is a 42 project covering linear algebra.
⚠️ This guide assumes you have watched or are watching the awesome Essence of Linear Algebra series by 3Blue1Brown.Moreover, it will mostly focus on the linear algebra part of the project, and less on the specificities of Rust or other implementation details.
- Exercises 🏋🏻
- 00 - Add, Subtract and Scale 🔣
- 01 - Linear combination 🔗
- 02 - Linear interpolation 1️⃣
- 03 - Dot product 🎯
- 04 - Norm 📏
- 05 - Cosine 📐
- 06 - Cross product ✖️
- 07 - Matrix multiplication ✖️
- 08 - Trace ➕
- 09 - Transpose 🔄
- 10 - Row echelon form 📉
- 11 - Determinant 📊
- 12 - Inverse 🔁
- 13 - Rank 📈
- 14 - Bonus: Projection matrix 📽️
- 15 - Bonus: Complex vector spaces 🧙
- Resources 📖
fn add(&mut self, v: &Matrix<K>); fn sub(&mut self, v: &Matrix<K>); fn scl(&mut self, a: K);Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
This exercise is pretty straightforward:
- The addition and subtraction can only be done with matrices of the same shape, and is the result of adding or subtracting each element of the first matrix with the corresponding element of the second matrix.
- The scaling depends on a scalar, and is the result of multiplying each element of the matrix by the scalar.
fn linear_combination(u: &[Vector<K>], coefs: &[K]) -> Vector<K>;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
Linear combination is the result of adding the result of multiplying each vector by its corresponding coefficient.
For example, the linear combination of the vectors
fn lerp(u: V, v: V, t: f32) -> V;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
Interpolating two numbers
For example,
With vectors, it is easier to visualize. Finding the linear interpolation between two vectors
- Drawing an imaginary line between the extremities of the vectors.
- Finding the point that is
percent between the two extremities. - Create a vector that points to there.
Find the formula for the linear interpolation of two numbers in the GIF!
If you implemented well the previous exercises, this one should be a piece of cake: just overload the operators with your functions!
💡 Rust's syntax can sometimes be a pain, so here is a tip:
fn lerp< V: std::fmt::Display + std::ops::Add<Output = V> + std::ops::Sub<Output = V> + std::ops::Mul<f32, Output = V> >Basically tells "this function will take any custom type
, as long as it implementsDisplay
(to print it),Add
and aMul
that takes af32
and returns aV
With all these tips, you should be able to implement lerp
in one line!
fn dot(&self, v: Vector<K>) -> K;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The dot product of two vectors is the weighted sum of the elements of the vectors.
For example:
fn norm_1(&self) -> f32; fn norm(&self) -> f32; fn norm_inf(&self) -> f32;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The norms to implement are:
norm: (also called the Taxicab norm or Manhattan norm) - Definition: the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the vector.
- Geometrically: the distance traveled if you can only move along the axes.
norm: or (also called the Euclidean norm) - Definition: the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements of the vector.
- Geometrically: the length of the vector.
norm: (also called the supremum norm or uniform norm) - Definition: the maximum absolute value of the elements of the vector.
Geometrically: the maximum distance traveled along one axis. For example, if your vector travels 3 units along
and 4 units along the , the norm would be 4.
fn angle_cos<K>(u: &Vector<K>, v: &Vector<K>) -> f32;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The cosine of the angle between two vectors is their dot product, divided by the product of their norms. Simple.
As the subject says, "use the functions you wrote during the two previous exercises".
fn cross_product(u: &Vector<K>, v: &Vector<K>) -> Vector<K>;
The cross product of two vectors outputs a vector that is perpendicular to the plane formed by the two vectors.
For example:
Here the two vectors form the
The cross product is only defined for two
However, it has other interesting properties, have a look at the Cross product video of the Essence of Linear Algebra series.
fn mul_vec(&self, vec: Vector<K>) -> Vector<K>; fn mul_mat(&self, mat: Matrix<K>) -> Matrix<K>;Maximum time complexity:
for mul_vec
, with a matrix of shapeand a vector of length . for mul_mat
, with a matrix of shapeand a matrix of shape . Maximum space complexity:
for mul_vec
.for mul_mat
Matrix multiplication can be done either with a vector, or with another matrix.
For a matrix
Each element of the resulting vector is multiplied by the corresponding column of the matrix, and then summed.
Here is a visual representation of the matrix-vector multiplication, from the Essence of linear algebra series. Watch the full video.
For a matrix
Each column of the resulting matrix is the result of the matrix-vector multiplication of the matrix
It would not be wise to give you more than this explanation, so once again, watch the full video mentioned above, and make sure you get a good grasp of the concept.
💡 Depending on your implementation, it might be a good choice to implement the transpose operation now, instead of when you reach ex09.
fn trace(&self) -> K;Maximum time complexity :
The trace of a square matrix is the sum of the elements of its main diagonal.
For example:
Pretty simple, right?
It is a component of more complex, interesting concepts, check out this video for more information.
fn transpose(&self) -> Matrix<K>;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The transpose of a matrix can be seen as mirroring it, along the main diagonal for a square matrix.
It can also be seen as the result of swapping the rows and columns of the matrix.
