RestKit was originally developed in the summer of 2009 under the name OTRestFramework as a Ruby on Rails specific object mapper for XML data. In early 2010 the framework was rebranded as RestKit and evolved into a general purpose HTTP toolkit and object mapping system.
RestKit is a production of Two Toasters and available as an Open Source package under the terms of the Apache License (see LICENSE for details).
- Blake Watters (blakewatters) @blakewatters
- Jeremy Ellison (jeremyellison)
- Daniel Hammond (danielrhammond)
- Jeff Arena (jeffarena)
- Adit Shukla (aditshukla)
- Marc Weil (aspir)
- Pat Shields (pashields)
- Tim Kerchmar (timkerchmar)
- Rachit Shukla (rachitshukla)
- Adam Hinz (ahinz)
- Stefan Eletzhofer (seletz)