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File metadata and controls

209 lines (153 loc) · 8.28 KB


This library provides a uniform access to several of the APIs and datasets that are used the the KNReise demos.

The API depends on the external libraries underscore.js and jQuery, in addition

Raw api

The "raw " API provides a uniform way of querying a range of APIs and datasets and returns the results as GeoJSON.

####Creation Create a new API instance like this (usually only done once):

import KNreiseAPI from 'knreise-api';

var api = KNreiseAPI({
    cartodb: {
        user: 'knreise'
    flickr: {
        apikey: 'FLICKR_API KEY'
    jernbanemuseet: {
        apikey: 'JERNBANEMUSEET_API_KEY'

Note: The cartoDB, flickr and jernbanemuseet config is only needed if you intend to use thse APIS.


  • getData: Gets all the data in a dataset

          <Dataset> dataset,
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback,
          <Options> options
  • getBbox: Gets data within a given bounding box

          <Dataset> dataset,
          <BboxString> bbox,
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback,
          <Options> options

Note: For some apis the getBbox uses the getWithin function, as bbox is not supported. If you use the getBbox function your bbox will be converted.

  • getWithin: Gets data within a radius "distance" (in meters) of the latLng point supplied.

          <Dataset> dataset,
          <LatLng> latLng,
          <number> distance,
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback,
          <Options> options
  • getMunicipalityBounds: Gets the bbox for one or more municipalities identified by their municipality number. Calls successCallback with a bbox-string.

          <Number | Number[]> municipalities,
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback
  • getCountyBounds: Works as getMunicipalityBounds, but with norwegian counties. Use fylkesnummer

          <Number | Number[]> counties,
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback
  • getItem: Gets a single item from an api. Calls successCallback with a GeoJSON Feature.

          <Dataset> dataset, // with 'api' and 'id'
          <function> successCallback,
          <function> errorCalback
  • getCollection: Gets a norvegiana-Collection.

  • addApi: Lets you add another api at runtime.

          <string> name, // name of api
          <function> api, // api-function
          <dictionary> params // dictionary with properties

###Data types

Datatype Description
Dataset See Datasets
Options A JavaScript object, currently only supports {allPages: } (default: false). If true, several requests are made to get all items. Only works for the norvegiana API.
LatLng A JavaScript objects with two properties: lat and lng in WGS84 (EPSG:4326). A Leaflet LatLng object can be used
BboxString A comma-separated string with the bounds, expressed as 'southwest_lng,southwest_lat,northeast_lng,northeast_lat'
successCallback Callback called on success. Must take a geoJSon FeatureCollection parameter
errorCallback Called when the api returns something other than 200 OK. Can contain a parameter with the error.

The datasets object passed to the api is a simple JavaScript object, but these differ a bit depending on the underlying api beeing queried.In it's simplest form it looks like this:

var dataset = {
    api: 'norvegiana',
    dataset: 'Kulturminnesok'

Other than the api parameter, the parameters depend on the api, see the table below:

api parameters
norvegiana dataset, query
wikipedia -
kulturminnedata query, layer, getExtraData, extraDataLayer, matchId
kulturminnedataSparql limit, filter, fylke, geomType
cartodb table, columns, query
folketelling dataset, limit
utno type, id
flickr user_id, tags, tag_mode, accuracy


  • dataset: <string> | <string[]> the name of the dataset in norvegiana (delving_spec: will be prepended).
  • query: <string> this is passed to the qf-parameter of the norvegiana api

See the norvegiana documentation for further info.


  • category: <string> The getData method can ba called with a wikipedia-category


  • layer: <string> the Layer name to query
  • query: <string> the query to run (string, f.ex: "Navn='Fangstgrop'")
  • getExtraData: <bool> If true, gets extra data for each feature from a table layer
  • extraDataLayer: <int> The id of the table layer to get extra data from
  • matchId: <string> The id to match layer and extraDataLayer on See for details on the api.


  • filter: <string> a SPARQL filter expression
  • fylke: <string> a Fylkesnummer, (with leadding zero), used instead of filter for convenience
  • limit: <int> If presents, limits the number of responses
  • geomType: <string>: 'point' or 'polygon'


To use this api you must provide a config-object when initializing the api.

  • table The table to query
  • columns <string[]> a list of columns to fetch (default = *)
  • query <string> A complete SQL query to CartoDB (must include a the_geom column in GeoJSON format)
  • county <string> A norwegian county number (returns just geom)
  • municipality <string> A norwegian municipality number (returns just geom)


  • dataset: <string> Name of the dataset, currently only 'property'
  • limit: <int> Number of hits, defaults to 1000


  • type: <string> Type of data, currently only gpx
  • id: <string> Id of the route, corresponds to id on (i.e. gives id=2.8158)


  • user_id: <string> The Flickr user id to get photos from
  • group_id: <string> The Flickr group id to get photos from (use either user_id or group_id)
  • tags: <string[]> A list of tags to query by
  • tag_mode: <string> Tag mode, as pr the flickr documentation (default: all)
  • accuracy*: <int> accuracy parameter from flickr documentation (default: 11)

NOTE: when using group_id GetWithin and GetBbox is not supported!


  • url: <string> Url to the KML file to fetch


This dataset takes no parameters