+ Added removeEventListeners for all events.
+ Added unbind() method to clear listeners.
+ Refactored with OOP capabilites into global G namespace.
+ Added event that fires on changes, which can be listened to by others.
+ Renamed some functions and organized in groups.
+ Documented some lines.
+ Fixed some bugs regarding Toolbar not closing properly.
+ Added plugin powers!
5.5KB minified and gzipped.
Add grande.js to HTML
<script src="grande.min.js"></script>
Add grande.attachments.js plugin:
<script src="grande.attachments.min.js"></script>
// create sources for attachments-plugin in this format:
var sources = [{
title : name, // title
url : url // url to be inserted as link
thumbnail : thumbnail, // optional. url to thumbnail
uuid : uuid, // optional. for id'ing
type : type, // optional, image/file. default 'file'.
// set grande options
var options = {
plugins : {
// file attachments
attachments : new G.Attachments(sources, { // depends on grande.attachments.js plugin
icon : 'fileAttachment.png',
// image attachments
images : new G.Attachments(sources, {
icon : 'imageAttachment.png',
embedImage : true // embed image in text
events : {
// add change event listener to be fired on each text change (useful for saving, etc.)
change : this.textChange
// create Grande with attachment and image plugin
this.grande = G.rande(nodes, options);
// add change event listener dynamically, will overwrite event provided in options.
this.grande.options.events.change = this.anotherTextChange;
This is a small Javascript library that implements features from Medium's editing experience. Take a look [here](http://mattduvall.com/grande.js/).

How to get started
### Installation
Bower is the preferred way to install `grande.js`, it is available as `grande` in the Bower package repository.
Simply `bower install grande`
### Usage
See the `index.html` in this repository for a functional example using the library.
To get up and running simply...
1. Include an `<article>` with `contenteditable`
2. Include the `grande.min.js` file (in `dist/` directory) at the bottom of your `<body>`
3. Bind the events on the `article` tags with `grande.bind(document.querySelectorAll("article"))`
4. You are set!
### Included files
There are two CSS files that come with the included demo:
- `editor.css`: this file provides the style for the `contenteditable` elements on the page
- `menu.css`: this file provides the toolbar styling to appear as it does below
## Options to grande.bind
The `bind` function currently accepts two parameters: bindableNodes and an options list.
The calling code can pass in a `NodeList` as the first parameter that will bind to these elements and enable `contentEditable` on them, if nothing is passed in it defaults to elements that match the selector `.g-body article`.
The second parameter is an `options` object that accepts the following keys:
- `animate`: if true, this will trigger the CSS animations (defaults to true). Useful to turn to false if `subpixel-antialised` is needed in Safari.

The following tag stylings are available: `<b>`, `<i>`, `<h1>`, `<h2>`, `<blockquote>`, `<a>`, `<ol>`, `<ul>`, `<hr>`
### This is very similar to Zenpen, why?
First off, major props to @tholman for the inspirational script. grande.js is a spiritual cousin of the fantastic plugin and aims to have feature parity with Medium. It adds multiple styles and will be diverging from the vision of being an in-browser editing experience to being a *provider* of the in-browser editing experience. grande.js will be providing the foundation for your website to have a wonderful editing experience.
- Images (figure)
- execCommand to support `<strong>` and `<em>`
- CSS animations to match the `pop-upwards` on Medium