This library provides a uniform access to several of the APIs and datasets that are used the the KNReise demos.
The API depends on the external libraries underscore.js and jQuery, in addition
The "raw " API provides a uniform way of querying a range of APIs and datasets and returns the results as GeoJSON.
####Creation Create a new API instance like this (usually only done once):
import KNreiseAPI from 'knreise-api';
var api = KNreiseAPI({
cartodb: {
user: 'knreise'
flickr: {
apikey: 'FLICKR_API KEY'
jernbanemuseet: {
Note: The cartoDB, flickr and jernbanemuseet config is only needed if you intend to use thse APIS.
getData: Gets all the data in a dataset
getData( <Dataset> dataset, <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback, <Options> options );
getBbox: Gets data within a given bounding box
getBbox( <Dataset> dataset, <BboxString> bbox, <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback, <Options> options );
Note: For some apis the getBbox uses the getWithin function, as bbox is not supported. If you use the getBbox function your bbox will be converted.
getWithin: Gets data within a radius "distance" (in meters) of the latLng point supplied.
getWithin( <Dataset> dataset, <LatLng> latLng, <number> distance, <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback, <Options> options );
getMunicipalityBounds: Gets the bbox for one or more municipalities identified by their municipality number. Calls successCallback with a bbox-string.
getMunicipalityBounds( <Number | Number[]> municipalities, <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback );
getCountyBounds: Works as getMunicipalityBounds, but with norwegian counties. Use fylkesnummer
getCountyBounds( <Number | Number[]> counties, <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback );
getItem: Gets a single item from an api. Calls successCallback with a GeoJSON Feature.
getItem( <Dataset> dataset, // with 'api' and 'id' <function> successCallback, <function> errorCalback );
getCollection: Gets a norvegiana-Collection.
addApi: Lets you add another api at runtime.
addApi( <string> name, // name of api <function> api, // api-function <dictionary> params // dictionary with properties );
###Data types
Datatype | Description |
Dataset | See Datasets |
Options | A JavaScript object, currently only supports {allPages: } (default: false). If true, several requests are made to get all items. Only works for the norvegiana API. |
LatLng | A JavaScript objects with two properties: lat and lng in WGS84 (EPSG:4326). A Leaflet LatLng object can be used |
BboxString | A comma-separated string with the bounds, expressed as 'southwest_lng,southwest_lat,northeast_lng,northeast_lat' |
successCallback | Callback called on success. Must take a geoJSon FeatureCollection parameter |
errorCallback | Called when the api returns something other than 200 OK . Can contain a parameter with the error. |
The datasets object passed to the api is a simple JavaScript object, but these differ a bit depending on the underlying api beeing queried.In it's simplest form it looks like this:
var dataset = {
api: 'norvegiana',
dataset: 'Kulturminnesok'
Other than the api parameter, the parameters depend on the api, see the table below:
api | parameters |
norvegiana | dataset, query |
wikipedia | - |
kulturminnedata | query, layer, getExtraData, extraDataLayer, matchId |
kulturminnedataSparql | limit, filter, fylke, geomType |
cartodb | table, columns, query |
folketelling | dataset, limit |
utno | type, id |
flickr | user_id, tags, tag_mode, accuracy |
- dataset:
<string> | <string[]>
the name of the dataset in norvegiana (delving_spec: will be prepended). - query:
this is passed to the qf-parameter of the norvegiana api
See the norvegiana documentation for further info.
- category:
method can ba called with a wikipedia-category
- layer:
the Layer name to query - query:
the query to run (string, f.ex: "Navn='Fangstgrop'") - getExtraData:
If true, gets extra data for each feature from a table layer - extraDataLayer:
The id of the table layer to get extra data from - matchId:
The id to match layer and extraDataLayer on See for details on the api.
- filter:
a SPARQL filter expression - fylke:
a Fylkesnummer, (with leadding zero), used instead of filter for convenience - limit:
If presents, limits the number of responses - geomType:
: 'point' or 'polygon'
To use this api you must provide a config-object when initializing the api.
- table The table to query
- columns
a list of columns to fetch (default =*
) - query
A complete SQL query to CartoDB (must include a the_geom column in GeoJSON format) - county
A norwegian county number (returns just geom) - municipality
A norwegian municipality number (returns just geom)
- dataset:
Name of the dataset, currently only 'property' - limit:
Number of hits, defaults to 1000
- type:
Type of data, currently onlygpx
- id:
Id of the route, corresponds to id on (i.e. gives id=2.8158)
- user_id:
The Flickr user id to get photos from - group_id:
The Flickr group id to get photos from (use either user_id or group_id) - tags:
A list of tags to query by - tag_mode:
Tag mode, as pr the flickr documentation (default:all
) - accuracy*:
accuracy parameter from flickr documentation (default:11
NOTE: when using group_id GetWithin and GetBbox is not supported!
- url:
Url to the KML file to fetch
This dataset takes no parameters