diff --git a/_sources/changelog.md.txt b/_sources/changelog.md.txt index 8983daa..82a620c 100644 --- a/_sources/changelog.md.txt +++ b/_sources/changelog.md.txt @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ## [0.8.0] - Unreleased -- Enable support for Python 3.11 and 3.12. +- Enable support for Python 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13. - Added methods ``__copy__()`` and ``__deepcopy__()`` to a few mutable objects: ``expression.Monomial``, ``expression.Expression[R|C]``, ``loperator.HilbertSpace`` and ``loperator.SpacePartition``. diff --git a/changelog.html b/changelog.html index 378eafd..6cdb02d 100644 --- a/changelog.html +++ b/changelog.html @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@


[0.8.0] - Unreleased

  • __hash__ (pycommute.expression.ExpressionC attribute) - -
  • __iadd__() (pycommute.expression.ExpressionC method) diff --git a/loperator_ref.html b/loperator_ref.html index 36b7c18..f4c9c53 100644 --- a/loperator_ref.html +++ b/loperator_ref.html @@ -150,11 +150,6 @@

    Elementary spaces__gt__(self: pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace, es2: pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace) bool
    -__hash__ = None
    __lt__(self: pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace, es2: pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace) bool
    @@ -315,11 +310,6 @@

    Full Hilbert spaces__eq__(self: pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace, hs: pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace) bool

    -__hash__ = None
    __init__(*args, **kwargs)
    diff --git a/objects.inv b/objects.inv index a2429d7..597a6c1 100644 Binary files a/objects.inv and b/objects.inv differ diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js index 7a5576c..67b3238 100644 --- a/searchindex.js +++ b/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"API reference": [[8, null]], "Added": [[0, "added"], [0, "id4"]], "Algebra ID constants": [[2, "algebra-id-constants"]], "Algebra generator objects": [[2, "algebra-generator-objects"]], "Automated installation using pip": [[5, "automated-installation-using-pip"]], "Changelog": [[0, null]], "Contents": [[4, "contents"]], "Docker images": [[5, "docker-images"]], "Elementary spaces": [[6, "elementary-spaces"]], "Expression factory functions": [[2, "expression-factory-functions"]], "Expression objects": [[2, "expression-objects"]], "Full Hilbert spaces": [[6, "full-hilbert-spaces"]], "Hermitian conjugate placeholder": [[2, "hermitian-conjugate-placeholder"]], "Hilbert space partition": [[6, "hilbert-space-partition"]], "Holstein model": [[1, "holstein-model"]], "Index": [[3, null]], "Index sequence": [[2, "index-sequence"]], "Installation": [[5, null]], "Installation from sources": [[5, "installation-from-sources"]], "Linear operators": [[6, "linear-operators"]], "Mapped views of state vectors": [[6, "mapped-views-of-state-vectors"]], "Matrix representation of linear operators": [[6, "matrix-representation-of-linear-operators"]], "Monomial object": [[2, "monomial-object"]], "N-fermion sector views": [[1, "n-fermion-sector-views"]], "N-fermion sector views of state vectors": [[6, "n-fermion-sector-views-of-state-vectors"]], "Prerequisites": [[5, "prerequisites"]], "Quantum many-body theory": [[7, "quantum-many-body-theory"]], "Quantum optics and quantum dissipation": [[7, "quantum-optics-and-quantum-dissipation"]], "References": [[1, "references"]], "Search": [[9, null]], "Sectors of a multi-orbital interaction Hamiltonian": [[1, "sectors-of-a-multi-orbital-interaction-hamiltonian"]], "Spectrum of Tavis-Cummings model": [[1, "spectrum-of-tavis-cummings-model"]], "Spin lattice models": [[7, "spin-lattice-models"]], "Spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain": [[1, "spin-1-2-heisenberg-chain"]], "Usage examples": [[1, null]], "[0.6.1] - 2021-03-30": [[0, "id3"]], "[0.7.0] - 2021-10-09": [[0, "id2"]], "[0.7.1] - 2021-12-17": [[0, "id1"]], "[0.8.0] - Unreleased": [[0, "unreleased"]], "pycommute": [[4, null]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, null]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, null]], "pycommute.models": [[7, null]]}, "docnames": ["changelog", "examples", "expression_ref", "genindex", "index", "installation", "loperator_ref", "models_ref", "reference", "search"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["changelog.md", "examples.rst", "expression_ref.rst", "genindex.rst", "index.rst", "installation.rst", "loperator_ref.rst", "models_ref.rst", "reference.rst", "search.rst"], "indexentries": {"__add__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__add__", false]], "__add__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__add__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__call__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__call__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__call__", false]], "__contains__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__contains__", false]], "__contains__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__contains__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__copy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__deepcopy__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__eq__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__getitem__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__getitem__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__getitem__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__gt__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.expression.expressionc attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.expression.expressionr attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.expression.generator attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.expression.indices attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.expression.monomial attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace attribute)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__hash__", false]], "__hash__ (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace attribute)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__hash__", false]], "__iadd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__iadd__", false]], "__iadd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__iadd__", false]], "__imul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__imul__", false]], "__imul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__imul__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorboson method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorfermion