Research concerning the statistical distribution of genetic interactions, the proteins expressed by genes, and their participation in reaction pathways.
The primary result is a paper, being prepared for publication. It is in the paper directory. The PDF is here.
It was naively hypothesized that genome/proteome reaction pathways form a scale-free network, and thus would have a Zipfian distribution. Much to our surprise, this is not the case! It seems like everything follows a square-root Zipfian distribution! I do not know of any network theory or biology theory that would explain this, so it is a surprise.
An exploration of the mutual information of interaction pathways is also performed. It appears that these are easily fit with a bimodal Gaussian distribution.
This is for human genome/reactome data. I don't doubt that the results are generic in biology.
Other directories here:
- diary A research diary of notes.
- graphs Graphs and the tools used to prepare them.
- src Source code for loading, processing and analyzing the genomic and proteomic data, including reactome data, etc.
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