First of all, thank you for your interest in contributing to our documentation. We appreciate your help in making Enscale not only a better hosting platform but a well-documented one as well.
Enscale docs is licensed under LGPL v3.0., your contribution will be covered under this license as well.
Before contributing, please read and agree to our contributor license agreement (it takes a few seconds to load, sorry about that) If the agreement is not accepted before contribution attempt, you will be asked to accept on your first pull request to us. Unfortunately we cannot accept contributions from users who haven't signed the CLA.
Generally articles should fit in one of the already existing chapters of the documentation, new articles can be created by adding a new folder in the respective directory.
The order articles appear in a section is determined by the number of the directory. If there are multiple numbered directories in the folder already, please either give a consecutive number to your new article or leave it without and we will order it for you.
In case you believe a new chapter or subchapter should be added to the documentation, please create your article under one of the existing chapters and in the comment section indicate the proposed new chapter/subchapter name.
Enscale docs articles uses markdown, so formatting should be pretty straight-forward. In addition to this we use anchor tags, so you can create internal links to a specific heading by referencing the directory path to your article and appending the hearer with an #.
Example for internal link:
[text you want to link](/../environments/access/access-via-ssh#add-your-ssh-key)
Images need to be uploaded to the article's directory, then they can be referenced in the article.
There are two ways to contribute to our documentation, edit an existing article, or create a new article.
- Go to the article you wish to edit in and click "Edit this page".
- Click the edit icon - this will fork the project and allow you to edit the article directly in GitHub
- Click "Propose changes"
- Create a pull request.
- Go to the Enscale-docs git repository
- Click "Add new file" - this will fork the project and allow you to edit the article directly in GitHub
- Name the file and write your article.
- Click "Propose new file" when done.
- Create a pull request.
Please keep the allow modification box ticked so we can make minor corrections if required. We may reach out to you regarding the article before merging it into docs, else you will be notified automatically once the article is merged.
We will attempt to reach out personally to relay our thanks for your contribution, but should this not happen in a timely manner, please know that we appreciate your work and are grateful for your help.
Should you have any questions about contributing, don't hesitate to email