method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorspin method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espaceboson method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espacefermion method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espacespin method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.mappedbasisviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.mappedbasisviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__init__", false]], "__isub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__isub__", false]], "__isub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__isub__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__iter__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__len__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__lt__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__mul__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__ne__", false]], "__neg__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__neg__", false]], "__neg__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__neg__", false]], "__radd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__radd__", false]], "__radd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__radd__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__repr__", false]], "__reverse__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__reverse__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__rmul__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__rmul__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__rmul__", false]], "__rsub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__rsub__", false]], "__rsub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__rsub__", false]], "__sub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__sub__", false]], "__sub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__sub__", false]], "a() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.a", false]], "a_dag() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.a_dag", false]], "add() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.add", false]], "algebra_bit_range() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.algebra_bit_range", false]], "algebra_id (pycommute.expression.generator property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.algebra_id", false]], "algebra_id (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.algebra_id", false]], "anisotropic_heisenberg() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.anisotropic_heisenberg", false]], "basis_state_index() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.basis_state_index", false]], "basismapper (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper", false]], "biquadratic_spin_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.biquadratic_spin_int", false]], "bit_range() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.bit_range", false]], "bose_hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.bose_hubbard_int", false]], "boson (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.BOSON", false]], "c() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.c", false]], "c_dag() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.c_dag", false]], "clear() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.clear", false]], "clear() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.clear", false]], "component (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.component", false]], "conj() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.conj", false]], "dagger (pycommute.expression.generatorboson property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson.dagger", false]], "dagger (pycommute.expression.generatorfermion property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion.dagger", false]], "dim (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.dim", false]], "dim (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.dim", false]], "dispersion() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.dispersion", false]], "dzyaloshinskii_moriya() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.dzyaloshinskii_moriya", false]], "elementaryspace (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace", false]], "espaceboson (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson", false]], "espacefermion (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion", false]], "espacespin (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin", false]], "expressionc (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC", false]], "expressionr (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR", false]], "extended_hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.extended_hubbard_int", false]], "fermion (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.FERMION", false]], "find_connections() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.find_connections", false]], "foreach() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.foreach", false]], "generator (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator", false]], "generatorboson (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson", false]], "generatorfermion (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion", false]], "generatorspin (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin", false]], "has_algebra() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.has_algebra", false]], "hc (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.HC", false]], "hc (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.hc", false]], "heisenberg() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.heisenberg", false]], "hilbertspace (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace", false]], "holstein_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.holstein_int", false]], "hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.hubbard_int", false]], "index() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.index", false]], "indices (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.expression.generator property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.expression.indices property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.indices", false]], "inverse_map (pycommute.loperator.basismapper property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.inverse_map", false]], "is_ordered (pycommute.expression.monomial