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This document presents a quick tour to the WebDiagrams library.


WebDiagrams is a extensible and powerfull client-side Javascript library created to allow the drawing and manipulation of node-and-link diagrams (with super nodes), such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD), mental maps, simple graphs, among others. A super node is a node that can contains other nodes (e.g. packages, activity diagram partitions etc.).

Main Design And Usage Requirements

The WebDiagrams library has been developed having in mind some design requirements and usage purposes:

  • A diagram is not the same as a model. The former is just a 'view' of the latter. This way, a UML class model may have different UML class diagrams. As an example, one of the class diagrams may show classes only as a rectangle (hiding attributes and operations) and their relationships. Another class diagram may show details (attributes and operations) for each class. Changes to a model are propagated to all related diagrams. Changes to a diagram may be restrict to the diagram itself (e.g. changes to graphical positioning) or may impact the related model (e.g. model exclusion of a class attribute). The library must support both models and diagrams;
  • The library must be extensible to any node-and-link model/diagram;
  • The library must be compatible with different drawing technologies, such as SVG and canvas;
  • The library must allow look-and-feel customizations for any of the drawing technologies;
  • As the library has been planned to be used in a multi-user synchronized online Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool, it must implement the Observer design pattern in order to inform a server or receive updates from a server when a model changes;


Aiming at fulfilling the aforementioned design and usage requirements, the library was organized in components, as described next.

│                  WebDiagrams Structure                   │
│                                                          │
│  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
│  │          Specific Metamodels and Drawers           │  │
│  │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │  │
│  │ │               UML Class Diagram                │ │  │
|  | | ┌───────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┐ | |  |
|  | | | Metamodel | |            Drawer            | | |  |
|  | | └───────────┘ └──────────────────────────────┘ | |  |
│  │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │  │
|  |                         ...                        |  |
│  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  │
|  ┌───────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────────┐  |
|  |               | |  Graphics Primitives Metamodel   |  |
|  |               | └──────────────────────────────────┘  |
|  | Node-and-Link | ┌──────────────────────────────────┐  |
|  |    Generic    | |    Graphics Primitives Drawer    |  |
|  |   Metamodel   | |        ┌───────────────┐         |  |
|  |               | |        | Look and Feel |         |  |
|  |               | |        └───────────────┘         |  |
|  └───────────────┘ └──────────────────────────────────┘  |

Node-and-Link Generic Metamodel

The Node-and-Link Generic Metamodel (NLGM) implements a very generic metamodel that can be used to represent any node-and-link model/diagram - and many other things as well. It uses the Composite design pattern to represent nested elements. The following class diagram shows the components of this metamodel.

The Element class is the base class for all metamodel elements. It contains the basic attributes of all elements: name and type. The most basic type of element is the value element (VElement). It simply adds values to the basic element definition. It can store one or more values. A value can be a String, a Number, an object, or any other valid value. A composed element (CElement) can have other composed elements or value elements. It contains utility methods to find its children by type, name etc.

As an example, a class diagram may be represented by a composed element (CElement) that contains other CElement, representing classes. A class may use value elements to represent its direct properties (is final? is abstract? etc.) and other composed elements to represent attributes and methods.

Graphics Primitives Metamodel

The Graphics Primitives Metamodel (GPM) implements graphics primitives such as rectangles, circles, ellipses, lines, diamonds, texts, as well as groups of elements such as vertical groups. This component does not draw primitives but only stores information for drawing (position, dimension, content etc.). When the GPM changes, it notifies listeners about the changes. These listeners must be implemented by the Graphics Primitives Drawer (GPD), described next.

Graphics Primitives Drawer

The Graphics Primitives Drawer (GPD) implements a drawer using a specific technology (SVG, canvas or other). It creates GPM primitives and implements listeners to change the graphical representation when GPM elements change.

Graphics Primitives Drawer

The Graphics Primitives Drawer (GPD) implements a drawer using a specific technology (SVG, canvas or other). It creates GPM primitives and implements listeners to change the graphical representation when GPM elements change. The primitives drawing is based factories (Factory design pattern) on strategies (Strategy design pattern). A drawer implements a look-and-feel and defines a factory of strategies - each strategy knows how to draw a specific primitive for the look-and-feel.

Specific Metamodels and Drawers

The Specific Metamodels and Drawers (SMD) implements specific node-and-link diagrams metamodels and drawers. Each node-and-link diagram implements a metamodel built upon the generic metamodel. In addition to the model information, a node-and-link diagram contains information about each element position and dimension. The graphics-related information is inherited from some basic node-and-link diagram classes (from the NLGM). As the model information is implemented through the delegate pattern, implemented with an association, the same model may be associated with different diagrams.