I've recently discovered this website called codewars, where I can train my skills in a variety of programming language by either completing programming challenges called kata, or writing them. I got instantly hooked, and joined codewars on June 10, 2021. This repo contains every solution I've submitted to codewars, as well as community best practice, and the basic test cases to verify the solution. At this moment, every solution is written in Python, and I hope I could write solutions in many languages sooner than later.
If you're interested, you could also # for codewars. Note that, the link on the left is the one and only shameless referral link in this repo, unlike the other clean links for codewars in this repo. I believe I gain nothing other than the useless Honor point, if you # via the referral link. Also, you could try it without signing up/in.
The following table is sorted by the date I submitted my initial solution, from the earliest to the latest. All dates are in YY.MM.DD format, and the solution column is also sorted from the earliest to the latest (the leftmost one being the earliest). For an alphabetically sorted table, or the details of each kata, check kata.md.