property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.is_ordered", false]], "ising() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.ising", false]], "jaynes_cummings() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.jaynes_cummings", false]], "kanamori_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.kanamori_int", false]], "kondo_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.kondo_int", false]], "loperatorc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC", false]], "loperatorr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR", false]], "make_boson() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_boson", false]], "make_complex() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_complex", false]], "make_fermion() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_fermion", false]], "make_matrix() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_matrix", false]], "make_space_boson() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_boson", false]], "make_space_fermion() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_fermion", false]], "make_space_partition() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_partition", false]], "make_space_spin() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_spin", false]], "make_spin() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_spin", false]], "map (pycommute.loperator.basismapper property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.map", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR.map_index", false]], "mappedbasisviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewC", false]], "mappedbasisviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewR", false]], "merge_subspaces() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.merge_subspaces", false]], "module": [[2, "module-pycommute.expression", false], [6, "module-pycommute.loperator", false], [7, "module-pycommute.models", false]], "monomial (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial", false]], "multiplicity (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.multiplicity", false]], "n() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.n", false]], "n_bits (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.n_bits", false]], "n_fermion_multisector_basis_states() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_multisector_basis_states", false]], "n_fermion_multisector_size() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_multisector_size", false]], "n_fermion_sector_basis_states() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_sector_basis_states", false]], "n_fermion_sector_size() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_sector_size", false]], "n_subspaces (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.n_subspaces", false]], "nfermionmultisectorviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC", false]], "nfermionmultisectorviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR", false]], "nfermionsectorviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC", false]], "nfermionsectorviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR", false]], "pairing() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.pairing", false]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, "module-pycommute.expression", false]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, "module-pycommute.loperator", false]], "pycommute.models": [[7, "module-pycommute.models", false]], "quartic_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.quartic_int", false]], "rabi() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.rabi", false]], "s_m() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_m", false]], "s_p() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_p", false]], "s_x() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_x", false]], "s_y() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_y", false]], "s_z() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_z", false]], "slater_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.slater_int", false]], "spacepartition (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition", false]], "spin (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.SPIN", false]], "spin (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.spin", false]], "spin_boson() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.spin_boson", false]], "spincomponent (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.SpinComponent", false]], "subspace_bases() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.subspace_bases", false]], "subspace_basis() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.subspace_basis", false]], "swap_generators() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.swap_generators", false]], "t_j_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.t_j_int", false]], "tight_binding() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.tight_binding", false]], "total_n_bits (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.total_n_bits", false]], "transform() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.transform", false]], "zeeman() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.zeeman", false]]}, "objects": {"pycommute": [[2, 0, 0, "-", "expression"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "loperator"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "models"]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, 1, 1, "", "BOSON"], [2, 2, 1, "", "ExpressionC"], [2, 2, 1, "", "ExpressionR"], [2, 1, 1, "", "FERMION"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Generator"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorBoson"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorFermion"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorSpin"], [2, 2, 1, "", "HC"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Indices"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Monomial"], [2, 1, 1, "", "SPIN"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_m"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_p"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_x"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_y"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_z"], [2, 2, 1, "", "SpinComponent"], [2, 3, 1, "", "a"], [2, 3, 1, "", "a_dag"], [2, 3, 1, "", "c"], [2, 3, 1, "", "c_dag"], [2, 3, 1, "", "conj"], [2, 1, 1, "", "hc"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_boson"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_complex"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_fermion"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_spin"], [2, 3, 1, "", "n"], [2, 3, 