using quotes for any variables that may contain whitespace.
    • Pass arrays as "${my_array[@]}" so the whole array is passed instead of just the first word.
    • Try returning data via echo or printf, at first. This incurs a performance penalty of the call site having to fork a sub-shell, but this is not expected to be a concern in practice.
    • If queries must be invoked without starting a sub-shell, environment variables REPLY and reply may be used to return conventional data and arrays, respectively.


Location of shared code

  • Put shared code in lib/.
  • Gather together shared functions that operate on the same bounded context (e.g. the same data). Explore a convention of making that bounded context the first parameter in each function.
  • Name files according to their bounded context.

Using shared code

  • Use _MARMOT_HOME set in the top level marmot.zsh script to locate shared code scripts.
  • Source code from (sub-)command scripts (e.g. the script used to start the process), ala Rails.
    • Some code in lib/ may depend upon other code in lib/, but it is up to the top-level script to source dependencies and transitive dependencies.
    • This is approach is intended to avoid any complexities in the same code being sourced twice. I have no idea what could happen then, and I'd rather not have to find out.

06: Implement in Go

Supersedes: Target Z Shell.

Compartmentalizing and organizing scripts helped with maintenance and extension, but it still became difficult to split machine- and repository-specific data into separate files. Use of an external data migration script provided a limited means to detect bugs by including some semi-formal test automation, but it relied heavily upon the development platform; e.g. it used real Git repositories on specific paths.

These factors led to some thinking about which language could replace the shell scripts. It would need to be capable of targeting the same platforms, while offering a better means to structure data, look up references, and refactor call sites. It would also need robust tools for test automation and for creating Command Line Interfaces. Go offers all of those, while currently being a bit easier to deploy to end users than Python or Ruby. Go also has potentially-compelling libraries such as bubbletea, which raises the possibility of making marmot more interactive and easier to use.


Sprout a new codebase written in Go, until it has enough features to replace the ZSH version.

07: Go package structure

Developers will need a safe and effective way to add new entities and CLI commands, in order to add new features. Distinguishing core entities (e.g. repositories and categories) and behavior (e.g. categorizing Git repositories) from implementation details (e.g. interaction with the file system) minimizes the amount of existing code that has to be modified in order to add new entities.


Structure Go code along these dimensions:

  • Put all code in one repository. Use Go packages to distinguish the parts.
  • Create core packages like corerepository for basic entities, data structures, and interfaces.
  • Create use packages like userepository for operations upon each context.
  • Create svc packages like svcfs for service implementations, such as using the file system.
  • Create main package(s) like mainfactory to create dependencies and wire everything together.

This leads to the following dependencies (compile-time; runtime dependencies are dashed lines) among top-level packages:

graph LR

%% Core and dependencies
subgraph FunctionalCore [Functional Core]
  core(core<br/>Data structures<br/>Service interfaces)
  use(use<br/>Use Cases)

  svc -->|CRUD<br/>implement| core
  use -->|CRUD| core
  use -.->|runtime| svc

%% Main program
subgraph ImperativeShell [Imperative Shell]

  cmd -->|CRUD| core
  cmd --> use
  %%mainfactory -->|create| cmd
  mainfactory -->|create| use
  mainfactory -->|create| svc
  marmot --> cmd
  marmot --> mainfactory

Note: The code in the "functional core" is not always necessarily written in a functional style, although that's an idea worth considering.

08: Go test strategy

As described in Implement in Go, using a script-based architecture did not offer a sufficiently-granular approach to testing. Prior experiences with formal testing tools–i.e. bats–proved impractical for team sizes greater than one.

Another factor involved in Go package structure relates to test automation: Separating packages by bounded context also offers a practical means to distinguish test automation that is more highly rewarding from that which is somewhat less rewarding. In other words, tests on invariants and core logic tend to be easier to write and survive refactoring, while tests on wiring and implementation details tend to be harder to write and are more readily thrown out during refactoring.


  • Focus test automation on core logic; e.g. "test from the middle".
  • For small- to medium-sized tests of regular code:
    • Sources: Co-locate with production code and package as _test, according to Go conventions.
    • Support code: Add testsupport packages as necessary.
    • Test doubles: Create additional *mock packages as necessary, such as corerepositorymock.
    • Tools: Use ginkgo to clearly describe behavior.
  • For medium- to large-sized tests of user-facing features:
    • Sources: place sources in separate cuke* packages.
    • Support code: Add cukesupport as necessary.
    • Tools: Use godog to clearly describe features in Gherkin.

Control Flow

graph TB

subgraph MarmotCore [Functional Core]
  direction LR
  core(core<br/>Data structures)
  use(use<br/>Use Cases)

  svc -.-> core
  use -.-> core
  use -.-> svc

subgraph Tests
  subgraph SmallTests [Small Tests]
    direction LR
    ginkgotests(_test<br/>Ginkgo tests)
    ginkgomocks(*mock<br/>Test doubles)
    ginkgosupport(testsupport*<br/>Test support)

    ginkgotests -.-> ginkgomocks
    ginkgotests -.-> ginkgosupport

  subgraph LargeTests [Large Tests]
    direction LR
    godogfeatures(cukefeature<br/>godog scenarios)
    godogsteps(cukesteps<br/>Step definitions)

    godogfeatures -.-> godogsupport
    godogfeatures -.-> godogsteps
    godogsteps -.-> godogsupport

LargeTests -->|validate| MarmotCore
SmallTests -->|verify| svc
SmallTests -->|verify| use

Not Tested

graph LR

subgraph ImperativeShell [Production Code: Imperative Shell]