Implementing it is simply two nested loops, swapping the elements of the matrix.
fn row_echelon(&self) -> Matrix<K>;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The row echelon form (
- The first non-zero element of each row is
. - The first non-zero element of each row is to the right of the first non-zero element of the row above.
Its main use case is solving systems of linear equations. Let's say you have the following system:
You can write it as an augmented matrix:
And its
This means that:
Third row:
, therefore . -
Second row:
, then , so . -
First row:
, then , so .
What we just did is called back substitution.
This explanation can be a bit shallow, so if you are still confused, take a look at this video.
Now, how to get to the
- Find the first row with a non-zero element in the first column.
- If it is not the first row, swap it with the first row.
- Keep track of what is called the pivot element (the first non-zero element of the row). It will increase by one at each iteration.
- For each row below the current one, subtract a multiple of the current row to make the elements below the pivot zero.
- Repeat the process for the next row.
Implementing this as code is a very complex task, so I suggest you look at the Rosetta Code page to wrap your head around it and get some inspiration.
fn determinant(&self) -> K;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
Matrices are more than rows and columns, they correspond to geometric linear transformations.
A matrix changes the space it operates in.
For example, it can rotate, scale, or shear it, and thus, affect any object in this space (e.g. a vector).
The determinant of a matrix is a scalar that represents how much the matrix increases/reduces the space it operates in.
If a matrix scales everything by a factor of
Once again, 3Blue1Brown has a great video on the subject, check it out here.
For a 2x2 matrix, the determinant is calculated as follows:
For a 3x3 matrix:
It would be a bit tedious to implement a function for each case as the subject asks, so I suggest you implement a general function that can calculate the determinant of any square matrix.
Do you see the pattern here?
The determinant of a 3x3 matrix is calculated by:
- Taking each element
of the first row. - Multiplying it by the determinant of the matrix that remains when you remove the
row and the column.
This is called the Laplace expansion.
Recursively, you can calculate the determinant of any square matrix.
fn inverse(&self) -> Result<Matrix::<K>, _>;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The inverse of a matrix is the matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, gives the identity matrix.
Remember that matrices exist to represent transformations.
In simpler terms, the inverse of a matrix is the matrix that "undoes" the original transformation.
Example: if a matrix scales everything by a factor of
, its inverse will scale everything by a factor of .
There is a very cool method to calculate the inverse of a matrix, using calculations similar to the determinant's, but it is of time complexity
Click here if you are curious about it.
So, we will implement another one, that leverages the Gauss-Jordan elimination method, already implemented in ex10.
This method consists of augmenting the matrix with its identity matrix, and applying the reduced row echelon form method to the augmented matrix.
💡 The reduced row echelon form is a more restrictive set of the row echelon form, with an additional rule of having only zeros in the same column as the pivot 1's.
For example:
is in row echelon form, but not in reduced row echelon form.
Let's say we have the following matrix:
We augment it with its identity matrix (a zero-ed matrix of same shape, with ones on the main diagonal):
And apply the reduced row echelon form method to it:
The right side of the augmented matrix is the inverse of the original matrix. We only have to extract it!
fn rank(&self) -> usize;Maximum time complexity :
Maximum space complexity :
The rank of a matrix indicates how "compressed" space is after the transformation.
For example, if a matrix takes a 3D space and compresses it to a 2D space, its rank will be
Watch this video (3Blue1Brown again) to have a visual representation of the rank.
We can compute the rank of a matrix by counting the number of non-zero rows in its reduced row echelon form.
Let's say we have the following
The rank of this matrix would be
fn projection(fov: f32, ratio: f32, near: f32, far: f32) -> Matrix<f32>;
The projection matrix is a matrix that transforms a 3D space into a 2D space, as seen from a camera.
Remember that the initial purpose of matrices is precisely to represent transformations, including mapping 3D space into 2D space.
Computer graphics can be really tricky, but luckily OpenGL has some documentation that can help us, see the OpenGL Projection Matrix page.
I recommend you read it thoroughly, as they will explain everything better and more accurately than here.
Based on the fov
, ratio
, near
and far
parameters, they provide the following projection matrix (see here):
However, the subject indicates that we do not have the right
and top
values, but we can calculate them using the fov
and ratio
Once again, the documentation helps us with that:
⚠️ Thefov
has to be converted from degrees to radians.
Now that we have all necessary values, we can calculate the projection matrix!
This last bonus is not really an exercise, and it is a matter of having implemented all the previous exercises with a generic type K
Once again, play with Rust's traits to implement the operations for complex numbers.
💡 To make the
part easier, you can simply keep a Complex number without converting it tof32
, setting the imaginary part to 0.
- 📺 YouTube − The Lp Norm for Vectors and Functions
- 📖 Wikipedia − Cross product (Matrix notation)
- 📺 YouTube − Gaussian Elimination (helps to understand the point of REF)
- 📖 Rosetta Code − Reduced row echelon form
📺 YouTube − Finding the Inverse of a 3 x 3 Matrix using Determinants and Cofactors (
time complexity) - 📺 YouTube − Inverse Matrix Using Gauss-Jordan / Row Reduction
- 📖 OpenGL − Projection Matrix