1, "", "transform"]], "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__add__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iadd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__imul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__isub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__neg__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__radd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rsub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__sub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "clear"]], "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__add__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iadd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__imul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__isub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__neg__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__radd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rsub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__sub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "clear"]], "pycommute.expression.Generator": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "algebra_id"], [2, 4, 1, "", "indices"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "dagger"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "dagger"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "component"], [2, 4, 1, "", "multiplicity"], [2, 4, 1, "", "spin"]], "pycommute.expression.Indices": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "indices"]], "pycommute.expression.Monomial": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__contains__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__reverse__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "is_ordered"], [2, 3, 1, "", "swap_generators"]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, 2, 1, "", "BasisMapper"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceBoson"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceFermion"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceSpin"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ElementarySpace"], [6, 2, 1, "", "HilbertSpace"], [6, 2, 1, "", "LOperatorC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "LOperatorR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "MappedBasisViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "MappedBasisViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionMultiSectorViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionMultiSectorViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionSectorViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionSectorViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "SpacePartition"], [6, 3, 1, "", "foreach"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_matrix"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_boson"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_fermion"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_partition"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_spin"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_multisector_basis_states"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_multisector_size"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_sector_basis_states"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_sector_size"]], "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__call__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "inverse_map"], [6, 4, 1, "", "map"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [6, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "algebra_id"], [6, 4, 1, "", "indices"], [6, 4, 1, "", "n_bits"]], "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__contains__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [6, 1, 1, "", "__hash__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "add"], [6, 3, 1, "", "algebra_bit_range"], [6, 3, 1, "", "basis_state_index"], [6, 3, 1, "", "bit_range"], [6, 4, 1, "", "dim"], [6, 3, 1, "", "has_algebra"], [6, 3, 1, "", "index"], [6, 4, 1, "", "total_n_bits"]], "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__call__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"]], "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__call__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"]], "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewC": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewR": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "dim"], [6, 3, 1, "", "find_connections"], [6, 3, 1, "", "merge_subspaces"], [6, 4, 1, "", "n_subspaces"], [6, 3, 1, "", "subspace_bases"], [6, 3, 1, "", "subspace_basis"]], "pycommute.models": [[7, 5, 1, "", "anisotropic_heisenberg"], [7, 5, 1, "", "biquadratic_spin_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "bose_hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "dispersion"], [7, 5, 1, "", "dzyaloshinskii_moriya"], [7, 5, 1, "", "extended_hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "heisenberg"], [7, 5, 1, "", "holstein_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "ising"], [7, 5, 1, "", "jaynes_cummings"], [7, 5, 1, "", "kanamori_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "kondo_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "pairing"], [7, 5, 1, "", "quartic_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "rabi"], [7, 5, 1, "", "slater_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "spin_boson"], [7, 5, 1, "", "t_j_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "tight_binding"], [7, 5, 1, "", "zeeman"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "2": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "3": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "4": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "5": ["py", "function", "Python function"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:attribute", "2": "py:class", "3": "py:method", "4": "py:property", "5": "py:function"}, "terms": {"": [1, 2, 4, 6, 7], "0": [1, 4, 5, 6, 7], "023": 1, "03": 4, "09": [1, 4], "1": [2, 4, 5, 6, 7], "10": [1, 4], "100": 1, "1016": 1, "11": 0, "1103": 1, "1142": 1, "12": [4, 5], "127": 5, "16": 1, "17": [4, 5], "170": 1, "1968": 1, "1994": 1, "1d": 1, "1st": 1, "2": [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7], "20": 1, "200": [1, 6], "2015": 1, "2016": [1, 6], "2021": 4, "2197": 1, "2206": 1, "24": 1, "256": 1, "274": [1, 6], "284": [1, 6], "2d": [0, 1], "2j": 7, "2l": 7, "2nd": 1, "2x1": 1, "3": [0, 1, 2, 7], "30": 4, "32": 1, "379": 1, "3rd": 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7, "x_j": 7, "xyz": 7, "y": [1, 2], "y_": 7, "y_i": 7, "y_j": 7, "you": 5, "z": [1, 2], "z_": 7, "z_i": 7, "z_j": 