turn to darkent repository for futher pruning and quantize, but without fp16(half precision) path.
A Darknet branch modified to FP16 excution.
No weights file uploaded.
Run with ./darknet TL predict tiny
in which predict could be valid/predic16/valid16 and nets could be whoever with both cfg
and weights
Original args still available.
Now the nets are:
- alexnet
- mobilenet
- resnet50
- squeezenet
- tiny
- vgg16
argvs to simplify the execution
fixed the mobilenet -O0 NaN bug with
variance[f] = (variance[f] < 0) ? 0 : variance[f];
jliu added a entire F16 datapath, I tested and debuged net above
move all weights file in ./weights and all cfg file in ./cfg
specialized path for mobilenet/squeezenet whos converted form caffe (uses caffe lables)
now added a compressed sparse row storage method in connected layers
added a feature map pruning, with Makefile PRUNE control to test the dynamic feature map pruning paper here
GPU Dynamic Pruning test
Quantization test
- see this issue for -O0 compile of YOLOv3
convert from here
validating on ImageNet
you should build you image database as
./darknet classifier valid cfg/imgenet1k.data squeezenet.cfg squeezenet_darknetformat.weights