An XSS vulnerability allows pasting untrusted data into the rich text editor to execute arbitrary code.
Currently, HTML pasted into the rich text editor is not sanitized (or not sanitized properly). As such, the onload
attribute of pasted images can execute arbitrary code. Because the TinyMCE editor frame does not use the sandbox
attribute, such scripts can access NodeJS's require
through the top
variable. From this, an attacker can run arbitrary commands.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Select this text & copy it with ctrl+C</h1>
document.oncopy = evt => {
evt.clipboardData.setData('text/html', `Evil image: <img onload="document.body.innerHTML += top.require('child_process').exec('ls -la', (err, stdout) => {document.body.innerText = stdout})" src=""/>`);
- Open a page with the above HTML in a web browser.
- Select the heading and copy it
- Paste it into Joplin's rich text editor.
This is an XSS vulnerability that impacts anyone who pastes untrusted data into the rich text editor.
An XSS vulnerability allows pasting untrusted data into the rich text editor to execute arbitrary code.
Currently, HTML pasted into the rich text editor is not sanitized (or not sanitized properly). As such, the
attribute of pasted images can execute arbitrary code. Because the TinyMCE editor frame does not use thesandbox
attribute, such scripts can access NodeJS'srequire
through thetop
variable. From this, an attacker can run arbitrary commands.PoC
This is an XSS vulnerability that impacts anyone who pastes untrusted data into the rich text editor.