7, "zeeman": 7, "zero": [1, 2, 6, 7]}, "titles": ["Changelog", "Usage examples", "pycommute.expression", "Index", "pycommute", "Installation", "pycommute.loperator", "pycommute.models", "API reference", "Search"], "titleterms": {"0": 0, "03": 0, "09": 0, "1": [0, 1], "10": 0, "12": 0, "17": 0, "2": 1, "2021": 0, "30": 0, "6": 0, "7": 0, "8": 0, "ad": 0, "algebra": 2, "api": 8, "autom": 5, "bodi": 7, "chain": 1, "changelog": 0, "conjug": 2, "constant": 2, "content": 4, "cum": 1, "dissip": 7, "docker": 5, "elementari": 6, "exampl": 1, "express": 2, "factori": 2, "fermion": [1, 6], "from": 5, "full": 6, "function": 2, "gener": 2, "hamiltonian": 1, "heisenberg": 1, "hermitian": 2, "hilbert": 6, "holstein": 1, "id": 2, "imag": 5, "index": [2, 3], "instal": 5, "interact": 1, "lattic": 7, "linear": 6, "loper": 6, "mani": 7, "map": 6, "matrix": 6, "model": [1, 7], "monomi": 2, "multi": 1, "n": [1, 6], "object": 2, "oper": 6, "optic": 7, "orbit": 1, "partit": 6, "pip": 5, "placehold": 2, "prerequisit": 5, "pycommut": [2, 4, 6, 7], "quantum": 7, "refer": [1, 8], "represent": 6, "search": 9, "sector": [1, 6], "sequenc": 2, "sourc": 5, "space": 6, "spectrum": 1, "spin": [1, 7], "state": 6, "tavi": 1, "theori": 7, "unreleas": 0, "us": 5, "usag": 1, "vector": 6, "view": [1, 6]}}) \ No newline at end of file +Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"API reference": [[8, null]], "Added": [[0, "added"], [0, "id4"]], "Algebra ID constants": [[2, "algebra-id-constants"]], "Algebra generator objects": [[2, "algebra-generator-objects"]], "Automated installation using pip": [[5, "automated-installation-using-pip"]], "Changelog": [[0, null]], "Contents": [[4, "contents"]], "Docker images": [[5, "docker-images"]], "Elementary spaces": [[6, "elementary-spaces"]], "Expression factory functions": [[2, "expression-factory-functions"]], "Expression objects": [[2, "expression-objects"]], "Full Hilbert spaces": [[6, "full-hilbert-spaces"]], "Hermitian conjugate placeholder": [[2, "hermitian-conjugate-placeholder"]], "Hilbert space partition": [[6, "hilbert-space-partition"]], "Holstein model": [[1, "holstein-model"]], "Index": [[3, null]], "Index sequence": [[2, "index-sequence"]], "Installation": [[5, null]], "Installation from sources": [[5, "installation-from-sources"]], "Linear operators": [[6, "linear-operators"]], "Mapped views of state vectors": [[6, "mapped-views-of-state-vectors"]], "Matrix representation of linear operators": [[6, "matrix-representation-of-linear-operators"]], "Monomial object": [[2, "monomial-object"]], "N-fermion sector views": [[1, "n-fermion-sector-views"]], "N-fermion sector views of state vectors": [[6, "n-fermion-sector-views-of-state-vectors"]], "Prerequisites": [[5, "prerequisites"]], "Quantum many-body theory": [[7, "quantum-many-body-theory"]], "Quantum optics and quantum dissipation": [[7, "quantum-optics-and-quantum-dissipation"]], "References": [[1, "references"]], "Search": [[9, null]], "Sectors of a multi-orbital interaction Hamiltonian": [[1, "sectors-of-a-multi-orbital-interaction-hamiltonian"]], "Spectrum of Tavis-Cummings model": [[1, "spectrum-of-tavis-cummings-model"]], "Spin lattice models": [[7, "spin-lattice-models"]], "Spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain": [[1, "spin-1-2-heisenberg-chain"]], "Usage examples": [[1, null]], "[0.6.1] - 2021-03-30": [[0, "id3"]], "[0.7.0] - 2021-10-09": [[0, "id2"]], "[0.7.1] - 2021-12-17": [[0, "id1"]], "[0.8.0] - Unreleased": [[0, "unreleased"]], "pycommute": [[4, null]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, null]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, null]], "pycommute.models": [[7, null]]}, "docnames": ["changelog", "examples", "expression_ref", "genindex", "index", "installation", "loperator_ref", "models_ref", "reference", "search"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["changelog.md", "examples.rst", "expression_ref.rst", "genindex.rst", "index.rst", "installation.rst", "loperator_ref.rst", "models_ref.rst", "reference.rst", "search.rst"], "indexentries": {"__add__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__add__", false]], "__add__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__add__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__call__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__call__", false]], "__call__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__call__", false]], "__contains__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__contains__", false]], "__contains__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__contains__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__copy__", false]], "__copy__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__copy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__deepcopy__", false]], "__deepcopy__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__deepcopy__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__eq__", false]], "__eq__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__eq__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__getitem__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__getitem__", false]], "__getitem__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__getitem__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__gt__", false]], "__gt__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__gt__", false]], "__iadd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__iadd__", false]], "__iadd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__iadd__", false]], "__imul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__imul__", false]], "__imul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__imul__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorboson method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorfermion method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.generatorspin method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espaceboson method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espacefermion method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.espacespin method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.mappedbasisviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.mappedbasisviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR.__init__", false]], "__init__() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.__init__", false]], "__isub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__isub__", false]], "__isub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__isub__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__iter__", false]], "__iter__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__iter__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.loperator.basismapper method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.