Challenge Type: XOR Decryption
Hmmm... Seems we found some kind of password, it could give us access to the developer room :0. I'm xorry, i can't seem to crack it though.
def encrypt(flag,key):
key_long=(key * (len(flag)//len(key)))[:len(flag)]
encrypted=result = list(map(lambda p, k: "{:02x}".format(ord(p) ^ ord(k)), flag, key_long))
return encrypted
print(f'Output: {result}') #Cough cough Output: 2c38321e1250030c0c153a4e032103111600010e091c
- First we need key, how we do that is by XOR CT and PT, using their code
The PT will be the known 'NYP{'
ciphertext = "2c38321e1250030c0c153a4e032103111600010e091c"
key = "NYP{"
ciphertext_bytes = bytes.fromhex(ciphertext)
key_bytes = (key * (len(ciphertext_bytes) // len(key)))[:len(ciphertext_bytes)]
decrypted_result = "".join(chr(b1 ^ b2) for b1, b2 in zip(ciphertext_bytes, key_bytes.encode()))
print(f"Decrypted Output: {decrypted_result}")
- Key will be 'babe' because only first four characters
- Do it again but this time with the key
- Flag: NYP{p1aintX+a@attackk}
I thought it was cheating to use 'NYP{' to decrypt the key. So I very sh000ck to find out about that you are supposed to do it.
I'm not very smart.