Modern-day web browsers are pretty standardized and come with a certain guarantee that if a web page works in one browser, it will work in another web browser too except for a few minor cases. However, this is not true for email clients yet.
The developer community is thus aligned to certain tricks and hacks to make sure that emails sent are properly rendered by these different email clients. There is no such package that solves this problem of creating responsive emails easily which can also handle cross browsers and clients compatibility issues.
The end goal will be to implement a Reach-based component and utility methods-based lightweight library to provide a common interface for email building that users can install and use to build clean and responsive emails easily.
Using NPM
npm install @leopardslab/react-email
Using Yarn
yarn add @leopardslab/react-email
The idea of a React Component Library for Emails is not novel. There have been other implementations around for a while and we were inspired a lot by these solutions and many other generic Component Libraries. Following are a few of the amazing other implementations.
We try to be the community backed up-to-date solution one can depend on and contribute back, request features & seek help.