__len__", false]], "__len__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__len__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__lt__", false]], "__lt__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__lt__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC.__mul__", false]], "__mul__() (pycommute.loperator.loperatorr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR.__mul__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.__ne__", false]], "__ne__() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.__ne__", false]], "__neg__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__neg__", false]], "__neg__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__neg__", false]], "__radd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__radd__", false]], "__radd__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__radd__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.generator method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.indices method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.__repr__", false]], "__repr__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__repr__", false]], "__reverse__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__reverse__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__rmul__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__rmul__", false]], "__rmul__() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.__rmul__", false]], "__rsub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__rsub__", false]], "__rsub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__rsub__", false]], "__sub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.__sub__", false]], "__sub__() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.__sub__", false]], "a() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.a", false]], "a_dag() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.a_dag", false]], "add() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.add", false]], "algebra_bit_range() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.algebra_bit_range", false]], "algebra_id (pycommute.expression.generator property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.algebra_id", false]], "algebra_id (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.algebra_id", false]], "anisotropic_heisenberg() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.anisotropic_heisenberg", false]], "basis_state_index() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.basis_state_index", false]], "basismapper (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper", false]], "biquadratic_spin_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.biquadratic_spin_int", false]], "bit_range() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.bit_range", false]], "bose_hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.bose_hubbard_int", false]], "boson (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.BOSON", false]], "c() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.c", false]], "c_dag() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.c_dag", false]], "clear() (pycommute.expression.expressionc method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC.clear", false]], "clear() (pycommute.expression.expressionr method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR.clear", false]], "component (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.component", false]], "conj() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.conj", false]], "dagger (pycommute.expression.generatorboson property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson.dagger", false]], "dagger (pycommute.expression.generatorfermion property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion.dagger", false]], "dim (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.dim", false]], "dim (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.dim", false]], "dispersion() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.dispersion", false]], "dzyaloshinskii_moriya() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.dzyaloshinskii_moriya", false]], "elementaryspace (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace", false]], "espaceboson (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson", false]], "espacefermion (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion", false]], "espacespin (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin", false]], "expressionc (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC", false]], "expressionr (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR", false]], "extended_hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.extended_hubbard_int", false]], "fermion (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.FERMION", false]], "find_connections() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.find_connections", false]], "foreach() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.foreach", false]], "generator (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator", false]], "generatorboson (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson", false]], "generatorfermion (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion", false]], "generatorspin (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin", false]], "has_algebra() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.has_algebra", false]], "hc (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.HC", false]], "hc (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.hc", false]], "heisenberg() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.heisenberg", false]], "hilbertspace (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace", false]], "holstein_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.holstein_int", false]], "hubbard_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.hubbard_int", false]], "index() (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.index", false]], "indices (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.expression.generator property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Generator.indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.expression.indices property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Indices.indices", false]], "indices (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.indices", false]], "inverse_map (pycommute.loperator.basismapper