We used the .NET standards as a starting base, and the following are our own changes.
- Use descriptive and accurate names, even if it makes them longer. Favor readability over brevity.
- Do not use abbreviations.
- Use acronyms when they are an accepted standard. Ex: UI, IO
- Method names should be verbs or verb phrases.
- Property names should be nouns, noun phrases or adjectives.
- Boolean properties should be affirmative phrases. You can prefix a Boolean property with “Is”, “Has”, “Can”. Ex: IsActive, CanJump.
- If multiple properties relate to the same item, use the item name as a prefix and add the property type, or role. Ex:
Color _gameTitleColor;
String _gameTitleString;
TextMeshProUGUI _gameTitleText;
- Avoid using numbers for names, if they are not part of an inherent list. Ex:
. Instead explain the difference between both properties -egplayerAnimator
camelCase: First letter is lowercase. First letters of the following words are uppercase. PascalCase: The first letter of every word is uppercase. If a word is an acronym with two letters, both letters are capitalized. If a word is an acronym with more than two letters, only the first letter is capitalized.
- Classes, methods, enums, namespaces, public fields/properties are written using PascalCase. Ex:
. - Local variables, methods parameters use camelCase. Ex:
. - Private fields/properties are camelCase, but start with an underscore. Ex:
. - Constants are all-caps, and they use underscores to separate words. Ex:
- Keep fields and methods private, unless you need them to be public.
- Avoid using static variables.
- Do not use hardcoded "magic numbers" in your code. Ex: The player is moved by
xInput * 0.035f
. Why that number? Instead, store the number in a field with a clear name - and maybe a comment on why you chose that specific number. It may bexInput * PERSON_SPEED
- For
directives (Ex:using System;
), remove all the unused ones before committing code.
- Use 4 spaces per column to indent code, not tabs.
- Logical units which are contained within each other need to be indented to indicate the hierarchical relationship. Ex:
public void MethodName()
Important: Don't be redundant. If you think anyone could understand what the code does by just looking at it, don't add a comment. Instead, name your variables, classes and methods so that they explain themselves!
- Use inline comments to provide additional context over individual lines of code.
- Write a summary above every class that describes the class' purpose. Optionally, include details about how the class works, especially if it's not particularly intuitive or readable. Ex:
/// <summary>
/// This class manages save data
/// </summary>
Tip: IDEs usually auto-generate a summary when typing the “/” symbol 3 times. For more information on summaries, check the [official Microsoft specification](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/documentation-comments"official Microsoft specification").
- Write a comment before a method, to explain what it does, in case the name is not self-explanatory or you want to add important details. You can also use an inline summary. Ex:
/// <summary> This function does this... </summary>
public float CalculateBoundingBox(){ }
- Use a comment beginning with
to indicate something that needs to be picked up later, so you don't forget about it. Note: This is not an invite to push broken functionality. - Do not use
dividers, or "line separator" comments like//--------
Use empty GameObjects on the root as separators to break up visually different logical sections. Ex:
. Apply the tag EditorOnly to these objects so they get stripped from the build. -
Use empty GameObjects as containers.
Use the same Canvas when possible, only create multiple Canvases when Canvas properties change.
Create a panel per screen (main menu, settings, pause...).
Use panels as container to group parts that compose an element of the UI. Ex: a settings label and its options. Panels can also serve as a helper for elements that need to be anchored together. Ex: some energy/items UI in the bottom right part of the screen.
Don't use spaces in names of GameObjects.
Use PascalCase. Ex:
. -
Use underscores to join together two concepts when just using PascalCase would generate confusion. Ex:
. -
Prefabs: Rename instances if it makes sense. Ex: A Prefab Variant file is called Protagonist_Scene1Variant, but once you use it you could rename it just Protagonist.
Same rules as for the Scene/Hierarchy.
Name objects so they naturally group together when they are in the same folder and are related.
Generally, you start the name with the thing that the object belongs to. Ex:
, etc. -
However, when it makes sense, you can name objects so that similar objects stay together even if they relate to different "owners" or if the adjective would group them differently. Ex: in a folder full of prop assets, you can use TableRound and TableRectangular so they stay close; instead of RectangularTable and RoundTable.
Avoid filetypes in names. Ex: use
instead ofShinyMetalMaterial
At the root level, put your assets in folders which identify areas/systems/locations of the game. In there, you can create sub-folders to separate different types of assets.
Scenes always go on a root folder
Scripts that don't belong to a particular system go in a root folder called Scripts. You can create sub-folders in there to better categorise them.
Bottom line: if a system/feature is only scripts, create a folder in /Scripts. If it has other types of assets, put that folder on the root and add sub-folders per asset type. Ex:
📁 Art
⸺📁 Characters
⸺⸺📁 PigChef
⸺⸺⸺📁 Materials
⸺⸺⸺📁 Prefabs
⸺⸺⸺📁 Textures
⸺📁 Environment
⸺⸺📁 Interiors
⸺⸺📁 Nature
⸺⸺⸺📁 Materials
⸺⸺⸺📁 Prefabs
⸺⸺⸺📁 Textures
⸺⸺📁 Props
📁 UI
⸺📁 Materials
⸺📁 Scripts
⸺📁 ScriptableObjects
📁 InventorySystem
⸺📁 Scripts
⸺📁 ScriptableObjects
📁 Scenes
⸺📁 Locations
⸺📁 Menus
📁 Scripts
⸺📁 SceneManagementSystem