This document describes how to build, install and test SPO for development purposes. It is not exhaustive - knowledge of how an operator works is presumed and PRs are always welcome.
Even though SPO is a Kubernetes operator and as such is normally not meant to be used locally, but rather deployed in a cluster from pre-built images, it's often useful to be able to run a quick build or a test on your local machine.
Depending on what OS and version you are developing on and what features you want to build with, you might need to either install extra dependencies or disable features that would require them.
There are currently two optional features at build time
- eBPF based recording
- This feature requires a rather new
which requires a newlibelf
version which in turn requires a newlibz
version. - disable with
- This feature requires a rather new
- AppArmor
- This feature requires apparmor headers and development libraries as well as the
bindings - disable with
- This feature requires apparmor headers and development libraries as well as the
Technically, SELinux is also an optional feature, but since the SELinux functionality itself is offloaded to selinuxd, there's nothing to switch on or off at SPO build time.
If there's any additional optional features, most likely they're going to
be controlled with a similar variable, searching the Makefile for _ENABLED
should find them.
In addition, libseccomp
is a hard dependency, with the only exception being
local builds on macOS, because seccomp is a Linux-only feature. Nonetheless,
for actually deploying the operator, libseccomp
is not optional and whether
to build against seccomp is determined automatically based on the build
To build SPO with all the features simply run:
To disable features, prefix make
with environment variables that deselect them:
SPO uses the Go's testing
library augmented with testify
to provide nicer assertions and counterfeiter
which provides mocks and stubs.
Same as with building SPO, you can use the *_ENABLED
environment variables to disable
functionality you can't test when running the tests locally:
Running unit tests produces a coverage file under build/
. To view it
locally in a browser run:
go tool cover -html=build/coverage.out
See the documentation of go tool cover
for more options like generating
an HTML file or displaying the coverage to stdout.
In order to test error paths or just code paths that rely on something that's
not available for unit tests (e.g. listing pods), SPO generates mock interfaces
using the counterfeiter
library. Let's take a look at the internal/pkg/daemon/enricher
package as
an example of using counterfeiter
The main structure used by the enricher controller is called Enricher
. Note
that any functionality in that package that we want to mock is provided not
directly, but through implementing an interface called impl
type Enricher struct {
impl impl
logger logr.Logger
Both the interface itself and the default implementation (struct defaultImpl
) that the package uses normally is located in impl.go
in the package directory. Note that the structure defaultImpl
has no
members (no state) and all parameters are provided to the methods.
type defaultImpl struct{}
//go:generate go run -generate
//counterfeiter:generate . impl
type impl interface {
ListPods(c *kubernetes.Clientset, nodeName string) (*v1.PodList, error)
func (d *defaultImpl) ListPods(
c *kubernetes.Clientset, nodeName string,
) (*v1.PodList, error) {
return c.CoreV1().Pods("").List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{
FieldSelector: "spec.nodeName=" + nodeName,
The most important part is the go:generate
and counterfeiter:generate
annotations above the interface. These annotations are used by go generate
generate the mocked interfaces. SPO provides a makefile target update-mocks
to regenerate the mocked interfaces.
The last step is to actually use the mocked functions in a test. Here is an example of a
test that makes the ListPods
interface method to return provided pods:
prepare: func(mock *enricherfakes.FakeImpl, lineChan chan *tail.Line) {
mock.ContainerIDForPIDReturns(containerID, nil)
mock.ListPodsReturns(&v1.PodList{Items: []v1.Pod{{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: pod,
Namespace: namespace,
Status: v1.PodStatus{
ContainerStatuses: []v1.ContainerStatus{{
ContainerID: crioPrefix + containerID,
}}}, nil)
The particular steps depend on what features are you interested in testing
(e.g. you can't test SELinux using kind
) and which Kubernetes distribution
are you running, because different distributions might have different ways
of uploading custom images to the cluster.
On a high level, the process is as follows:
- build the images with
make image
- note that you can use a custom
by setting theDOCKERFILE
variable, e.g.DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile.ubi make image
- note that you can use a custom
- make the images available to the cluster. This depends on your cluster
type and environment and might be one of:
- copying the container images and loading them on the nodes in single-cluster environments such as those used by CI (see below for an example of the Vagrant-based tests)
- pushing the images to a registry, either external or internal to the cluster
- ..or anything else, really
- install the operator using the manifests under
, make sure to change the image references to point to your images
For convenience, the Makefile
contains a target called deploy-openshift-dev
deploys SPO in an OpenShift cluster with the appropriate defaults (SELinux is on by default)
and the appropriate settings (no cert-manager needed).
If you modify the code and need to push the images to the cluster again, use the
Makefile target. Because the targets use the ImageStream
of OpenShift, simply pushing the new images will trigger a new rollout of the deployments
and DaemonSets.
At the moment, there's no teardown target provided. At the same time, some custom resources, notably the policies themselves use finalizers which prevent them from being removed if the operator itself is not running anymore. The best way to remove the operator is to remove the policies first, followed by removing the deployment:
kubectl delete sp --all
kubectl delete selinuxprofiles --all
kubectl delete -f deploy/operator.yaml
On OpenShift, delete the OpenShift specific manifest instead after deleting the policies:
oc delete sp --all
oc delete selinuxprofiles --all
oc delete -f deploy/openshift-dev.yaml
During development, it is often useful to debug the e2e tests or run them on another distribution than upstream uses in the GitHub CI workflow.