property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.inverse_map", false]], "is_ordered (pycommute.expression.monomial property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.is_ordered", false]], "ising() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.ising", false]], "jaynes_cummings() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.jaynes_cummings", false]], "kanamori_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.kanamori_int", false]], "kondo_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.kondo_int", false]], "loperatorc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorC", false]], "loperatorr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.LOperatorR", false]], "make_boson() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_boson", false]], "make_complex() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_complex", false]], "make_fermion() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_fermion", false]], "make_matrix() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_matrix", false]], "make_space_boson() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_boson", false]], "make_space_fermion() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_fermion", false]], "make_space_partition() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_partition", false]], "make_space_spin() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.make_space_spin", false]], "make_spin() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.make_spin", false]], "map (pycommute.loperator.basismapper property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper.map", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionmultisectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewc method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC.map_index", false]], "map_index() (pycommute.loperator.nfermionsectorviewr method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR.map_index", false]], "mappedbasisviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewC", false]], "mappedbasisviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.MappedBasisViewR", false]], "merge_subspaces() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.merge_subspaces", false]], "module": [[2, "module-pycommute.expression", false], [6, "module-pycommute.loperator", false], [7, "module-pycommute.models", false]], "monomial (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial", false]], "multiplicity (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.multiplicity", false]], "n() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.n", false]], "n_bits (pycommute.loperator.elementaryspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace.n_bits", false]], "n_fermion_multisector_basis_states() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_multisector_basis_states", false]], "n_fermion_multisector_size() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_multisector_size", false]], "n_fermion_sector_basis_states() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_sector_basis_states", false]], "n_fermion_sector_size() (pycommute.loperator method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.n_fermion_sector_size", false]], "n_subspaces (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.n_subspaces", false]], "nfermionmultisectorviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewC", false]], "nfermionmultisectorviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionMultiSectorViewR", false]], "nfermionsectorviewc (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewC", false]], "nfermionsectorviewr (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR", false]], "pairing() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.pairing", false]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, "module-pycommute.expression", false]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, "module-pycommute.loperator", false]], "pycommute.models": [[7, "module-pycommute.models", false]], "quartic_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.quartic_int", false]], "rabi() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.rabi", false]], "s_m() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_m", false]], "s_p() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_p", false]], "s_x() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_x", false]], "s_y() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_y", false]], "s_z() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.S_z", false]], "slater_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.slater_int", false]], "spacepartition (class in pycommute.loperator)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition", false]], "spin (pycommute.expression attribute)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.SPIN", false]], "spin (pycommute.expression.generatorspin property)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin.spin", false]], "spin_boson() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.spin_boson", false]], "spincomponent (class in pycommute.expression)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.SpinComponent", false]], "subspace_bases() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.subspace_bases", false]], "subspace_basis() (pycommute.loperator.spacepartition method)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition.subspace_basis", false]], "swap_generators() (pycommute.expression.monomial method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.Monomial.swap_generators", false]], "t_j_int() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.t_j_int", false]], "tight_binding() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.tight_binding", false]], "total_n_bits (pycommute.loperator.hilbertspace property)": [[6, "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace.total_n_bits", false]], "transform() (pycommute.expression method)": [[2, "pycommute.expression.transform", false]], "zeeman() (in module pycommute.models)": [[7, "pycommute.models.zeeman", false]]}, "objects": {"pycommute": [[2, 0, 0, "-", "expression"], [6, 0, 0, "-", "loperator"], [7, 0, 0, "-", "models"]], "pycommute.expression": [[2, 1, 1, "", "BOSON"], [2, 2, 1, "", "ExpressionC"], [2, 2, 1, "", "ExpressionR"], [2, 1, 1, "", "FERMION"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Generator"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorBoson"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorFermion"], [2, 2, 1, "", "GeneratorSpin"], [2, 2, 1, "", "HC"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Indices"], [2, 2, 