François Protais, Maxence Reberol, Nicolas Ray, Etienne Corman, Franck Ledoux and Dmitry Sokolov
Computer-Aided Design (Proceedings of SPM 2022)
This repository gives the code of the paper Robust Quantization for Polycube-Maps with some other tools for hexmeshing with polycube. I provide 5 binaries with libs you can link to. Let's first introduce polycube pipeline to give some context:
I consider the polycube pipeline as 5 steps: we start from a domain
takes a domain and generates a basic flagging;rb_generate_deformation
takes a domain and a flagging and generates a bijective polycuboid;- Along with 4. is the main contribution of Robust Quantization for Polycube-Maps, we provide a single executable doing both:
takes a domain, a flagging, and a polycuboid, with optionnaly a scaling and generate the corresponding hexmesh;rb_perform_postprocessing
takes the a domain and an hexmesh, and perfoms a pillowing and some smoothing to generate a higher quality hexmesh.
We as well provide rb_fromscratch
that takes a domain and perfoms step 1. to 5..
In the following we present how to build the project, precise every binary, detail some external things that can be linked for debug or better quantization, give classic failure cases, and the talk about interesting future works.
git clone --recurse-submodules &&
cd robustPolycube &&
mkdir build &&
cd build &&
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. &&
make -j
We split our code into several binaries to help testing specific method. We use the Medit format (.mesh) as an example. For the supported IO mesh formats, see ultimaille.
The code takes a surface or a volume and compute a basic flagging: every boundary triangles is given a flagging as the axis closest to its exterior normal. The corresponding code is in bin/generate_flagging.cpp
./rb_generate_flagging ../mesh/B0.mesh B0.flag
The flagging is an int per facet as 0 -> 5, {+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z}, -1 is no flagging.
If B0.mesh
is a volume, B0.flag
contains an int for each cell's facet of tetrahedron. For the numbering of the facets, I use the following vertex numbering {1,2,3}, {0,3,2}, {0,1,3}, {0,2,1}
(ultimaille convention).
If B0.mesh
is a surface, B0.flag
contains an int for each facet.
The code takes a surface or a volume with a flagging and computes a bijective(tries at least) polycuboid: points on a boundary triangle will have the same coordinate in the flag value. The corresponding code is in bin/flagged_deformation.cpp
./rb_generate_deformation ../mesh/B0.mesh B0.flag B0_remesh.mesh B0_remesh.flag B0_polycuboid.mesh
If B0.flag
is a surface, B0_remesh.flag
will be the corresponding volume.
/!\ For volume, we still perfom a remesh of the input mesh to ensure that it stays bijective. It is definitely sub-otpimal, see Failure cases and Future works.
is the the polycuboid of B0_remesh.mesh
with flagging B0_remesh.flag
. B0_remesh.flag
and B0.flag
are exactly equivalent.
The code takes a volume with a flagging and polycuboid, with a element sizing, and extract an Hexmesh as detailled in Robust Quantization for Polycube-Maps. The corresponding code is in bin/extract_mesh_from_deformation.cpp
./rb_generate_quantization B0_remesh.mesh B0_remesh.flag B0_polycuboid.mesh 1. B0_hexmesh.mesh
The "1." is the element sizing. It is a ratio compared to B0_remesh.mesh
edge size. 1: hexmesh edge are the same, 0.1 smaller, 10 bigger. Smaller will lead to finer hexmesh, bigger to a coarser hexmesh.
is the corresponding Hexmesh.
The code takes a volume with an hexmesh and add a pillowing layer to the hexmesh, and then tries to smooth the result. The corresponding code is in bin/perform_postprocessing.cpp
./rb_perform_postprocessing B0_remesh.mesh B0_hexmesh.mesh B0_hexmesh_improved.mesh
and B0_hexmesh_improved.mesh
must match for the boundary smoothing. This code can be standalone and can be used with any input Hexmesh.
is the resulting hexmesh.
The code takes a volume or surface and perfom the whole pipeline. The corresponding code is in bin/fullprocess.cpp
./rb_fromscratch B0.mesh 1. B0_hexmesh.mesh
The "1." is the element sizing. To test flagging in an easy way, you can add B0.flag
as a 4th argument.
The perfomed code is equivalent to:
./rb_generate_flagging ../mesh/B0.mesh B0.flag
./rb_generate_deformation ../mesh/B0.mesh B0.flag B0_remesh.mesh B0_remesh.flag B0_polycuboid.mesh
./rb_generate_quantization B0_remesh.mesh B0_remesh.flag B0_polycuboid.mesh 1. B0_inhexmesh.mesh
./rb_perform_postprocessing B0_remesh.mesh B0_inhexmesh.mesh B0_hexmesh.mesh
With first line ignored if flagging is given as input.
Binaries only handles IO and calls Libs in lib/
. I do not detail here, but they should be easy to use. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question on how to do it, I would be very happy to help :)
coming soon...
For the moment, the quantization is very sensible on invalid boundary flagging (but robust to flipped tetrahedra). There is 2 types of defect:
- Locally incoherent flagging, invalid charts
Note that it can happen with only 1 poorly flagged triangle, that will break our block extraction and give some strange result. I'll try to implement some cleaning procedure to reduce those problems.
- Globally incoherent flagging
The green path on the image will need to be higher than itself, which makes the block extraction impossible. This is actually quite difficult to fix. They try to do it here.
coming soon...
- Ovelaps in input polycuboid:
- Improved voxelisation
- Deformation that is only injective, without tetgen (add exiting normal constraints)
- Check that function are actually compatible
- Improve flagging: link with other works or graphcut?
- Custom integer solver to remove MILP solvers
- Make some selective padding and improving smoothing
- Splitting potentially bad tets: something similar to this, but more efficient
- Finish incomplete functions
- Improve handling graphite and LinearSolver
- add a HexEx alternative for comparison