In general, the e2e test run the test-e2e
target. However,
there is a number of environment variables you might want to fine-tune
to either run only a subset of tests (e.g. only all tests for SELinux,
or conversely do not run any SELinux related tests) or to skip building
and pushing images.
The following environment variables are currently available. For a full and up-to-date overview, see the suite_test.go source file:
- The type of the cluster you are testing against. The currently supported types are:kind
- Run tests against a kind cluster. This is the default as well as used for thepull-security-profiles-operator-test-e2e
prow target in GitHub.vanilla
- Run tests against a vanilla kubernetes cluster. This is used in GitHub Actions CI for Fedora and Ubuntu based e2e tests.openshift
- Red Hat OpenShift.
- Currently used by OpenShift tests only. By default, images are rebuilt before being pushed to the repository. Setting this variable tofalse
disables building the images, which results in faster test iteration.E2E_SPO_IMAGE
- Set to test a custom image. Depending on the value ofE2E_CLUSTER_TYPE
, this variable triggers different behavior:kind
: sincekind
always uses local images that are always built and pushed, just affects the tag of the imagesvanilla
: really just sets the images to testopenshift
: if set, skip pushing images to cluster. Typically, you'd set the value toimage-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/security-profiles-operator:latest
to make sure all tests keep reusing the same image when iterating on test code.
tries to detect ifpodman
is found inPATH
, otherwise defaults todocker
. Set to a different value in case you want to use a totally different container runtime.E2E_TEST_SELINUX
- Whether to run SELinux related tests. This is set to true by default for Fedora based CI, otherwise false.E2E_TEST_LOG_ENRICHER
- Whether to run log enricher e2e tests, which record seccomp or SELinux profiles by tailing theaudit.log
- Whether to run seccomp related e2e tests. Our CI tests the seccomp tests in the kind-based prow target only.E2E_TEST_BPF_RECORDER
- Whether to test recording of seccomp profiles using our eBPF recorder. Currently, enabled for Fedora only.
Some e2e tests, especially the SELinux based ones require a VM, because the tests need a kernel with SELinux support. Let's show how to run the Fedora-based e2e tests locally and how to debug SPO at the same time. Having vagrant installed is a prerequisite. This section more-or-less follows the github CI workflow, just in greater detail.
Note that the vagrant based tests only rebuild the SPO image if the file
does not exist. When changing the SPO code, make sure to remove
the file manually. Also note that the tests themselves are executed on the
vagrant machine itself from within the /vagrant
directory, so changing
the test source files on your machine while the machine is up won't have
any effect. Either rsync the files to the vagrant machine, edit the files
on the VM or simply re-provision it.
First, let's set up the vagrant machine, making sure the image will be rebuilt:
rm -f image.tar
make vagrant-up-fedora
This will run for a fair bit and provision a new single-node cluster running
Fedora and load the image.tar
that contains the SPO image to the local
container storage. Next, export the RUN
environment variable and try
interacting with the cluster:
export RUN=./hack/ci/
$RUN kubectl get pods -A
To run all the tests, execute:
$RUN hack/ci/
As said above, the $RUN
commands are executed on the VM itself, so in order
to change what tests are executed change the
file on the VM:
vagrant ssh
vi /vagrant/hack/ci/
Or just vagrant ssh
into the machine and run commands and edit files
there. You can also use the RUN
prefix to run any commands, e.g. to get
the SPO logs:
$RUN kubectl logs deploy/security-profiles-operator -nsecurity-profiles-operator
The fastest build-test loop on an OpenShift cluster is to push the SPO images
using make push-openshift-dev
after each change to the SPO code and then
run the selected tests, e.g. to only run SELinux tests:
E2E_SPO_IMAGE=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/security-profiles-operator:latest \
E2E_CLUSTER_TYPE=openshift \
make test-e2e
As noted above, three different distributions are supported in our e2e tests at the time of the writing. To add a new distribution to the e2e tests, on a high level, this needs to be done:
- Create a structure representing the new distribution. This structure must
at minimum embed the
structure plus any additional distribution specific state. Thee2e
structure itself embeds theSuite
structure fromtestify
which provides setup and teardown methods and some functions e.g. for executing a command on the nodes or waiting that the cluster is ready. As an example, OpenShift uses theoc debug
command to execute commands on nodes and doesn't wait for the cluster being ready at all, but instead lets the user of the test suite to provision the cluster. In comparison, thekind
test driver usesdocker
to execute commands on "nodes" and waits for all pods in all namespaces before running the tests. - Instantiate the structure in the switch-case statement in
The AppArmor functionality is conditionally built based on a compilation tag,
to enable it an environment variable APPARMOR_ENABLED
must be used and set to
. By default, this is set to false
APPARMOR_ENABLED=true make image
A full process of building, pushing it to a registry and deploying it into a cluster:
export IMAGE=<registry-and-image-name>:<label>
APPARMOR_ENABLED=true make image
docker push "${IMAGE}"
make deploy
kubectl -n $SPO_NS patch spod spod --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"enableAppArmor":true}}'
kubectl -n $SPO_NS patch deploy security-profiles-operator --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name":"security-profiles-operator", "image": "'$IMAGE'"}]}}}}'
kubectl apply -f examples/apparmorprofile.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/pod-apparmor.yaml