1, "", "Monomial"], [2, 1, 1, "", "SPIN"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_m"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_p"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_x"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_y"], [2, 3, 1, "", "S_z"], [2, 2, 1, "", "SpinComponent"], [2, 3, 1, "", "a"], [2, 3, 1, "", "a_dag"], [2, 3, 1, "", "c"], [2, 3, 1, "", "c_dag"], [2, 3, 1, "", "conj"], [2, 1, 1, "", "hc"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_boson"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_complex"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_fermion"], [2, 3, 1, "", "make_spin"], [2, 3, 1, "", "n"], [2, 3, 1, "", "transform"]], "pycommute.expression.ExpressionC": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__add__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iadd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__imul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__isub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__neg__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__radd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rsub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__sub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "clear"]], "pycommute.expression.ExpressionR": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__add__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iadd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__imul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__isub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__neg__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__radd__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rsub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__sub__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "clear"]], "pycommute.expression.Generator": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "algebra_id"], [2, 4, 1, "", "indices"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorBoson": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "dagger"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorFermion": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "dagger"]], "pycommute.expression.GeneratorSpin": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "component"], [2, 4, 1, "", "multiplicity"], [2, 4, 1, "", "spin"]], "pycommute.expression.Indices": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "indices"]], "pycommute.expression.Monomial": [[2, 3, 1, "", "__contains__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__iter__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__mul__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__repr__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__reverse__"], [2, 3, 1, "", "__rmul__"], [2, 4, 1, "", "is_ordered"], [2, 3, 1, "", "swap_generators"]], "pycommute.loperator": [[6, 2, 1, "", "BasisMapper"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceBoson"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceFermion"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ESpaceSpin"], [6, 2, 1, "", "ElementarySpace"], [6, 2, 1, "", "HilbertSpace"], [6, 2, 1, "", "LOperatorC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "LOperatorR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "MappedBasisViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "MappedBasisViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionMultiSectorViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionMultiSectorViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionSectorViewC"], [6, 2, 1, "", "NFermionSectorViewR"], [6, 2, 1, "", "SpacePartition"], [6, 3, 1, "", "foreach"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_matrix"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_boson"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_fermion"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_partition"], [6, 3, 1, "", "make_space_spin"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_multisector_basis_states"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_multisector_size"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_sector_basis_states"], [6, 3, 1, "", "n_fermion_sector_size"]], "pycommute.loperator.BasisMapper": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__call__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__len__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "inverse_map"], [6, 4, 1, "", "map"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceBoson": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceFermion": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ESpaceSpin": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"]], "pycommute.loperator.ElementarySpace": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__eq__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__gt__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__lt__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__ne__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "algebra_id"], [6, 4, 1, "", "indices"], [6, 4, 1, "", "n_bits"]], "pycommute.loperator.HilbertSpace": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__contains__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], 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"", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.NFermionSectorViewR": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "map_index"]], "pycommute.loperator.SpacePartition": [[6, 3, 1, "", "__copy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__deepcopy__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__getitem__"], [6, 3, 1, "", "__init__"], [6, 4, 1, "", "dim"], [6, 3, 1, "", "find_connections"], [6, 3, 1, "", "merge_subspaces"], [6, 4, 1, "", "n_subspaces"], [6, 3, 1, "", "subspace_bases"], [6, 3, 1, "", "subspace_basis"]], "pycommute.models": [[7, 5, 1, "", "anisotropic_heisenberg"], [7, 5, 1, "", "biquadratic_spin_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "bose_hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "dispersion"], [7, 5, 1, "", "dzyaloshinskii_moriya"], [7, 5, 1, "", "extended_hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "heisenberg"], [7, 5, 1, "", "holstein_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "hubbard_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "ising"], [7, 5, 1, "", "jaynes_cummings"], [7, 5, 1, "", "kanamori_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "kondo_int"], [7, 5, 1, "", "pairing"], [7, 5, 1, "", "quartic_int"], [7, 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