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Computer Process Organization

lab2 - Computational process management

basic info

  • laboratory work number : PLMM
  • variant description : Futures with worker pool
  • list of group members : Liu Jun ; Wang Xin Yue


  • contribution summary for each group member (should be checkable by git log and git blame);
    • Liu Jun Complete Thread Pool Executor and related interfaces and test
    • Wang Xin Yue Complete FutureTask and related interfaces
    • Together to Complete


Developing concurrent applications is hard. Today widely spread approach to do this is the future – a high-level interface for asynchronously executing functions or methods. As an example, you can see concurrent.futures in standard Python library.

In this variant, you should implement your library for futures.


  1. All futures should be executed in a global worker pool.

  2. The execution strategy:

    • execute futures in a results request sequence (if results already requested);
    • execute futures in a submission sequence (if results are not requested yet).
  3. Futures should provide the following API:

    • IsDone() – return True if future evaluation is complete;
    • InProgress() – return True if future evaluated right now;
    • Result(timeout=None)
      • return the future execution result (if the future is done);
      • raise the exception (if the future is done and raise an exception);
      • block until future is done (if the timeout is None and future is not done);
      • raise TimeoutError after timeout (if the timeout is not None and the future is not done).
    • Cancel() – cancel a future (if the future not executed).
  4. To proof correctness, you should use unit tests.

  5. To proof a concurrent execution and execution strategy, you should demonstrate it on examples. If you can check it by automatic unit tests

– it will be preferred.

work demonstration

IFuture is usually used in conjunction with the thread pool to obtain the return value after the thread pool returns to execution. We assume that the IExecutors factory method is used to construct a thread pool es. There are two ways for es to perform a task. One is to execute es.execute (runnable), in which case there is no return value; the other is to execute es .submit (runnale) or es.submit (callable), this case will return a Future object, and then call Future's get () to get the return value.

public interface IFuture<V> {

    boolean isDone();
    boolean isCancelled();
    boolean cancel();

    V get();
    V get(long timeout) throws TimeoutException;
  • IFuture is an interface.
    • By calling Future's get () method, a result value can be returned when the task is over. If the work is not over, the current thread will be blocked until the task is completed.
    • For tasks, if the task has been stopped, the cancel () method will return true; if the task has completed or has been stopped or the task cannot be stopped, then cancel () will return a false. When a task is successfully stopped, he cannot perform it again.
    • The isDone () and```isCancel ()`` methods can determine whether the current job is completed and cancelled.
public class IFutureTask<V> implements IRunnableFuture<V>
  • IFutureTask implements the IRunnableFuture interface
public class IThreadPoolExecutor<T> extends IExecutorService {

    public synchronized void execute(Runnable runnable) {...}

    class Worker implements Runnable {...}

    private volatile boolean RUNNING = true;

    private static BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = null;
    private final HashSet<Worker> workers = new HashSet<Worker>();
    private final List<Thread> threadList = new ArrayList<Thread>();

    int poolSize = 0;
    volatile int coreSize = 0;
    boolean shutdown = false;

    public IThreadPoolExecutor(int poolSize) {...}

    public void addThread(Runnable runnable) {...}

    public void shutdown() {...}

  • work demonstration (how to use developed software, how to test it), should be repeatable by an instructor by given command-line examples;