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Releases: libgdx/gdx-liftoff "The All-Seeing iOS"

10 Mar 04:40
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This release only particularly matters for iOS, since it fixes a few bugs that went into the last release relating to iOS deployment. The default version is now 0.0.1 instead of 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT; the latter isn't allowed by the App Store. Some assets were fixed on iOS so they aren't empty at creation time. Unrelated, the websocket-related libraries are now up-to-date. This release still uses libGDX 1.9.13 despite being in the 1.9.14.x line of gdx-liftoff; 1.9.13 just has far fewer severe bugs.

Thanks again to @JojoIce and @auraxangelic for their patience and help with the many iOS debugging hurdles here. "Fourteen Going On Thirteen"

07 Mar 08:32
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This release mostly includes iOS fixes, including a beta-quality fix for #39 (this may be done, and testing this fix is part of the reason for this release) and a fully-complete fix for #40 . It also defaults to using libGDX 1.9.13, even though libGDX 1.9.14 and 1.9.15-SNAPSHOT can still be selected from the Advanced tab, and even though this is part of the 1.9.14.x line of gdx-liftoff. I just don't want to encourage people to use libGDX 1.9.14; it's too buggy and 1.9.13 has approximately the same feature-set. Gradle is updated to 6.8.3 here, and a few libraries have also been updated, like Guacamole, ShapeDrawer, and vis-ui (technically vis-ui was downgraded to be compatible with 1.9.13). I hope the 14-to-13 thing isn't too confusing, and I'm fairly confident this should work on all target platforms now, including iOS. Big thanks to @JojoIce for being so patient with the iOS issues. "Out With The Old, In With The New"

05 Feb 23:04
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No more JCenter! Chuck it in the bin. It's shutting down in less than 3 months.

Update to the newest Vis-UI! This fixes some longstanding issues in the file picker, and I also added support for viewing/selecting hidden folders if your Android SDK is there, for example.

That's about it. I fixed a typo in the layout, I guess. The Vis-UI changes should be very useful for people who have their Android SDK installed by Android Studio on Windows, where it defaults to being inside a hidden folder. "The Steel Wheel Rolls Onward"

03 Feb 04:42
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Most of this release can be summed up as "updating to match all the stuff @MrStahlfelge did since last month," including the major improvements to controllers. There's also the libGDX 1.9.14 minor update by default, Gradle 6.8.1 by default, and the option to use Basis Universal textures thanks to @metaphore . There's several other updates to libraries and I know I'm missing some in this summary. There's quite likely some kinds of issues in the gdx-controllers setup here because of the change from the unofficial gdx-controllerutils to the official gdx-controllers, so check the instructions at gdx-controllers if you have issues. "Assuming Direct Control"

02 Jan 04:24
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There's a new release of libGDX today! Hooray, 1.9.13! So there's a new release of gdx-liftoff today, huzzah! Updating to 1.9.13 has been smooth so far in my projects; most of the work required for this release was adapting to the newer, better gdx-controllers. The RoboVM plugin has updated, just one unofficial dependency group updated since the last release (SquidLib), and gdx-tools is now enforced so it doesn't get added to LWJGL3 projects, only Desktop ones (missing this had caused lots of headaches for many users). I hope this 1.9.13 release is as smooth to update to for you as it was for me! "I, For One, Welcome Our Koala Overlords"

25 Dec 23:39
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This release includes the libGDX test, "super-koalio", as a template you can choose during creation. It also updates some third-party extension versions and fixes the line endings for some important files when developing on Linux or MacOS. It is only important to update to this version if you had issues with line endings before; it is just a nice set of small changes otherwise. "Keep Moving"

10 Dec 09:28
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This release improves Android compatibility again, while updating Gradle to 6.7.1 (and several third-party dependencies as well). It fixes a bug where Java 15 couldn't be selected as a version in the Advanced tab; now it allows from 7 to 16 in case Java 16 comes out before the next release. It defaults to using libGDX 1.9.12 but should work with lower versions as well.

EDIT: the first build of this release was made with Java 15, and no target set, so it would have needed Java 15 to run. All other versions have been built with Java 8, and so need any version 8 or higher, so now the JAR here has been rebuilt with Java 8, checked that it runs on 8 and 15, and uploaded again (same name). "Better Harder Faster Stronger"

02 Nov 01:23
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This is the first release of gdx-liftoff to default to libGDX 1.9.12, a release with some small breaking changes but many more good fixes. These fixes range from barely significant (Bresenham draws lines correctly now, but no one seems to have used Bresenham very much), to very useful (Pixmap.downloadFromUrl() is a great new way to download and modify images, while ObjectLongMap helps round out support for primitive-backed data structures), to vital for lots of usage (Box2D works on GWT again without crazy workarounds!). Other than the very worthwhile changes in 1.9.12, there are some small improvements in gdx-liftoff: many third-party extensions were updated to their current versions, and if you specify Java version 8 and have an Android project, the necessary Android configuration to use much of JDK 8 is written for you.

I hope this continues a trend of more and more stable versions, released more quickly! "Eleven Plus Four"

15 Oct 06:20
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It's another release; this one brings the default Gradle version up to 6.7, which was released today. Since this Gradle version is so new, there may be unforeseen bugs, but using 6.7 allows users to build Liftoff-generated projects even if they only have Java 15 installed. I've already seen the frustration of a developer who had installed the latest Java a few weeks ago, and was told he had to install a lower version because the latest was, at that point, not the greatest. Now we shouldn't have to downgrade Java just to build a project. Java 15 also has some nice improvements of its own, which projects can use with the lwjgl3 (or desktop) platforms. There's other improvements here, too. The HTML project has a distZip task that removes the recompile button from the output of dist and puts it in a .zip file. There's a few fixes and updates to third-party extensions. Generated projects default to using the daemon now, and need less max memory. "The Apple of Enlightenment"

26 Sep 00:24
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This release has several main improvements: MacOS should be able to run the JAR more easily (without a command line arg needed), iOS should have all its needed icons (using the libGDX logo as a default; use to generate your own icon for iOS), and if you specify a libGDX version of 1.9.12-SNAPSHOT under the Advanced tab, this will adapt the generated files for the HTML target. Using libGDX 1.9.11 should use different HTML files than the latest SNAPSHOT. Also changed, crykn's Guacamole library is a new third-party extension, Scala and Groovy should act correctly on Android, and Kotlin defaults to version 1.4.+ .

The release title is an Earthbound reference.