The release automation is designed to quickly release updates to liquibase extensions. This routinely happens when there is an update to liquibase core. There are unique automates automated steps when a pull requests is created by dependabot for a Bump liquibase-core from *.*.* to *.*.*
, but these steps can also be taken manually for a patch or other manual release.
When all pull requests are opened the Unit Tests will run and they must pass before the PR can be merged. For a liquibase core bump PR, the application version in the POM will automatically be set to match the liquibase core version. If creating a manual PR for release, the <version>*.*.*</version>
tag in the POM will need to be set to the correct version without the SNAPSHOT
suffix in order to release to Sonatype Nexus. For example, <version>>
to release a patch version for the extension release for liquibase core 4.3.5.
If the Extension Release Candidate :rocket:
label is applied to the PR, this is the trigger for GitHub Actions to run the full Integration Test suite matrix on the pull requests because this commit will become the next release. For a liquibase core bump, this label will automatically be applied to the dependabot PR. If this is a manual release, manually applying the label will also start the release testing and subsequent automation.
If a Pull Request is merged into main and is labeled as release candidate the following automation steps will be taken:
- Signed artifact is built
- A draft GitHub Release is created proper tagging, version name, and artifact
- The application version in the POM is bumped to be the next SNAPSHOT version for development
Once the GitHub release is published, the signed artifact is uploaded to Sonatype Nexus. The <autoReleaseAfterClose>true</autoReleaseAfterClose>
option is defined in the POM, so for all releases without the SNAPSHOT
suffix, they will automatically release after all the staging test have passed. If everything goes well, no further manual action is required.
The workflow separates Unit Test from Integration Tests and runs them at separate times, as mentioned above. In order to separate the tests, they must be in separate files. Put all Unit Tests into files that end with
and Integration Test files should end with
. For example the tests for the Liquibase Postgresql Extension now look like:
> src
> test
> java
> liquibase.ext
> copy
> vacuum
Any tests that require a JDBC connection to a running database are integration tests and should be in the
The automation requires the below secrets and configuration in order to run.
Github secret named: BOT_TOKEN
Github Actions bot cannot trigger events, so a liquibase robot user is needed to trigger automated events. An access token belonging to the liquibase robot user should be added to the repository secrets and named BOT_TOKEN
Github secret named: GPG_SECRET
According to the advanced java setup docs for github actions the GPG key should be exported by: gpg --armor --export-secret-keys YOUR_ID
. From the datical/build-maven:jdk-8 docker container, this can be export by the following:
$ docker run -it -u root bash
$ gpg -k
pub rsa2048 2020-02-12 [SC] [expires: 2022-02-11]
uid [ultimate] Liquibase <>
sub rsa2048 2020-02-12 [E] [expires: 2022-02-11]
$ gpg --armor --export-secret-keys --pinentry-mode loopback **** OBFUSCATED ID ****
Enter passphrase: *** GPG PASSPHRASE ***
Github secret named: GPG_PASSPHRASE
The passphrase is the same one used previously for the manual release and is documented elsewhere for the manual release process.
Github secret named: SONATYPE_USERNAME
The username or token for the sonatype account. Current managed and shared via lastpass for the Shared-DevOps group.
Github secret named: SONATYPE_TOKEN
The password or token for the sonatype account. Current managed and shared via lastpass for the Shared-DevOps group.
Create a label with the following settings:
- Label name:
Extension Release Candidate :rocket:
- Description:
Release Candidate for Extension
- Color: